Monday, November 29, 2010

Military Story!!! (Read If bored)

So this was back in 96...October I think...I was in Chorps School...I had just lost my virginity a couple weeks ago...I was talking to this hispanic chic..pretty hot!! We made plans to go to Tia Juana mexico for the weekend...but we had to get a ride down I asked this one guy at the time that I was cool with if he wanted to go! Man for days I was trying to have sex with this girl but she wasn't giving it up..telling me that she wanted to get to know me better and that she wasn't that type of girl...Ok that's fine I said..I decided to take it slow also...she was cool and at that time I had only been with one person and well I really didn't know what the fuck I was doing anyways. So we finally made it across the border and to this one spot that was part restaraunt and part club! They played hip hop music in there. I didn't drink back then because my first experience was a bad one and I never wanted to do that again...but the two of them were drinking... He was 23 and I think she was 21.... I was the youngest just barely 18. We were sitting at the table just talking and laughing and eating...this place was 2 stories could see the streets from where we  were sitting...Great view...After eating our food she had to go to the bathroom and excused herself...dam she was fine! I guess she started a trend because he got up and went to the "Head" too. And there I was all alone at the table by my lonesome. Well 5 turned to 10 minutes and I had to used the head too. So as I approached the bathroom hall way...there they were...he had her pined up against the wall banging her brains out!!! I couldn't believe it?? They didn't even know each other...I stared for about 5 minutes..I guess I was shocked or something but it was kind of funny...I went back to my seat and waited for them to come back. She came back first  then him. I was like so what took so long to her...she said there was a line in the bathroom. He comes back all smiling but acting like nothing happened. The trippy part was that I wasn't even upset...I didn't really know her... but he was supposed to be cool with me...well that was the beginning of some of the crazy things that I would experience while serving in the Navy. I talked to her again after we got back...get this though..she ended up getting pregnant...needless to say who the father was....HAHAHHHAHAHHA... Good things happen to great people huh?!

THe Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Due Date and Unstoppable Movie Review!!!! (Read if Bored)

Due Date

Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this an 8.3...Great movie...probably one of the funniest movies of 2010! Man that guy from the Hangover is funny as hell...what's up with the walk...HAHAHAHHAHA....There's a scene where Robert Downy Jr. wakes up and he's jacking off  next to him...what made it even funnier was the dog was doing the same thing! AHHAHAHAA I just about spit my drink up...anyways don't waste your time with any other movie till you've seen this one!


Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I would give this an 8.2...excellent.... Denzel does it again...he carried this movie! They say it was based on true events...yeah  there were two guys...and a train Naw but seriously this movie had both humor and a great plot...predictable but at the end you find yourself rooting for them! HAHAHAHHAHA.. Go see this movie!

Bonus Review: Paranormal Activity 2

Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this movie a 4...and that's just being generous... the first one was a 1.... so yeah this one was better...still a horrible movie...thank me now because I sat through this crap for you guys..yeah you...Horrible movie...they try and make you believe this actually happened but of course it didn' know what would've made it scary...if one of the ghosts picked up a butcher knife and went to town slicing mother fuckers up!! AHAHHAHAHHAH... Add some Ch Ch ch with nudity and you've got yourself a better movie....Kill some virgins dammit...well now a days there's too few of those..anyways don't see this movie..or...I'mma Kill you! HAHAHAHAHAHA

The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

Red Light Cameras Finally Down!!!(Read If Bored)

So finally these lights are turned off!! I was sick of having to worry about getting a ticket if I didn't beat the yellow light! You know there are so many different arguments when it comes to whether or not they should've been taking off. Did the fear that you could get an automatic ticket in the mail cause the speeders to rethink things?? Did it make the streets safer? Or was this in fact just another way for the city of houston to bleed more money from it's citizens? I choose the latter of the three! Every time I heard any of the councilmen say anything about the red light cameras it was always about how much money it was generating for houston. Never anything about safety...the only people who even mentioned anything about safety were some people who had had loved ones run over by someone running a red light! Now granted if the lights were in place would that have made that driver rethink his actions through an intersection?? Who knows...shit honestly when I see intersections with the cameras I speed as fast as i can right at yellow. I could easily hit some unsuspecting person crossing the streets! Luckily that's never happened and now I can run a red light without fear that I will have a ticket sent to me! Yes!!! I know people who would go out of their ways to avoid these cameras...taking bad roads just to avoid them. The People have spoken...I didn't vote but was voting in spirit! It's about time that voters got what they want for a change. I'm glad that these lights are coming down...if you don't want people runing lights then hire more police officers and put them there...more jobs baby...HAAHAHHAHA... I think I'm gonna go run a red light right now just for the hell of it!!

The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Samaritan Gives His life!!!

Sam Irick always had a weak spot for the underdog.That's what moved him to choose a mixed stray from the shelter recently. It's what motivated him to stand up to bullies picking on others in school.
And that same concern prompted the 24-year-old to intervene Thursday morning when an armed purse snatcher attacked a woman outside a gas station in Houston's Meyerland area. Irick suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the chest. The robber got away, but the woman wasn't harmed. The Murderer's name is Anthony I saw this on the news last night and just thought how can someone take some else's life for what a few bucks? I hope Anthony Ferrel gets the justice that he deserves...Sam Irick from everything I've read was a good person...he did the right's terrible that it cost him his life. Because of of him a mother of three young children is alive. I always wonder if put in the same situation, would anyone else have stepped forward? Why is it that some people can be so unselfish like that...and why can others be so selfish? The Murderer Anthony Ferrel didn't think about anyone but himself...How could he when he was caught in a club after committing such a horrible crime? Everything that he did was caught on video. You could see Sam lying on the floor bleeding to death all the way till he took his last breathes in this life. Sad...very sad....he was making his plans for Thanksgiving...plans for his future...a family...finding the right woman and just like that it's over! Anyway I just wanted to write about this guy because that's something that I feel that our society is lacking...selfless people!

The Black Spiderman

R.I.P Sam Irick   03/28/1986 - 11/11/2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An Unhappy Houston Texans fan!!!(Read If Bored)

Ok so I went to sleep last night after watching the Colts destroy the Texans..pissed me off so once again I gotta vent....Fuck the Colts...time and time again I watch Payton manning drive the ball down on us first down after first down and I think to myself why can't we do that?? Throw short passes to the running backs...stuff that the 49ers of old used to do...then throw the deep stuff? Why can't we give Schaub more time in the pocket like some of these other quarterbacks get?? Why can't our recievers catch the fucking ball when it hits their hands? I've played football so yeah I know it's a tough sport...but again I'm not getting paid millions to play it....I even skipped out on something important just to watch the game....that's house could be on fire and I would sit there waiting to make sure the game is actually over to leave! I could get shot in my left femur and have to be rushed to the hospital...the ambulance better have a TV or I'm not going! Now I'm not a psycho fan...I leave that to the Cowboy fans...those people have issues...their team sucks...Bitches!!! Who even lives in Indianapolis anyways?? Do they even have roads? You the only two players that I can respect on our team is Andre Johnson and Mario Williams....they bring it every game and are consistant..even though Mario gets triple teamed sometimes he brings it! The Texans will make it to the Playoffs this year...I predict that...Cowboys won't....the Cowgirls...All that Talent and Hype and they still suck...AHAHHAHAHA...I love it!!! That's the only thing that keeps me from strapping a bomb to my chest and driving to Indianapolis to ring Payton Mannings door...OOps shouldn't say stuff like that because that's a Terrorist threat.... Well I just said it!! AHHAHAHAAH If you're not a Texans fan...Fuck you!!!

THe Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fictions better then Reality!!!!(Read if Bored)

Ok so you think wow it would be nice to meet some one that you chat with online or you constantly are reading some one's rant and you say to yourself "It would be cool to meet that person...but then when you meet them it's like ok what the fuck happened?? Not the same person that was posting all these vids, blogs, party pics...etc.... Well that's because the internet is the internet....what you see is not really what you get!! I remember when myspace was hot I used to chat with a few amount of people on there even though I had thousands of friends and I would come across a badass girl and be like dam I think I found my soulmate...come to find out that reality was bullshit.,.. the internet flirting and chatting was better then the actual in person convo's... I always got emails and stuff from Hot ass women in other countries or states but there's no way in a million years I would ever meet them...funds were never there! Now I have other things on my mind then women...MONEY, a CHILD!!! Those are the only things motivating me now...can't stop and won't distractions here! I'm ritting all this stuff today because my brain is a screaming mess...the year is almost over and this year has been a good and bad one...different people have come in and out of my life.....I shed tears for No one....good riddens... honestly though if I could go back 7-8 years I would've found a way to make a reality! That was my dating website...but the business partner/ ex-friend screwed me over...oh well live and learn....anyways I'm looking forward to New years eve...gonna do something different from what I normally do....getting drunk and yeah getting drunk....HAHAHAHAH... might just do a house party!

The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

True Friends vs. Fake Friends!!!!!(Read if Bored)

Prewarned this is a rant...meaning I'm just gonna talk about whatever even if it makes no sense...nonsense...AHHAHAAH... Ok so over the past couple of weeks I'm always thinking about who my real friends are and who my fake friends are...real meaning that regardless if I was dead broke or a psycho...would they be there for me? A real friend to me is one that you could tell your most horrible secret to and would just say man some times I think the same way....and they mean it! I've found that through out my short existance in this world (Lol) that I've met soo many people who say they are real and good and all this crap but when those moments come to back up what they say...yeah...fake! Now I don't claim to be anyone special....and when people try and tell me shit like that it urkes because it's just not true...I was told the other day that it was because of me that this person's  day got it's because of make things better because of how badly you want something! I spent sunday with Christian's family celebrating Ava's bday...that was fun for me...we went to Old Mcdonald's farm in humble.... simple and chill...what I like! I haven't drank in 4 weeks because I just don't want to...will I ever drink again..odds on it will happen but I'm slowing that party side of me down! Trying to focus on myself...I spend so much of my time helping other people that some times I need to be selfish...sometimes I sit back and I read all these posts on facebook...this person is in a relationship and it's complicated (Not a relationship...sorry)...but dam people get in and out of relationships like the wind!!! It's crazy to me....I don't want to be doing that shit...So many people's lives are fucked up and the truly funny thing about it is that we all think we are the only ones with problems!! If you read peoples posts you'll realize that the same thing that happened to you months or weeks or years before someone else is having that same issue...that's why all this social media crap makes soo much money...people want to know that they're not's that need to connect....yet we judge everyone...that's why fake people exist..racists...sexual orientation goes both ways now..I'm noticing that....I've got gay friends that get mad because I'm not "Open" to trying new things...that's cause I'm straight....funny...can't change who I am...then I get people all the time telling me why don't I fight....cause I don't want to....just cause I have a big dong doesn't mean I should do porn....but again they're not my true friends because my true friends already know what I want to do with my life and who I am...not judging me because of the way I look or all that crap....."Dam you're a big black guy"... No shit man....that's all I get...all day everyday....and then they draw whatever opinion they're going to based on their experience with big Black guys....AHHAHAHAHAHAHA...anyways just a rant...sometimes it feels good to rant...get stuff off your mind....well my boy Mike "The Greek" Bronzoulis fights this friday...he's gonna wreck shop....has heart and he's doing what he wants to do with his life so that makes it even better...November here we go!

The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: