Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Current mood: amused

Alright so for the past 3 weeks i've been in a weird easily annoyed mood...yeah it's out of character but fuck it...so here's an exercise that you can try to help alleviate some of that when ever you are in this mood....first go through on a sheet of paper and list everything and everyone you are annoyed with.....d,e,D,Chr,C,er,m,......second.....just let them know exactly what's on your mind...cursing is a must but if you are against this then find a different way....hahahhaha...Fuck it I'm not....Ok it's like this you are seriously pissing me off....i want to whoop your fucking ass cause you are a no piece of dung.....what is your problem you want you cake and frosting too...man you think you own me or something but you don't...Fuck you....you are soooo Fucking spoiled that there should be a new word invented to describe you.....what is your problem you have everything handed to you and you can't appreciate it...why do you think i hate being around you guys....because you put soo much pressure on me to be perfect....i hate being told what to do....so when i feel like doing something i'm going to do it...start paying my bills and maybe i'll listen to you...nope scratch that i still won't listen to you.....you are so fucking worthless why were you even born and why did i have to know you......I HATE YOU!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Hate is such a strong word......nope it's not strong enough....I didn't write you back because i got busy doing something else...so fuck off......nope i don't like you because you're not my fucking type...yes i do have a type so leave me the fuck alone....You talk to damn much...just shut the fuck up for once.....why can't you just mind your own damn business....you spoiled little brat....ahhhhhhhh you make me sick....if you are sooo stressed out quit then.....don't stress me out with your shit........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm.....wow that felt really....really good......it's a therapeutic exercise that is probably best to do alone.....take your left index finger and shove it up your ass......with a broken glass.....and a jagged edge....

THe BlacK Spiderman

Remains of 4 babies found at scene of newborn's killing

Current mood: annoyed


Police with cadaver-sniffing dogs, shovels and a backhoe dug Monday outside the home of a woman charged with killing her baby boy, widening a grim search that has turned up four tiny sets of remains.

I saw this on the news last night as i was going to bed..stopped me in my tracks for a little bit.....Seems like a 37 year old lady...Christy Freeman had killed her new born child....then the investigators later discover that this wasn't the first time...apparently she had done this 3 other times before....well that they know of....this made me think of a lot of different things...first is the whole abortions issue...i personnally don't believe in abortion ....but there are certain instances when maybe it would be best.....if you were raped, or just can't really afford a child and yeah people say it was a mistake but when you have sex you take on that responsibility of knowing what you are doing so to say well we made a mistake just doesn't work...or well it shouldn't! There's condoms....pills...shots...combinations of all of these do work....man that bitch really sickened me....i just want to punch her face!!! Stupid bitch!!! Man i hope people watch this in jail so that she gets what's coming to her .....just rambled but that really sickens me....my niece is getting her tan.....ahhahahaha...you can only laugh at shit like this or else it would eat you up so bad that it ould put you in a really negative state of mind...god knows i don't need that.....anyways read the article watch the little video and you make your own opinions cause this is mine and i stick to everything i say.....doesn't matter if you agree or disagree.......this is just another example of why mental health in america is a serious issue!!

The Black Spiderman (Clearly this lady needs help....2 bullets...one to start out with and the other just for kicks.....)

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Simpsons!!!!!!

Current mood: calm

9 on a scale of 1-10....gotta admit it was funny...hahhahaa.....Anything with a pig is funny...hahahahahah...anyways the whole movie made me feel like i was in a hour and a half simpsons show...they didn't go really into any details when the other charachters....mainly just homer and bart.....anyways i would go see this movie if you like comedy...shit even if you don't i guarantee you'll laugh your ass off!!!!! Man if they ever make a family guy movie for the big screen....hahahhahaha.....

I know who killed me

Alright this was that Lindsey Lohan movie....you know i actually somewhat enjoyed it.....probably a 6 though for regular people and for people who like mysteries where someone dies or gets tortured a 7.2.....hahahhahaa....ok man this girl was stripping in the movie but yet no boobs were shown??? What??!!!! Come on why is it when big time celebrities strip there are no actual clothes coming off? That's not practical....i wanted to see breasts what's up Lindsey!!! You suck.....anyways they chopped off her right arm and right leg so that was cool....but yet she still walked like normal??? If I was to sit here and break this movie down you'd probably not want to go see it....boy friend tapping her even though she just got out of the hospital....but there is a twist though at the end but i figured the shit out all but one of them.....that was some sort of a good one....oh well....cable folks...basic cable is where you should watch this!

The Black Spiderman

Marvin Zindler Dies!!!!!!

Current mood: crushed


"Marvin Zindler, a Houston institution for more than three decades and a pioneer of consumer reporting, died Sunday at M.D. Anderson Hospital after a fight with cancer."

WHat can you say about this guy...HE WAS ONE OF THE GOOD ONES...i remember when we first came to this country my mom would always watch ABC news...never NBC or CBS.....boring shit...but she always watched it which of course meant i had to watch it...but had to admit watching his segments...SLIME in the ICE machine....hahahahaa...that made it interesting!!!! It always tripped me out when I'd see a restaurant that we went to alot in one of his reports.....Roaches here roaches there...but hey we still would go back cause hey we were poor and couldn't afford better.....But seriously this man was one of those guys who you could tell was real and stuff....never met him nor did I know him personnally but hey i think i'm a pretty good judge of character and that's what i'd like to think.....when someone would fuck you over....no matter who it may be.....as soon as you got him involved it always made me laugh how all of a sudden they could do what prior they couldn't do??!!! HAHHAHHAHA...i guess when you put peoples businesses on blast they start cooperating!!! Oh well madd Propps.....85 man that's a long time!!!

The Black Spiderman (I'm seriously gonna miss those "Slime in the Ice machine reports!!!)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lindsey Coacan!!!!!!!

Ok so Lindsey Coacan got busted for cocaine possesion yesterday after she was stopped for a DUI....hahhahahha....Ok so this witch with a B has been out of rehab for 2 weeks and then gets butsed again...she's driving with a suspended license etc......this shit is really funny to me...i'm extremely amused....supposedly the witch with a B said the cocaine wasn't hers.....she was just powdering her nose and used the wrong powder.....you know what it's really not her fault!!! She uses the stuff for medicinal purposes...she has Movie staritis....better known as Dumbmenoma ....hahahhahaa.....but hey once again she gets bailed out of jail on a 25 thousand dollar bond....hmmmmmmmm.....how did i hear about this?? Well driving to work at like 5:30 am i listen to the mexicanz here on 104.9.....those guys are funny as hell!!! Glad they are back.....but man this bitch is wearing...i mean witch with a B is wearing an ankle bracelet that measures your bodies sweat to see if you have been drinking and she still drives intoxicated and speeds because she was chasing her assistants mom???!!! Man that takes some balls...oh yeah she doesn't have any...well some ovaries.....anyways Paris did some time....if you call it that so i think she should do some time....man in all seriousness this witch with a B could have KILLED someone driving wreckless like that then how funny would it have been....remember those commercials... Lindsey was driving home from a party...and decided to powder her nose so she took out an entire school bus of children...remember those??? Honestly those used to make me laugh but seriously she could have!!! But damn she's fine though maybe we should let HER GET AWAY WITH IT....she is a MOVIE STAR AND ALL THAT!!! Maybe the movie of hers that comes out this friday will have all her supporters stand by her......hence enabling her to do more crazy shit....hmmmm...hell yeah yeah...go Lindsey Coacan!!! You are my hero.....fuck the Law and rules when you are rich and famous it doesn't matter....that's my kind of society!!!!

THe Black Spiderman (I gotta go powder my nose.........hahahahahha....i said ahhahahahhaha)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Current mood: aggravated

Man i needed some yesterday...fucking little brother just pisses me off some times...man you ask him to do one thing and because he's just a lazy ass punk he doesn't want to do it! Ok so i'm not going to get into it because well then i'd probably get irritated and stuff....my sister erica has got the biggest mouth of anybody i know...never knows when to shut it!! She's lucky she is a female or else i would knock her blocks off...and my brother he's lucky that it's just not worth beating his ass or else i would have severely beat his ass.....this is just ramblings cause they both really pissed me off yesterday...kid doesn't listen and her dumb ass just wants to but into where it doesn't concern her....spoiled...just fucking spoiled and my parents are too old to actaully be affective in disciplining them.....yeah i spelled that wrong so what!!! Anyways they shouldn't need to be disciplined because like they clearely stated yesterday they are grown...yet everything is paid for for them by the folks.....they want to sit there and say that they are young and that their parents are supposed to do everything for them....funny shit cause i never thought that way at all....i always felt like you know what if i can do it by myself them why bother you about it....i guess that's an independent attitude for you.....i hate having to depend on people....there's the loner mentallity.....it's like part of me wants to say the hell with them and ok then you want it that way then when the shit hits the fan don't come asking me for help because i'll turn my fucking back on you....the old me could do that easily.....couldn't stand any of them....maybe it's old age...all 29 years of it...lol...or it's maturity ...or something....man i'm just so tired of all this freaking pressure to be the oldest...be the one in charge of shit when things go wrong but when i try to help when things aren't that bad yet looked at as if what i say doesn't matter...You know what Fuck you Drexler!!!! Seriously hope this kid never says a word to me.....that's it i'm never speaking to either one of them again...they don't even exist!!!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman

Monday, July 23, 2007

4-year-old stable after shooting self with mom's gun


"The gun used by a 4-year-old to shoot himself in the abdomen belonged to his mother, who said she did not realize that the .38-caliber revolver was in her suitcase"...

Ok so Friday I was getting back from training and as i pulled into my new neighborhood I see all these police cars and news vans everywhere....upon talking to some lady walking her dog it turns out that a 4 year old had gotten a hold of a gun and had shot himself in the stomach....i have olny been living at this place for 2 weeks now and i've heard of two cases of some one getting shot....and it's a very good neighborhood too!! But it seems like the kid is going to be ok...man the mother claims some one packed her suitcase for her...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You packed the gun...take full responsibility for what happened and quit trying to blame other people! Anyways she needs to do at least 30 days...minimum....just so she'll remember never to leave a loaded gun around her 4 year old...Fucking retard......anyways the link is up and you can read the whole story and draw your own opinion...yeah i gave you mine...so what!!! Get this i found out that on my block 3 weeks before i moved in a guy had committed suicide....he had blown his brains out in the second floor room of the house....they had only been living there for a month.....guy had a good job and a new child and the neighbors said he seemed nice and stuff....wow you just never know what goes through some ones mind???!!! Crazy huh.....Oh well that was my weekend....didn't remember that till now...guess i tried to block it out....i wonder if his ghost haunts that house??

The BlacK Spiderman

Hell's Kitchen!!!!!

ALright so the show comes on tonight...if you like british guys who talk alot of shit to people....and these people actually take it and ask for more....yeah this is the show for you....what can i say...I love the show....but honestly i don't think i could take some guy with an accent calling me a donkey and shit....he'd probably get a fork to the eye.....(No food products will be wasted)...fork to the eye will do!! HAhahahha...man this show is fucking hillarious...man i've always wanted to be a chef but man that shit would really be dangerous cause i know how i felt in boot camp and working in the E.R. when i was in the millitary...alot of stress....now add some fucking prick cursing you out and having little sleep and cameras all around you plus you are in a kitchen...Oh Hell no....Fork to the EYE!!! That guy guy would be ooooozing fucking blood.....hahahahahaa...anyways watch this show...i can't stop laughing most of the time and i don't have a sense of humor.....:P....So my sister named her daughter Kayden....so when ever you hear Kayden that's who i'm referring to! I finnally got to carry her yesterday...well pretty much all day....hahahhaha...man she's little.....she can't stop grabbing my index finger....hahahahaha.....this weekend was blah...damn i never realized how much i watch TV and fuck with my computer!! I have no internet or cable till august 2nd....shit blows!!! I decided fuck putting up sod...i'm planting grass seeds with the help of my homegirl.....went to stetsons on saturday night...you know i shouldn't have but hey what are you gonna do.....hahhahha....that place is a trip!! I should get paid for going there.....hahahhahaa...i get so many weird looks that it's not even funny....maybe it's my hair.....hahhahahaok so there is gonna be a bjj tournament in atascosita highschool some time in september.....and since no U.S. opens for me that will be a good tournament to compete in so this should be fun....Home turf baby!!! HAHHAHAHHAHA....It's on Donkeys!!!! (Hell's Kitchen!!!) Come here Donkey....bammmmm Chef Ramsey gets a fork in the eye.....Oh my god....the horror....some body call 911.....ahhahahahhaha

The Black Spiderman (It's monday folks so wake the fuck up...you know you're not working cause you're reading this shit...hahahhaha)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hot Oil!!!!!!!

Ok so to understand this you have to know the story behind it.....my mom used to own a clothing store off of fondren and west belfort and a couple of sections over is this chinese restaurant where for the past 14 years I've gone...well we all go.....they give you hefty portions for your money...hell yeah and it's actually good! Anyways it's a hoe in the wall place but there's this asian lady there who i always have to ask for hot oil for my food...even though i get the same shit every time i come there.....large shrimp fried rice, extra spicy!!! Ok so yesterday after work i had to get chinese food cause i was starving hadn't eaten all day from 6 am till 4:30 pm!! So again the _____ waits for me to ask and that's not what pisses me off it's the fact that she always goes ..."Huh"...like i fucking stutter or something...she knows what i'm about to ask for cause she's trying to hurry up and get to the next person to avoid giving it to me.....Man some of the thoughts that go through my head are...as follows....grab her fucking head and pour some hot oil on her head....slapp the shit out of her....I wanna just scream at the top of my voice "BITCH YOU KNOW I ALWAYS ASK FOR HOT OIL!!!!" HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO JUST GIVE ME THE SHIT BEFORE I ASK!!!! You know this....YOU KNOW THIS>>>>>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Man she pisses me off!!!! I just want to beat her with the shrimp fried rice......damn that really FUCKING URKS ME!!!!! This is venting cause I sat there yesterday eating my food and i realized that she really pisses me off....now of course i'm not really going to do all this because that's just crazy but seriously I'm tired of the ..."Huh"??? You heard me.....I'm the same guy who was in here yesterday...last week....14 fucking years...ass ho give me the damn hot oil before i ask.....that's why i stand there.....you know i'm gonna ask...what the %^$%#@%#@%@#@%@%@$%@ Is your problem!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH.... Anyways Happy Hump day everybody looks like a beautiful day out!

The BlacK Spiderman (My niece is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's a girl!!!!!!!!

Current mood: bouncy

Yeah so my little sister just had a baby girl....hell yeah!!! 5 pounds 13 ounces....no name yet but will be coming....hahhahaha...i'm an uncle....hahahahhahah!!! Ok so in the beginning i hated the idea....shit i was gonna kick the dudes as and hers...or worse...but man seeing that little girl..DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She so smallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!! My sister is a trip!! I took a picture of the baby but i can't put it up because i can't upload pics on myspace....oh well!!! Kinda makes me want a baby too...but that is for another time....gotta get right with the finances! Man you should have heard her crying ...hahahhahah...man that was soo ooooooooo cool...seriously it's weird watching your little sister with a baby??!! i was like damn....hmmm....man if i could produce tears it would be on....kinda had me all choked up....i'm scared to carry her though because i'm scared to drop her....i dropped my little brother when i was 11....that explains alot.......i probably wouldn't but i'm still scared....nervous...hmmm....Holly's hard headed....the nurse was trying to explain to her how to breast feed...yeah breast feed...yeah it took me a bit to tolerate seing that but ...Yuk...but what can you do....and she wasn't listenning.....I'm gonna slap her.....j/k....anyways she had her at 10 am this morning and it was a 12 hour labor!! So you know it's on now right??!! Anyone fucks with my niece will get their ass's kicked....no questions asked.....now i see how hard it is to spoil kids....i feell like going out and buying shit for her.....good thing i'm broke....oh well diapers will have to do!

The Black Spiderman (I'm happy folks...that won't last long....but I am!!!! And all my friends I'm an Uncle...and to those who aren't...Fuck you!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Weekend!!!!!

Ok so I closed on friday down in sugarland...the lady said i was the fastest she'd done in months....hahhahahaa...took 30 minutes!! Thank god my cousin Best walked me through everything the day before! Man i didn't realize so many people got paid off of one house....damn...this person gets this because he looked at the house..$200 bucks??!! Ok..whatever....but friday night i spent it packing up well erica did most of the packing...hahahha....good job!! And saturday we moved all that shit into the house....good thing i don't believe in buying a whole bunch of shit because then that would have been more shit to move.....my cable and internet won't be up till august second but i got a better deal then what i was getting! $138 before taxes to $115 after taxes...and that's 3 months after the discounts and stuff! Comcast....hell yeah.....every single channel i've got it plus the dvr box.....hey i watch alot of TV dam it! Anyways because of all the expenses and all the expenses i will be paying i won't be able to go to the US opens this year :(...man i just have spent wayyyyyyyy too much money....shit food is gonna be a problem...oh well looks like the ramon noddles life for me for a while!! Damn when i was in college i was managing with $900 a month income...how the fuck did i do that???? 3 and a half years of that shit??? I partied my ass off drank alot and still paid all my bills??? hmmmmm....oh yeah that's cause i used to get everything for free....had neighbors that i ate at their place all the time...yeah that's me....the guy who shows up..."What's for dinner"...but we didn't invite you....yeah yeah I know that but what's for dinner....hahahahhaha.....the good old days!Anyways I decided i'm gonna add fans to the house and put grass seeds instead of sod....shit i'm growing grass already.....and just bought a garade door opener...gotta have that shit....Man and my computer will be here this week....shit they don't tell you....I have to go to the post office and tell them of my change of address and get a key to my mail slot.....and i have to get my gas turned on!!! PUNK ASSES!!!!!! Oh and i'm not getting deposit back from my apartment...shit i didn't even bother cleaning or picking up shit!!!! Fuck that!!! I broke the handle on the toilet the night before i left....what are the odds??? 7 years nothing...the night before BAM!!!! Damn it.....oh well bill me!! Memories ....of a time I used to know...it's the wayyyyyyyy we were....the way we were.......hahahhahaha....Fuck you Vin Diesel!!!!

The Black Spiderman

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Ok so this week is turning out to be a stressful one! I do my closing on my house tomorrow somewhere in sugarland. Long ass drive for bullshit....looks like i will have to pay an addition $2,000 for closing...DAMN!! Well there goes the new bed....hahahahahaha....anyways I gotta get sod for my backyard because turns out on new houses they don't put grass in the backyards for you so there goes about $600-$800 pissed out too! Man sometimes i feel like saying fuck this shit i'll just stay my ass in my apartment but i know in the long run it will be worth it! It's funny i have all this on my mind and yet other people try to make things about them...FUCK THEM!!! Seriously i have to take care of getting my address changed, setting up my electricity there....cable etc....i'm getting rid of the home line just to save money....shit what do i use it for anyways....nothing...i hate talking on the phone and those that i talk to i don't talk to that long.....hahahhahahaha...get in get out!! Fucking stress....and my damn computer keeps fucking up....damn looks like i might have to F-disk this shit again....damn it!!! Maybe i'll just say fuck it and buy a dell! But specify the specs???? This one is built and i have to say toby did a good job....but the damn thing keeps cutting off and on and i just got the system board replaced,hard-drive replace,power supply replaced,cooling fan,and panel for the ports....why is the same shit happening???!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm about to smash this shit!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways FUCK BUYING A NEW HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2 Year old Given Extacy!!!!!!

Current mood: annoyed

Ok so I watched this video that showed a couple people in a car traveling somewhere in texas.....from the radio you can tell that they were around huntsville area when it was made because it said so......One of the girls had mention that the little girl needed to quit rolling so hard......Upon watching the video i wasn't sure if the girl was reacting to cues or seizing or what???!!! At the end of the video when she stopped rolling her eyes diagonally she cusps each side of her head as if she was tired or drained or having a headache.....I heard some of the things said in the news and I watched this psychologist on cnn last night burst into tears while talking about this......hmmmm....you gotta be objective till evidence is proven to show if these RETARDS gave her some sort of drugs.....i can't cry because it's hard to tell!!! The only things i can say is that she is a two year old and needed to be strapped in a car seat.....and putting her on video like that as a way to make fun of her regardless of what's going on is crazy!!!! Two adults are in the car...hmmmm....was one of them the mother??? And if so why was she condoning all of this going on??? Seriously If you are doing something stupid and illegal why are you putting it on video??? Well like I always say what ever actions someone does be prepared for the conscequences.....if it turns out that they had given her a drug......%^%^^&%^^....naw i'm not censoring that....FLOG THEM!!!! And by that I mean the adults....sucks for the child because she might have to go into the system....but maybe that would be better for her??!!! If it is some kind of condition then it really needs to be looked at further because that's just not normal....my opinion the bitches gave her something!!!! And my buddy over here Satan is itching to get these Fuckheads!!!! But hey i'm trying to be objective and not opinionated....

The BlacK Spiderman (I'm really interested to see what the outcome is....and why the fuck does it take so long to get tox screenings on something like this....i mean damn the FBI tracked these fools down and they don't know for sure by now?)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friday Night!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Night!!!!!!!!!

Ok so yeah it's friday night and well i'm off to a party...hahahhahaha...it's funny i feel like people are trying to regulate what i do...Fuck em!! Seriously I'm about having fun because life is too short for all that BS!!!! I'm listening to Eminem's Re-up album right now....that shit goes hard....gets you crunk...i'm gonna start putting more videos up since people seem to like it....lol....davis is a trip....i'm gonna start filming more shit i do....for real i do alot of crazy shit....to bad i can't take video cameras into a club...man if you heard the crazy shit that i hear on a daily basis from people you would crack the fuck up.....people tend to flock to me like a magnet yet i'm just your average joe blow......i don't blow...i get blown...hahahhahaha...fucking mosquitos...taquitos...hoes....man they piss me off...anyways check it i was watching this movie american psycho...Fantastic movie...i had to record it....gonna put some parts of it up for those who have never seen it it is the bomb!!! Rum and coke...no i'm not drinking ....ERICA>>>>NO I"M NOT!!! HAHHAHAHHAHAHA........"I'm making sure they don't forget me....you know what i realized something today....my life is a fucking mess....full of too much drama!!! My tournament got post poned...haven't got a set date now...it was august 11th...damn .....should i still ban drinking till i find out when it is??? i could do the dallas one??? OOOPPSSSS I fucked up... Whiskey and 7 up is a descent drink...hahahahhaha...I'm throwed folks!!!!!!!! HAHHAHAHHAHAH...Tommorrow is the UFC fights...HELL YEAH...who will win between Tito and Rashad...Rashad folks...Rashad!!! PEACE OUT I have some home movies to make....ahhaahaahha:)

The Black Spiderman (Ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you...hahahhaha....and retards i know it's backwards!!)

Monday, July 2, 2007


Current mood: annoyed

Ok so it's a friday night and i'm chilling at home...yes chilling at home....didn't feel like going anywhere....body has been aching this week...been running around trying to get all this housing stuff taken care of! So much Bullshit to buying a house!!! Almost felt like saying "Fuck You" and just staying at my apartment!! But I know in the end it will be in my best interest....My mind is so confused about alot of stuff....so much shit going through it...she fucked my world up....hooks up with random guys and thinks i betrayed her?? Hmmmm...ok! I still care about her....if it was anyone else they would probably have gotten cursed the Fuck out.....I feel as though these days I'm more tame than how I used to be....I used to not take shit from people...not like i do now but I'm alot nicer then how i used to be....I know who my true friends are and who are posers...Mikel you are a true friend and one day all your dreams will come true and you'll make YOURSELF proud!! Davis trust me you'll get everything you want and more....I guarantee that as long as I have breathe in my lungs my TRUE friends will succeed . Oh yeah Mickey quit trying to hook up with all my friends on myspace...that shits annoying! I don't don't give two shits about this girl because she's CRAZY and she keeps trying to hit on all my friends...hahahahhaa....kind of funny though because it's obvious but you ask her...she wants to get to know me through my friends??? OK???!!! HAHAHHAHAHAH.....People like that make me sick.....why can't they be real with what they are trying to pull!! If I was to hit on some one's friend I am pretty up front about it if asked.....that's being REAL!! or stupid...or wanting to get slapped...but hey I don't care...FUCK EM ALL!!!! Watch out for shifty people...read the eyes and their actions...it's always in what they do and not what they SAY!! I'm not a fool and I hate when I'm played like one....anyways this is some Mumbo Jumbo crap expressed because it's 12:35 am.....yes it's 12:35 am and I'm about to watch some slasher movie and turn in and wake up and run and swim and get ready to watch Rampage beat Liddel's ass!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA

The Black Spiderman (Power to the people and all that jazz....)

Drunk BloG!!!!

Current mood: drunk

HAHAHAHAH...hope I spelled that right...hahhaha...just came vback from Stetson's..man i hate that club but yet i keep going to it....ok so Rampage whooped some ass like i predicte he would!! Knockout cause that's how it's done....hooooorahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! So for all thos e who didn't know that The Black Spiderman is a fortune teller now you know! Ok so i'm about to pass out...throw up...whatever comes first....hpopefully the first...don't woorry i doidb;';t drive....i had a designated driver...hahahhahahha...yes sirrrrrrrrr!! Fuck Drama and the people that bring it!! Anyways peace out!! Blazuiyyyyyyyyyyyy......

The Bklack Spiderman

Interesting Email!!!!!(read if bored)

Current mood: cheerful

Ok so this guy wrote me this and I thought it was interesting..He's got a badass page and obviously has is very intelligent....i actually liked what he wrote cause he was being real so i thought I'd share...He's cool with me posting it so i did....Happy Memorial Day!!

The BlacK Spiderman

May 27, 2007 11:14 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: Hello... =)
Body: Good evening Mr. Black Spiderman,

Hi, I would like to take this moment to say that I like your page and your openess and especially your attitude towards everything... but, are you sure you are identifying with the right superhero? I don't want to seem judgy or high minded I'm just one of those people that seek balance in any and all things that I come across... I'm also a Spidey fan and as much as I would love to act more like Peter Parker, I can't, He and I just don't think the same...(I know he's just a comic book character, just hear me out) You my friend, on the other hand do think the way I do, given time to peruse your archive of bloggs I see that you react almost the same way I would...

I personally think you would better fit the BLADE character, not Black Spidey, here's some of my points:

1) The Black Spiderman was the costume, an alien symbiote (a parasite). You aren't parasitic, you are a man who stands by himself in all his decisions and actions, not someone who waits for the actions of others and then feeds off the attention...

2) None of the Spidermen (however cool it would be) has ever known Martial Arts, you do, Just like BLADE, in fact Arnis and Escrima are primary martial arts to his character

3) As I was pointing out earlier Peter Parker's attitude normally is a geek / nerd with no social skills and definately not any hoochies trying to get to him thru his friends (Peter doesn't have man friends at all) even when he had the "Black" with him He was a JERK! and you're not! I think you're an Ok kinda Good Guy (hope this isn't sounding gay)

Just thought I would try to point some of these things out to you, co'z I think you're misrepresenting yourself... hopefully this doesn't piss you off and I get Blogged about... Peace =)

A new Car!!!!!!(Read if bored)

Current mood: accomplished

Ok so memorial day was spent with my parents and my sister Erica...we went to Don Mccgil Toyota over in Katy to get two new cars...one for myself and one for Erica......Let me tell you something you think buying a house is a hassel...shitttttttttt.....buying a car blows...got there around 1pm and didn't leave till 9pm...well let me explain.....last week me and my mom had went to Sterling McHaul...or whatever Toyota down the street and I had seen some Toyota Corrolla LE's that I wanted .....the prices were cheap from what I thought then I saw and S that was fully loaded that was about $17 thousand and I liked it.....but my dad had a friend that worked at Don so I decided to go there cause maybe he could hook it up....hmmm....after me being rude.....and pretty much calling him a liar about the prices we drove back to Sterling only to discover that the car that I was looking at was a STANDARD...I drive Automatics!! FUCKKKKKKKK!!! So my dad was pissed at me...I had egg in my face for say because I'm a dumbass and it's sooooooooo hard to admit to my dad that he's right.....but I apologized to him and the guy because when it was all said and done I got a brand new 2007 fully loaded Toyota S for _____...HAHHAHAHHA ...I'd have to kill you!!! This guy by far hooked it up on the price!!! Just gotta get a good rate from the bank but I will!! It will be paid off in 2 or 3 years tops!! My sister got a brand new Rav4...pimp ass shit too!!! You know When I was fighting with my dad I realized that I'm just like him in alot of ways...FUCKING STubborn!!! We both make the same faces....hahahhahaha....I was outside my body watching the whole thing and man what the hell is wrong with me???? He took time off from his day to go make sure i didn't get fucked on the car and i sit there pretty much disrespecting his friend....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I felt like a spoiled brat......but i know that i'm the one paying for things but he didn't have to help me!!! Well I did apologize because I was wrong...both to my dad and his friend...so in that respect I have come a long way!! Pride is such a bitch!!!! So my little brother will get my old car after it's fizxed up...Punk ass kid is lucky to even have a car...i used to catch the bus back then!! Yeah Drexler I called you a PUNK!!! Yeah return peoples phone calls!!! Ass ho!!! Anyways I'm going to be eating ramen noodles and hot sauce for awhile and cutting back on more stuff so i can get this paid off quickly!

The BlacK Spiderman (Peace....middle finger in the air and wave em like you just don't care....hahahahhaha)

Knocked Up!!!!!!!!!!

Current mood: accomplished

Ok so this movie on a scale of 1-10...8.5. It was a funny,beautiful, well done movie...gotta be honest this shit was actually good!!!! It was some what like a Seinfeld, serious funny! But this movie shows you the differences in the way women and men view things kind of like the breakup!! Women are FUCKING crazy about shit and men well we need our space some times and don't know how to express that without saying "Honey You're Annoying the shit out of me!!" Man they had some crazy ass characters in this and at the end you get to see her _____ NICE!!!!Anyways this is definately a couples movie but hey I saw it myself...hahahahhahaha...cause that's how I roll!!

THE BlacK Spiderman ("I tried soooo hard, but can't get away from misery....")


Current mood: bored

Ok so I'm Fucking bored...maybe if i started sticking myself with a pin it might bring some excitement.....lol....hahahhahaha.....so i'm watching the Cleveland vs Detroit game..not bad...it's at halftime now...hopefully Cleveland beats their ass!!!Shit I gotta try to save money but it seems the harder I try the more around me keep pushing me...Fuckers!! Can't stand that shit!! I gotta stay away from people who want to get fucked up all the time....that makes Ugo a broke Mo Fo....hahhahahaha....Damn $5 dollars here and $5 dollars there...$5 Fucking dollars everywhere.....where does it all go??? Who knows I'm gonna have to go to a bar after the game cause I need to get out of this apartment even if it's for a little bit! I ran on the treadmill doing sprints this morning...felt good haven't done that since the Pan Ams!! It's funny Cardio is something you gotta keep up in order to be somewhat descent in BJJ!! Yes Sirrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Ok so for some reason this summer hasn't hit me yet.....it's already here!!! My birthday is June 20th....same as Brandi.....cool gemini's are the SHIT!!! You gotta watch out for us though cause that dual personnality is a bitch...on one hand you have the shy guy....the tame one....hahahhaha...then you have the bad seed....yes sirrrrrrrrrrr....the one your father's try to keep you away from...hmmmmm?? Wonder which is better the bad guy or good guy??? Oh well...I'm sick of emotions...man I find myself getting some what jealous of ______...she gets on my nerves some times!!! Pisses me off!!! I can't help but look at her page....annoying!! Oh well she'll be gone soon enough....AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! She pisses me off!!! She is evil!!! HAHAHHAHAHA...or maybe I'm evil???!!! Two evil people doing evil deeds.....hahahahaha....I wish I could skip 10 years of my life....there has got to be a happy ending somewhere????!!! Yeah right....too bad this isn't the fucking Cosby show or full house where everything ends good!!! I remember the days when people would wait for marriage before sex now it seems right from the womb it's in their face....hahahahha...no pun intended....oh well the game is almost back so i gotta go watch that shit...not drinking tonight so drink it up for me Mo Fo's!!

The Black Spiderman

Bored 2!!!!!!!!!!

Current mood: bored

HAHAHAHHA so Cleveland is whooping that ass hahahahha....just got done with 3 glasses of wine...working on the 4th as we speak...damn red wine is the shit...fuck liquor that fucks you up...notice how i use the word fuck..hahahah...watch when i do my videos how many times i say Fuck...anyways i'm glad Cleveland is winning!!! So im going to this bar/club that's close by just to watch drunk fools act stupid...hold on...i'm one...hahahhaha...ok so i'm gonna watch myself act a fool...even better....the name is Blue angels so if anyone is near by there stop in and say whatup!! I don't give a Fuck!!.... I used to write some crazy shit back in the day but now I've calmed down....i'm sooooo Glad!! remember my name cause you'll be screaming in a few hours.....hahahhahahhaha!!! Oh U to the G to the O....hahahhahahah.....i said HAHHAHAHHA...anyways this summer is going to be great....i'm going to vanish for my birthday cause that's what i do....so anyone wanting to party well you will be out of luck hahahahahhaa.....but June 16th at the Verizon is the Sultain's debut and Mikel Bronzoulis wil be whooping some ass!! Hell yeah!!! Pride is better then UFC...fucking drunk bastards who boo need to get their ass's beat!! Can't stand that shit!! Get your ass in the ring or cage and lets see you fight!!! Bet you get your ass kicked!! Anyone who doesn't respect a fighter needs to get beat the fuck up!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's the wine talking...damn it gives you a better buzz then beer or liquor!!! Hell yeah.....

The Black Spiderman Hold on mom one more sipppppppppp...tere we go...gulp...it slides down the esophagus!!! YUM!!)

Thoughts!!!!!!(Read if bored)

Current mood: annoyed

Ok so my little brother is back...he was living in El Paso with my cousin Best and now he's back to start school here in houston....damn so i think to myself what is he going to do?? Me and him haven't been talking for a couple of months now....his choice cause he's a punk!!! I wonder what he's going to do now that he's an adult and has to actually start acting like one?? Funny thing is he is pretty much fucked....i think he needs to join the millitary....Airforce or Coast guard or even Navy!!! That would be probably the best thing for him...i could see him now over the next couple of months...sleeping in...going out late....getting into fights...failing one class after the next and at the same time blaming me for why he's like that!! Punk!!! It makes me think of how i was to my parents....blaming them for how i was or things that would happen....turns out though that they wanted the best for me...shit they still do....it only took the Navy and growing up,...living on my own for me to understand more about how the world works!! When I think about that i start to feel bad for my brother....i wish i hadn't taken off to the service then maybe i would have been around to whoop his ass more and really keep him in check more and prevent his spoiled mentality from arising!! With me being gone and my parents working their ass off and at the same time buying him everything he asked for and giving him money he developed the attitude that everyone owed him something and that he didn't have to work for shit and a disrespectful attitude!! It sucks cause now he's paying for it.....pisses me off cause he's my little brother and no matter how FUCKING MAD he makes me I still would do almost anything for him short of murder.....PUNK!!! Man I hate spoiled people....they piss me off!!!

THe Black Spiderman (Mondays suck...blow...blow and suck!!)

The War...A Thankyou Letter!!!(Read if Bored)

Current mood: cheerful

Ok so this is my Thankyou letter to george BUSh(the first name is in lower case for a reason)

Dear Mr. Bush,

How you doing sir...I just like to take the time to introduce myself....my names Ugo aka The motherfucking Black Spiderman.....hahahahaha...I am an admirer of yours!! Always have been since 911 started and you've waged war against those who choose to do harm against this great nation of ours.....hahahahaha....But you inspire and motivate me to seek out those evil doers and punish them! Despite what Hillary Clinton says about you...."This is George Bush's War"....he started...he's put our troops in danger and he refuses to stop...etc....I respect you!! This country was so lucky to have a great leader such as yourself to guide it!! I remember when the Dixie Chicks were trying to make a mockery of your GOOD name....i was one of those protesters throwing their CD's out and picketing to have their music not played on radio stations....I hate eminems song about you in which he talks so candidly about what a bastard you are and "Look in his eyes"....about pretty much HOW EVIL you are....i hate that song because IT'S not TRUE!!! Anyways this is a letter that I wanted to send to you to show my appreciation for all that you've done for us....you've made lots of companies money over these years...TX Energy...I love that company!!! I don't use them but I love them!! You owned them don't you??? Hmmmm....good one Sir!!! Anyways too bad we couldn't elect you a third time their are other countries that i believe we should go to war with....in closing sir I would just like to say thankYOU!!!


THe Black Spiderman (Smile)

P.s.-- Subscribe to my blogs on myspace..... hahahhaahhaha


Paris Hilton goes to Jail!!!!!(Read if bored)

Current mood: cheerful

Ok so the bitch is in jail...sorry i didn't mean to call her a bitch that's sooooooo disrespectful of me considering i don't know her and she's probably not a bitch.....ok so the bitch finally went to jail and she's in solitary confinement....Man I'm not gonna lie from a person who's been confined before that sucks worse then being around people but then again if i was in jail it would probably be where i'd want to be! There are probably ALOT of women in there that would love a piece of that....hahahahhaa....if i was a girl..(Of course i'd be les) I'd work her out!! First we get to kissing them we get to shanking...hahahhaha...anyways so there are all these bets on how much of her 23 or 26 days she will actually do.....i'd like to put a wager on and say that she does all her time....any takers??? HAHHAHAHA....I think just to make a point...which a point should be made....she'll do all her time...shit girl just think of it as a vacation away from the press...papparazzi's and stuff....Oh wait this is Paris...she craves attention...hmmmmm...ok well i guess it is that bad...man i'm tired of hearing her attorney and bullshit ass friends say how unfair the system is....yeah tell that to the man who got convicted of murder back in 78 and because of new evidence thanks to DNA testing was cleared last year!!! You drove drunk behind the wheel...got caught...key thing is you got caught....got put on probation and with a suspended license and said ahhh fuck it I'm Paris.....did it again...got caught again....hahahahaha....Booo Hoooo!!! Man these tears just can't stop flowing for you.....You know what while i'm thinking about this i'm gonna go whoop your attorney's ass!!! Oh well he's just doing his job...he probably doesn't give two shits about her...Anyways we Love you Paris....Hilton.....Hilton Hotels...I'm hungry...i wonder what she's eating...oh wait i can make some money if i can get a hold of Paris first meal...put that bitch (The food) up on E-bay and make some Money!!! I'm rich Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THe Black Spiderman (Hey somebody better keep her prison wear...that will be worth something...that's crazy how people would actually pay for that shit??? I wouldn't because it's just plain disgusting.....mmmmmmmmmm.....Prison Wear!!!)

Awake!!!!!!(Read if Bored)

Current mood: awake

Ok so i woke up around 3 am this morning...couldn't fucking sleep...too much running thru my mind..where to begin....hmmmm.....drove in to work early since well what else could i do...might as well work right??!!! So I've been sitting in this office eating Tres Leches Cake...(3 milk cake)..some one got me into....sort of.....hahahahaa...but i hung out with my boy Ade the future pharmacist....but Ade has his master's in psychology which is his true passion....he actually enjoys counceling people.....but we were talking about Dr. Phil and how fake all that shit is.....he was telling me about when he was doing his clinical rotations and stuff at a mental institute for teens about this one kid ____ that at the age of 9(his birthday)...his dad shot his mom and then shot himself in the head in front of him!!! Damn!!! The first time they did some kind of birthday treat for him at the clinic this other teen took a little piece of the frosting from the cake to taste it and ____ took a pencil and stabbed the kid in the eye!! And when Ade was trying to find out why he did that _____ said that that was his cake! When his parents died he didn't cry or anything...should no emotions....that's what happens when you bottle things up!!! It comes out in different ways....a girl who's molested...raped...can turn into a nympho or just hate being touched all together.....or just turn into a person who has to have attention to feel self worth.....but anyways i'm off the subject....my point was that all those Hearty shows like Dr. Phil...try to put _____ person on the show and fix their problem in an hour or so with a hug and awwww it'll get better....YEAH RIGHT!!! Dr. Phil has turned more into a joke to me because true emotional disfunctions or erractic behaviors take time to fix if they can even be fixed!!

The Black Spiderman (Next blog....)

Awake 2!!!!!!!!!!(Read if Bored)

Current mood: awake

Yeah so Dr. Phil is a joke....I mean the purpose of his guests are to just boost his ratings which you know what you can't hate the guy for it because what he is doing is a business...a production and that's what it's there for!!! Now my boy Ade his hearts still in the place where he actually enjoys helping people which is a rare thing! So we decided right before he leaves to do a real therapy session....yeah he's do it on me....hahahahaaha....yes sirrrrrrrrrrr....video taped and all....man I hope I don't cry....lol....nawwww...shit i need some help don't you think??!!! I went to sleep at 12:59 and woke up at 3am well actually 2:50am.....funny thing is i don't even feel tired! Man you see some crazy shit around 3:30 am driving from gessner to bissonnet...crack dealers, tranvestite hookers and regular hookers, stray cats,dogs.....shit's kind of creepy!!! As I sat in my car outside my mom's work at 4 am i thought of my path in life....past friends...past deads....you always think that you are the only person that goes through what you do till you get emails from people saying they thought the same thing....crazy!!! People of all different backgrounds too...models,strippers,thugs,business men,house wives,punk rockers,goths,skaters etc......man if i put out half of what is written to me i think people would be in disbelief of how much in common they have with the guy next to them whether they are black, white,mexican....skin head....shit a month ago i was getting email from this guy from new jersey who.....see next blog....hahahaha

The BlacK Spiderman

Awake 3!!!!!!!!!(Read if bored)

Current mood: awake

Ok so i was getting an email from this guy from New Jersey who...well he started off by saying i was a crazy ass nigger....now i get this shit all the time...gotta expect this crap cause hey i'm on the internet....but i wrote him back saying some shit back to him like fuck you cracker...and he replied with i'm fucking gay and this and that.....now most people by now would have either blocked the guy or reported him...ok but hey i tried something different...i looked at his page....no pics of himself....not alot about him was on his page except then he snow boarded and was married...so i wrote him back saying that you know what obviously man you are bored and have nothing better to do with your time then write me stupid shit like this to get a response....and the guy wrote back that yeah he was bored and that he wasn't really racist just was saying all that shit cause he got into a snow boarding accident and was laid up in bed with nothing to do....ok whatever...i still could have gone off on him some more but i at the time had nothing better to do so i probed even more...well from all that i learned his name,what he did for a living, how many kids he had, he was big into martial arts and that's how he came across my page....i seemed like a cocky kind of guy and he was bored and decided to fuck with me...but some how or another we became somewhat cool on here and he sent me info on _____ hahahhaha...but he turned out to be a decent guy!!! Let's face it not all situations are gonna turn out like that but if probe people...find out why they do what they do you might be surprised!!! Wow that was a lot of bullshit writing just to come up with that huh? Oh shit the sun came up!! I wonder what Paris is wearing...hahahahhahah...don't hate..appreciate!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman (i've just begun to scratch the surface.....i'm not here to entertain :P)

Hostel 2 and Ocean's 13!!!!!!!!!

Current mood: blah

Alright let's start with Ocean's 13....6 out of 10...it was ok....probably better to wait for the HBO or Showtime playing!They need to quit making this shit...seriously they just copied part 2 but with the dad helping instead of the mom! Too many fucking equipments that are like what???!!! How the fuck do these people come up with this shit!! This shit kind of dragged for me....was counting the minutes till it ended!!!! Seriously!!! Fuck Ocean's 13...seriously,......Fuck em!!

Hostel 2....damn this movie was taylored for women.....hahhahah.....8 on a scale of 1-10 if you like ghorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! HAHAHAHHAHHA....I actually liked it......This movie actually teaches you a lesson...MONEY TALKS!!!! ANd get this there was some nudity so hey it made it even more worth it!! There was one scene towards the end that is just tooooooooo horrofic to discuss.....guys CLOSE YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA....oh yeah it's true that you gotta watch out for the quit ones....the ones that talk alot of shit are usually the pussies!!! Anyways see this shit at night cause it will freak you out!!!

THe BlacK Spiderman

Problems!!!!!!!!(Read If Bored)

Current mood: annoyed

Ok so last wednesday was a bad one for me...here's the story...my little brother is back home now.....he didn't graduate highschool and has to pass a test to get his diploma....hmmmm...sucky part is that he's not studying...pretty much the same thing he was doing prior to going to live with my cousin best he is doing!! Going out when he feels like it...coming back when he feels like it...spending money on new pairs of shoes almost every week....except now he's 18 and has my old car....but the whole problem is that he's too spoiled and clueless to the fact of how his actions affect my mom!!!! Last week she starts talking about how i need to help her with him...try to talk to him so he can get his life together and go to college....she starts crying and pretty much having a nervous break down right in front of me....man it's hard watching my mom cry without it rubbing off on me!Shit I broke down too...didn't want to....fought it off but couldn't help it...made me want to beat my little brother's ass....my mom was telling me how since i'm the oldest it's my responsibility to help him.....but there's the dilema! I want this kid to go into the millitary...maybe Coast guard...Airforce would be the best! They'd whip his ass into shape and maybe just maybe he'll learn from it and come out better....the navy helped me!! But the thing is he needs a diploma first before any of this can happen....and with him being 18 he's pretty much an adult!! Mother's man they always see the good in their children....my dad has pretty much washed his hands of my brother.....that's his mentality....let people fuck up....in some ways he's right but it's hard because i don't want my mom to be all fucked up if something happens to this kid! It seems like he doesn't care???!! He just doesn't care or get it?? I can't hate him but i want to!!!!! He just doesn't get it...everything he does impacts my mom....which in turn affects me....I wish i could change him....i know college wouldn't do any good for him...he'd go and just be pissing away their money for years....probably wouldn't even be going to classes....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My birthday is next week....i gotta get away even if it's for a couple of days.....too much stress....too much pressure from everyone!!!

THe Black Spiderman (The Cavs lost....Fucking Spurs!!!)

A Joke!!!!!!!!!!(Read if Bored)

Current mood: bouncy

HAHHAHAHA....ok when i was in the millitary i heard this joke and honestly it's the cheesiest joke you'll ever hear but when i heard it i was in love because it was the kind of joke that would be used in my ice breaker every time i talked to a girl and was nervous....hahahhahaa...."Why does a squirrel swim on his back?" Give up....."To keep his Nuts from getting WET!!!!" HAHAHHAHAHHA..... Yeah like I said it's cheesy...but I used to regurgitate that when ever i had nothing better to talk to a girl about...well at least till i got past the jitters.....Usually the reaction is the rolling of the eyes...Like come on how stupid is that??? Yes and that's what i went for.....suckers....I couldn't help it cause I never had the smooth talking, wine and dine mentality cause i thought like a pauper so that was it....so anyone i've used that on hey you made me nervous.....lol....anyways so my aunt is in town from London...I have alot of relatives that live either in London or nigeria.....she's so cool...she's alot different from my mom....oh yeah she's my mom's younger sister...my mom is very spiritual and takes any minute to talk about god and all that when ever she gets a chance...probably why i'm so anti-church and religion! Don't get me wrong i believe in god...hey you gotta have faith in something.....but hate when people start preaching to me about it....anyways so everyone that i meet now from the family side is trying to fix me up..."You need to get married"....I have the perfect person for you"...Fuck that!!! Not for me...I've made a vow....never getting married!!! Fuck that shit!! it'll take some girl of Godly talent to get me to do that!!!! I'm a stubborn guy and when I put my mind to something...oh yes it aint happening!! Why is it relatives always buy you underwear??? HAHAHHAHA....It's cool though cause she always hooks up the best clothes...name brand shit...stuff i've never even heard of but you know it's expensive because the pound is $2 to our dollar!!! All my badass clothes have come from london....hahahahahhaa......here's a joke for you...a Ugo original.....Knock Knock...who's there? Paris...Paris Who?? I'm Paris Hilton and you better let me out of here!!!! HAHHAHAHHAHAHA....I'm rich Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

THe BlacK Spiderman

Trippy 2!!!!!!!!!(read if bored)

Current mood: bouncy

Ok so yeah i started this myspace blog writing thing as a way to bash people i disliked, past present or future....but blah blah blah..anyways so last night my mom said she had seen my MYSPACE page!!!! What the FUCKKKKKKKKK!!!! Oh shit!!! I played it off like ok....no biggie...but i was freaked out cause my mom is scared of the computer and i didn't even know how she knew about...MYSPACE??? Ok i have my password saved on here but i'm using a different browser from internet explorer....hmmmm...that shit caught me off guard...i wonder if she's ever read anything that i've written??? HAHAHAHAHA.....but you know what to be honest and this really will sound bad....i'd say anything that i write on here to ANYBODy's face!!! Seriously....and i mean it....i give people chances...i'm a pretty honest person...if i've lied which is rare and you really want me to be straight with you and ask for the truth about something....well then you ASKED FOR IT!!! Me and my mom have had some dragg out verbal battles where honestly when it's said and dones puts me in a FOWL MOOD!!!! And honestly i think if half the stuff that i said to her had been said to some one else i'd be either in a mental institution or jail....what can i say i'm extremely emotional...(don't like to think of myself as that) but i am!! I hate being talked down to!! It urks me and i used to always get into fights because people were witty when it came to words...and i was a shy person...so my fists and padlock(had it attached to my jeans) did my talking for me....lol....now i've become comfortable at expressing myself in a non-violent manner...(Thanks to P. Brown)..and honestly it feels good! Words hurt more then fists and when you find someone's achilies heel then hey you've got them.....anyways for those who email me and read this junk....you have good taste....you recognize talent...hahahhahaa......j/k.....anyways i think i need to do some work...wow....all that crap was in my head??!!! CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

THe BlacK Spiderman

P.s.--- I'm gonna keep talking shit about Paris Hilton....I just can't help it....see and you know who's fault it is...the media...Mother Fuckers!!! This girl's probably a good person...sweet to her friends.....it's not her fault that she was born with money.....but people want to hate her why??? I don't hate her cause i don't know her...but hey i will talk shit abot her....and why....why must i do this?? WHy...please some one tell why....Because I can....that's it...because i'm not rich...i'm not a celebrity...i'm nobody...she'll never read this....or see any of this....so hey I might as well trash her....hahahahhahahaha.....Hey Paris don't drop the Lufha.....hahhahahahhaha

Story!!!!!!!!! (Read if Bored)

Ok so here's a little story...i gotta change some things around or else certain people would know who i'm talking about and i'm not really in the mood to hear shit....ok...so i have this friend who has been hooking up with her neighbor...HPd's finest and well i guess she had some strong feelings for him....she had made him wait a bit before she gave it up to make him work for it she says....hahahaha...ok whatever......i've had that happened and the relationship still didn't work....but anyways....so she had this guy working his but off for it and thought he was all into her and stuff.....this is where it gets crazy....so she had come home from work the other day and was talking to her mom.....her mom tells her that their neighbor was had a baby shower the other day.....hahhahahaa...so she's kind of pissed thinking what???!!! So she texts the guy and was asking him about it....."I didn't know you were having a baby?" Get this the guy texts back and says hell no he's not having a baby that that was crazy!!! HAHHAAHA....ok so she texts him back saying my bad ..... guess it's a bridal shower hahahhahaha.....here's the punch line...he texts her back saying yep.....we're getting married on the 23!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHHA.....she'd been sleeping with this guy for 5 months now and he would take her out and all that.....is that funny or what!!!!!!!!! Maybe not funny per say...but DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! She knew he was dating other people because well they weren't exclusive...well not yet but she didn't know he was engaged......Now is that crazy or what...Man you gotta be on your game these days with people!!! Fucking Cavs Lost again!!! Damn it!!!! WHat's up referee you can't call a foul when it's obvious....standing right in front of you letting it happen!!! That's three shots and the game would have went into overtime.....PUSSIES!!!!

THe BlacK Spiderman (The Cavs's will come back!)

Fantastic Four!!!!!!!

Current mood: blah

Alright so on a scale of 1-10....hmmmm...about a 6.5.....it was decent...that's about it!! It was a funny movie.....Damn Jessica Alba is Fine as HELL!!! It sucked though that you didn't get to see Galactus!!! Anyways so pretty much some of the special affects were cool....I mean it's like this....this was one of those movies going into it that well it didn't live up to the hype....plot was good but it just didn't do it for me...i thought Spiderman 3 was better and i didn't even like it that much!!! Damn Jessica Alba's Fine!!! HAHAHAHAHA...I wonder if Reed Richards stretches out his penis to match the width and depth of her Vagina??? HMMMMMM>..Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm???? HAHAHAHAHHA.....Awwwwwwwww fuck it the movie blew..just being real!

THe Black Spiderman (Damn She is fine!!!)

Is this rude ???(Read if bored)

Current mood: busy

Ok so check it i went out with a friend a couple of weeks ago and she said that i was so rude because when the waiter came over to ask if we were ready to order i said yes i was...she wasn't ready so i ordered my meal cause i already knew what i wanted...she later said that that was rude of me and bad manners and could not believe that i would do that??!!!! HAHAHHAHAH....Ok here's my question was i in the wrong or is she?? Is this a female thing or is it just just a general thing that people do??? I've never heard of this rule or curtesy thing before...NEVER!!!! I told her that honestly if we ever did go out again and i already knew what i wanted and the other person didn't i would still order my food...shit I was starving...why waist time for both my stomach and the waiter??? Honestly i should have walked the fuck out when she starting tripping about that....you know what i'm going to go out with her again and do the same thing only this time walk out....hahahhahaha...now that would be funny!!! She asked me if i had gone out with my home boys would i have done the same thing......??? Ummmmmmmmm...yEAH!!! Yes....yes i would.....why the fuck should i wait for some one else to order?? The waiter asked me if i was ready...i was so i ordered....what's the BIG DEAL!!! Let's put it like this i'm not a gentleman...welll i can be at times but we just went to I-hop...come on that's not really a restaraunt anyways!!! My stomach was eating itself....but anyways i spit in her food when she wasn't looking...hahahahhahaha....j/k.....or am i??? HAHAHAHAHA

The Black Spiderman (subscribe to the blogs...hahahahha)

June 20th!!!!!(Read if really bored)

Current mood: blah

this won't make any sense....hahahhahha....wow.....feels good....to be a fish......can't believe those humans out there with their lungs and stuff...fuck them i think i'll lay some eggs now.......crazy.....this ocean that i live in!! I can't believe i just ate this stuff......wow i wonder who put it there??? Hmmmm...it's cloudy outside i wonder when my parents are going to come home with the good news??? I can't believe those people almost killed me by putting daquiree into my baby bottle.....stupid apple bees!!! I think my parents should sue their ass's!!! Just two more....two more pushups and i'll be done....hahahhahaa...my muscles are starting to get the way that i wanted them!!!! Yes my definition is coming along nicely!!! Man what are all these people staring at??? They look so angry??!!! Dumies they don't know that i had to go to war for my business's!! Damn i'm a pimp!!! Let me go ahead and tell these retards something to make them think i care about terrorist.....hahhahahahah(evil laugh)....These bars can't hold me....if i starve myself long enough maybe i can slide through......fuck it my family has money so i'm going to get out of here in 5 days!!! Yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! You damn right i'm important....i own most of the worlds realestate!! Hahhahahaha...i'll fire you!!! Get out you crazy nut job.....you almost blew up my kitchen you wanker!!! HAHAHHAHAHA.....It feels good to be able to cuss these people out on television!!!! You can tell the pretty ones by feeling on their hands....i can't see but touch is the key.....damn this one fat...send her away and hire the other girl!! Anyways just alot of jumbled up thoughts from different people...some you know and some you don't.....they all have one thing in common....they think they are better then everybody....hahahahhahaha....I call them the Nonsense people....cause all they say are NONSENSE!!! PEace.....It's my Birthday and I can say whatever i want.....hahahahhahahaha

THe BlacK Spiderman (With great power comes great responsability!!)

p.s.-- Today is really my birthday... june 20 and for all those who's birthday is today....Wow you were born on the greatest day ever....hahahahaahha

Human Shield!!!!!

Current mood: cheerful

Ok so i was reading this story on cnn.com about how they are training secret agents and stuff to act as human shields for presidents or presidential hopefuls......hmmmmmmmm???? HAHAHAHHAHA....Ok so years of training and when actually put into a situation of the president or a candidate your life for theirs...would you do that?? Seriously i think if i trained and that was my job but here i had to take a bullet that could be the end of my life for a stranger.....HELL NO!! fuck that!! There's just no way....i think i'd take one step to the right...i'd probably make it look like i was going to jump in the way then trip on my shoes....Bam president gets hit in the head....hahaahhahaa....oooops my bad!! Anyways i just thought that was really funny...couldn't stop myself from talking about that....i guess when J.F. K got shot they didn't have such training back then......lol....Oswald did it!!! Think about this....there are so many conspiracy theories in the world....Elvis is still alive, Tupac was killed by the government, UFO's do exist (That one's true!) but that goes to show how much we as a society trust our government....i mean seriously why should we...it's been proven countless times that political officials make money off of tax's and bribes!!! While i'm sitting up here trying to save for retirement these people have the money to have 30 people retire...shit....there are so many corrupt people out there that man it makes me sick....but yet i should give my life for them??? That's what the soldiers do all the time....they get shit on alot of times by civilians and medical blows (Try going to the V.A. for anything and see how long you wait!)....yeah it's free but damn is it really worth it?? Anyways fucking cavs got swept and i'm still upset by that......Damn it!! Anyways yeah i'm going to have some fun tonight....and then friday is going to be off the chain!!!! HAHHAHAHHA

The Black Spiderman (Go go go....It's my birthday and i'm gonna party like It's my birthday....dum dum..dum dum ...dum...dum.....)

I'll bring the pain!!!!!!!!1

Current mood: contemplative

HAHHAHAHA.....I cam to bring the pain.....listening to tupac and intoxicated...hahahaha...what more to...ooops i mean what more can i say!! Hahahahhaha...ok so after this weekend it's on with the training....no more partying and straight on the training....yes i'm doing this tournament on august 11th...yes sirrrrrrrrr!!! So my birthday was cool...can't say what i did but it was fun....i don't think i've ever gotten so many phone calls before in one day...DAMN!!!!!!!!!!! HHAHAHHAHA.....but i made a promise to myself not to answer any of them...oh well what can you do!! Why do people get pissed at me let me count the waves.....wow it's amazing how when you are intoxicate d everything speeds up...seriously it looks like everyone is drunk even if they are not! Why is that?? that shit baffles my mind...ahhahaha....i feel like i should make myself throw up all over this keyboard but someone would be pissed...hahhahhaa...fuck it why not...hold on....j/k....not that drunk....78.5% buzzed is where i'm at...yes it's a fantastic level....Chuck got his ass beat by rampage....the cavs got swept...wow i needed this vacation away from things...so many stressors it's just soo over whelming!!! Oh well folks it's a friday night get fucked up and drink on e for me...shit you know what i'll drink one for you....hahahhaha....fuck it i'll drink two!!!

The Black Spiderman (Bad spiderman!!!)

Pulver vs BJ Penn

Current mood: calm

Man what a good fight!! Nawwww so Bjj whooped his ass....but honestly i expected that...Jens showed heart cause BJ is alot bigger and more skilled then he is....but you gotta give it up to Jens though because man that guy showed some class!!! Not alot of people would admit that someone whooped their ass!! I would because honestly if someone beats me then obviously at that moment they were better then you so give them their propps!! he did that and that made me respect him a WHOLE lot!!! Then he even said that he was gonna train with Penn....that's class on both of their parts!!! Anyways It's a monday and Paris is still doing time....hahahahaha...naw seriously officially summer has started my birthday celebration was off the chain!! Yes now it's time to get back to business...i gotta get my cardio back and get back into competition shape....ahhahahaha...i think i put on a pot belly over this weekend...shit i gained 8 pounds hahahahah....august 11 there is a BJJ tournament in Houston at westfield or west side highschool...one of those.....i'm gonna stop worrying about what weight class i compete in...checkout this new show called little bush.....hahhahaha...that shit is hillarious!! They make fun of Bush...yes it's about time!! Just think it was only 6 years ago that people actually liked this guy.....you couldn't say shit about him in texas without someone going off on you now pretty much the whole country can't wait for him to get out!! Poor Bush...Poor baby!!!! Poor Baby!!! I'm in a good mood today!! Had a good nights sleep....worked some things out in my head....damn it's raining//....ALRIGHT!!!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman (Why can't i upload pictures...says my upload priveledges have been revoked???)

Bullied!!!!! (Read if Bored)

Current mood: busy

Ok so yeah i'm off to the bank but check this....i remember back when i was in the navy there was this guy Massaquio.... he was half nigerian and american black.....he thought of himself as the revolutionary black guy....dude thought he was so smart and tough!! Anyways when i was first in the navy i was kinda quite...well i was really quite...i didn't like starting shit with people unless i was backed into a corner...anyways i had a bad temper and due to all the trouble i had been in i was trying to not get into any more fights or get PUNIShed anymore by the millitary...(Little did i know it was my destiny to get kicked out...hahahaha) but anyways this guy would always call me names, talk shit to me and honestly i'm not a quick witted person with the smart remarks....just a sarcastic, low key guy....but this guy would always try to bully me and stuff...he was a little bit bigger then me...well alot bigger then me but i wasn't scared of him i just didn't want to do anything crazy cause like i said i had a bad temper and whooping someone's ass wasn't intent it would be gutting his ass....but dumbass Massaquio didn't know that because i acted all quite and stuff...anyways one day it just got to the point where i had had enough...we had gone up to fresno to watch some movies....he made me sit in the back....ok so anyone who knows me knows that i believe in being fare about things....so on the way back i wanted to sit in the front...punk ass tries to punk me into sitting in the back again....he pushes me talking shit the whole way and i snapped!!! I elbowed the guy across his face, pulled him down to the ground and hit him so hard that i thought i'd broken my knuckes....as i pressed his face to the ground i pulled out my knife that i used to carry and honestly if it wasn't for mark the other guy there talking me out of what i was going to do i would have been in very big trouble!!! But i told massaquio that if he ever disrespected me again i would...^&^&%$%^%^$%%^ HAHAHHAHAH....Tha mother fucker never acted stupid towards me again....goes to show that sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself or else people think they can walk all over you!! Punk ass!!!!

The Black Spiderman (I hate being bullied!!! AHHHHHHH...man that brings up memories...makes me mad now....i wanna beat the shit out of two more people that whooped my ass when i was younger...Bryan Young and Jime Vasquez....I'll kick your Fucking ass's!!!! HHAHAHHAHAHA)

Devon "The Pussy"!!!!!

Devon "The Pussy"!!!!


So this Pussy keeps writing me...obviously i can block this deusch bag but hey everyone loves internet drama...he wanted to kill time in his BORING ass Life so hey Devon here Pussy you are on Blast....You are such a sweetheart...Pussy!!! We both know that in real life you could never say this shit to my face....Not by yourself...because you are a Pussy!!! Pussy....Devon the Pussy...HAHAHAHHA.... Keep writing me Pussy and I'll keep posting...Pussy!!!

Jun 25, 2007 12:51 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: stop fuckin stalkin me you dumb ass nigger ass pedifile...damn nigger you faggot as hell...

Jun 25, 2007 12:44 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: HAHAHAHHA...PUSSY...what you don't want to talk anymore?? You wrote me first Pussy so who's gay?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 12:41 PM

imma need to stop talkin to yo stupid ass cuz i think you a fuckin faggot on some real shit..plz dont write my ass back faggot.....im out..

1:01 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

He has too much time!!!!!(Read if bored)
Current mood: busy


Alright read from very bottom to top....this guy has wayyyyy too much time on his hands....i get this shit at least once a month from gay dudes who have wayyyyyyyy too much time on their hands...feel free to chat it up with home boy cause obviously he loves to talk....hahahhahaha....What a Pussy!!!! Anyways there's his I.D. up top.....

Jun 25, 2007 10:29 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: shit dumb fuck pussy ass nigger please do that shit..i wanna see a fuckin black ass spiderman do sumthin...ahahahahahah LIL BOY

Jun 25, 2007 9:29 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: yeah exactly man i know you are fucking around because i get pussies like you all the time emailing me cause THEY GET BORED>...you probably sent the same shit to 10-20 other people cause you have no life....Yeah you have me all worked up...but honestly man i'm not because you haven't said anything new and i know what you are doing...i'm bored too so i play along BITCH!!! But i can track you down if i cared enough and that's THE TRUTH!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 9:15 AM

man i got yo dumb ass all worked up and shit...ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha you make me laugh...you just like a lil FUCKIN CHILD...ahahahaha im sittin here bored as fuck at work and can still play an old ass nigger like your self...get a job bitch....ahahahahahahahahahahahahaah yous a fuckin LIL BOY...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Jun 25, 2007 9:11 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: That's what I thought Pussy Internet GEEK!!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 9:06 AM

same as your STUPID FUCK!!!!

Jun 25, 2007 9:01 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: what's the area code stupid PUSSY!!! HAHAHHAHAHA

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 8:59 AM

4798661..pussy ass nigger..try me so my vl brah can show you exactly who tha fuck you talkin to bitch...

Jun 25, 2007 8:56 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: shut up bitch!! Now you're just spotting stupid shit...can't even speak right you pussy!! What's your number bitch i'll call you right now!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 8:51 AM

faggot ass nigger you heard what i said..now do wateva the fuck you said you can do bitch..track me down or wateva pussy you heard what i said...dont talk to my gurl fuckin pedifile.

Jun 25, 2007 8:47 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: whatever man go play your KIDDIE games with some one else pussy!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 8:44 AM

you heard what i said dude..

Jun 25, 2007 8:38 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: RE: No Subject
Body: shut the fuck up!! i see you are just trying to start something cause obviously you are bored...you have nothing better to do with your time...you know your I.P address can be traced right?? I know alot of police officers and airmarshalls and DA's...trust me on that i can track whoever this is!!!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Devon
Date: Jun 25, 2007 8:33 AM

listen up you lil pussy ass nigger...you betta stay the fuck away from gurl homie fo i have yo monkey ass touched...fuck ass nigger you too damn old to be on myspace anyway...you should be at a fuckin job...but then again niggers dont like to work...but pussy you heard what i said...try me monkey

The Black Spiderman (Pussies Love me...HAHHAHAHAHA)

12:37 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Spam and Virus Partnership Still Strong!!(Read if bored)


Man i hate fucking Spam!!! It blows!!! but i have to be honest i'm on here mostly to promote and stuff...but i occassionally ramble about god knows what....lol...but i hate when i get shit in my inbox about gift cards and "Hey I'm new to the area but i seldom get on myspace...you can reach me at www.goblowyourself.com ....hahahahhaa....fucking spammers!!! They make me sick...look when i put out stuff about events its a bulletin...you'll never get shit sent to your inbox about crap like that...i wonder how they do that anyways??? But whatever....this was an interesting article that i read...yes I do read...interesting huh my mind tends to dabble in the art of recreational reading!! A healthy mind is a mind that is powerful...exercise the mind....oh yeah and that reminds me...for all those people who are easily bothered by me mispelling common words and stuff...well the reason for that is because i don't go back and edit shit...yes shit that i write...because that is pointless!!! I'm not writing for a newspaper...there's no editor here...i write just the way i would speak if i spoke to myself or some one else...damn gotta go drive around in the fucking rain!!!

The Black Spiderman

Weed Them Out!!!!!!!

Women...Fuck em all!!!! Seriously i'm just fed the fuck up....it's like this...if someone doesn't want to be your friend for whatever reason do to boyfriend, their own issues, what people say about you...Fuck em!!! I'm weeding out everyone who i think is not a friend....look it's like this on here like it says on the profile i'm on here to network and promote...but if i make friends hey it's all good! There's no way i can chat it up with 1,000's of people....that's crazy to think that i would.....but anyways these last two days have been irritating!!! So i made you do heroine???!!! Fuck YOU!!!!! People make decisions and want escape goats...it's because it wouldn't be right if....man shut the fuck up!!! Seriously I could care less.....I find myself at a point where honestly i have feelings for two people.....both of which chances are would never work out because in the long run i'd end up getting hurt so why the fuck would i put myself through that??? I'm a Fucking moron!! i've got to be to subject myself to all the pain and suffering!!! AHHHHHH...you know what i'm going to grow my hair out so that i can pull it out!! Seriously if it wasn't for BJJ man i don't know what the fuck I would be doing.....Getting wasted and going even more nuts then i already am!!! Ok so i have this friend...well had this friend...there's no ill will there or whatever but turns out the boyfriend is jealous and pretty much wanted her to stop talking to her male friends....hahahaha...so she let me know that she was going to have to block me on myspace because of it....ok...it's like this...i told her that if that's the case and she's doing that then she needs to just not be friends with me because in essence that's what's it's going to come down to....hahahaha...look i'm bad and i know this...so lost a friend because of a relationship...hahahah....it's all good because true friends don't bail on you NO MATTER WHAT!! And in the same night this girl that i have feelings for hates having feelings for me and when asked if she would like to stop talking because of it...damn no response...5 times asked and no response!!! HAHHAHAHHA....Fuck em!!!! My ex can't be trusted....everything she does she does because i made her....she'd get back at me by sleeping with my boy...FUCK YOU!!! Fuck em all!! You know what i'm writing this because i'm at a point where i can't stand people!!! Seriously I can't stand people....that's why i'm a loner....but with those rare people that really get me it's cool they can hang....others that don't want to associate with me because of what others might think or what boyfriends or girlfriends or people might say about them FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THe BlacK Spiderman

P.s.- I want it all back...i wanna go back to when those people that i didn't give a chance to...damn i mean i wish i could go back and give those true, faithful, trustworthy, loyal girls a chance....Damn i've fucked up and there's no turning back!!! It all just blows...gives me a damn headache thinking of all the crap i put up with...and yes i know it could be worse but you know how things work...YOUR LIFE IS THE WORST!!!! I'm weeding everyone out....people i don't really talk to on my phone or i don't really consider friends i've deleted their numbers.....funny thing is they always eventually call me....then it's like who the hell is this??? Fuck em....Fuck THEM!!! Fuck em...FUCK THEM!!! Fuck them all!!!!!!! Breath......Breath....wow and people laugh at this???? Fuck you too!!!!!!!

P.s.-- Fuck Paris Hilton, Vin Diesel, George Bush,P. Diddy,Tim Duncan, "I love New York"...American Idol...

Random Thoughts!!!!!!!

Ok so this week has been fun....chatted it up with Devon "The Pussy"...can't stand people like him...they have no life so they use the internet to talk shit to people who they know in real life they would never have the balls to say shit too....retard...dude finally blocked me because i just repeated the same phrase to him over and over.... "HAHAHHAHAHA....Pussy".....now the bitch started writing my little brother....that's how you know someone's pathetic! Oh well that nerd will get his.....Chris Benoit is dead...the wrestler from WWF...Fuck WWE...that's what it was when i actually used to be into it...the rock,stone cold,hAck saw Jim dougan,The Ultimate Warrior...etc....I liked that guy...i heard it was a murder suicide....that's a shame....fuck it what can you do.....pressure..pressure is fucking everywhere....i can't let it get to me....I think i have wayyyyy too much sex drive than the normal guy....but yet i don't have sex as much as i need to..or that i used to...Damn that sucks!!! You know what people always email me and ask me why i don't like Vin diesel....honestly i don't hate the guy i just started disliking him because he didn't want to do sequels to movies of his that i liked...fast and the furious, "Pitch Black","XXX".....that fucking annoyed me because these were the movies that blew him up and he didn't want to make sequels to them...PUNK!!! That urks me...but hey that's his decision and there's no need for me to dislike him for it....Pussy!! HAHHAHAHA.....Brazilian Jujitsu and MMA is blowing up!!! I can't wait to go back to Santa Cruz in October for the U.S. Opens....hell yeah!!! Take a deep breath and slowly let it out...that's right...just like that....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hehehehehhehehhe......naw fuck it i like ahhahahahhahaha better....more synical in nature....

THe Black Spiderman