Monday, July 2, 2007

Drunk BloG!!!!

Current mood: drunk

HAHAHAHAH...hope I spelled that right...hahhaha...just came vback from Stetson' i hate that club but yet i keep going to it....ok so Rampage whooped some ass like i predicte he would!! Knockout cause that's how it's done....hooooorahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! So for all thos e who didn't know that The Black Spiderman is a fortune teller now you know! Ok so i'm about to pass out...throw up...whatever comes first....hpopefully the first...don't woorry i doidb;';t drive....i had a designated driver...hahahhahahha...yes sirrrrrrrrr!! Fuck Drama and the people that bring it!! Anyways peace out!! Blazuiyyyyyyyyyyyy......

The Bklack Spiderman

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