Monday, December 19, 2016

The Black Spiderman: Back Workout!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Diets, and Workouts!!!

So here are some of the foods I've eaten starting Saturday after my competition. My body had been in low carb status for the past 7 days and it felt pretty good to let loose. Everyone thinks you have to eat clean all the time but the trick is finding BALANCE. After doing 31 Physique competitions in 4 years I can finally say I understand my body now. For those that constantly ask me if I'm NATURAL..yes. I use protein, creatine, aminos, fish oil and preworkouts. Also a little thing called HARDWORK. I don't have RECIPES lol... I mix and match foods based on what I'm feeling. This sport is tough and it's not for everyone. MENTAL TOUGHNESS goes a long way to being successful. I get asked all the time..what are good workouts for this, what's your diet etc. In my head I just think I could write you out workouts, diet etc. but if you don't have the MOTIVATION or drive to do're just wasting my time. That's the reason why Trainers charge. My time is Valuable and I'm not into having it wasted. For those that say well I can look it up on the Internet.. I just say then why are you Asking me for? šŸ˜‰ Anyways if you want my meal plans and workouts inbox me. Only serious messages please..I don't respond to can you give me some tips. That's why I put workouts etc. on my various social media sites. Anyways sorry for the rant...lets get it.šŸ’ŖšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜€šŸ’Æ #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro#pumpdnutrition

Monday, September 26, 2016

3rd Pro Win!!

Right after winning my last pro Men's physique Beach competition. I'm getting ready for the Formulation One here in Houston October 15th. Prep is going great. This will make my 31st fitness competition in 4 how time flies. Sometimes I'm amazed at how my body has changed. I used to walk around at around 188 lbs now 219 to 225 lbs. Talk about some serious Gains.šŸ˜Ž Always believe in yourself and keep REAL people close to you and avoid...I mean really Avoid the FAKES.šŸ˜‰ Keep Pushing and Follow my fitness journey. #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro#pumpdnutrition

Friday, July 29, 2016

Pro Pictures

IG: @theblackspiderman
Pictures from my last Pro competition. Probably my best conditioning and fullness to date. I'm taking a little break till mid September when i start prepping for my last 2 shows of the year. If you've ever wanted to get on stage just remember it's hard work, but it's doable. Alot of MENTAL toughness goes into a prep. Checkout the if you are looking to compete. Great setup and Transparent judging so win or lose you at least Know ahead of time your scores , plus live critiques. :) #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro

Friday, July 15, 2016

Your personal Best!!!

Always strive to be the Best you can be. In this world everyone has an opinion yet we all have things we could work on. It doesn't have to be physical, sometimes it's mental. Mine is the way I react to negativity...I always have to remind myself.."Haters gonna Hate". As long as you put forth #yourpersonalbest you should never be ashamed. I'm 8 days out from my next show. Those in miami come out to the NSL show. It's gonna be great. Have a great weekend everybody and lets keep pushing. :) #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro

Brazilian jujitsu: Leg Drag setup

Monday, July 11, 2016

Achieving Greatness

#Motivationmonday- This is from 4 years ago. My 2nd to last competition in Brazilian Jiujitsu and my 2nd tournament as a new black belt. I got the kimura submission and that's the face of finally. I'm not sure if I'll ever compete again but I know regardless I have my memories and along the way all the great people I've met. Brazilian jiujitsu is a big part of my life and I'm greatful to still be able to train on a consistent basis. #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt
Photo credit: Mike Calimbas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

4 Week transformation

"All dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them."

#tbt  So here's my 4 week prep transformation for my last show.  Starting weight was 224 lbs down to 205 lbs morning of my competition. Pictures were taken in the morning. Anything you want to do requires hardwork and consistency.  When I'm not getting ready for a show I eat alot, because with Bjj and my conditioning training  I can afford to. It's all about increasing your metabolism. If you need online training message me for rates and we can work towards accomplishing your goals. #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro


"If you are afraid of failure you don't deserve to be successful!"

#tbt- Stage shots from my last NSL pro competition. I decided to switch things up and wear some different shorts. I compete in Men's Physique Beach because as far as my physique I stay pretty lean throughout the year. For this show I was probably 205 lbs the morning of the show before food. I probably stepped on stage at 207 lbs..6 pop tarts and 4 burgers to fill out. One of the best things I like about this division is if you have a natural look, no hard, flexing type poses then you should do well. I'm currently  16 days out from my next NSL pro competition in Miami. It's mentally draining sometimes doing so many shows especially when you have so many people trying to get you to do things. Pisses me off sometimes but I guess it's the nature of the game. Anyways this will be my last show then i'll take a little time off before finishing this year with maybe 1 or 2 shows. #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro

Friday, July 1, 2016


"Beauty is about living your life & being happy with yourself inside & out & not worrying about what people think of you."
Good morning! Growing up I never had CONFIDENCE in myself. I was the shy, quiet kid that kept to himself. I battle depression and suicidal thoughts on a daily basis. I'm not trying to get sympathy just stating facts. Those that are close to me know why I do what I do. It always makes me laugh when I hear so and so was talking shit about me...Like they truly know me. Things like that used to bother me when I was younger, probably some of the reasons I wanted to check out early. These days I'm more focused..I don't care who likes is what it is. I'm destined for great things..I know this and I believe this! Keep pushing and make the HATERS talk about you.  ‪#‎theblackspiderman‬‪#‎nslpro‬ ‪#‎bjjblackbelt‬

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Overcoming Obstacles!!


Overcoming obstacles requires having alot of mental Strength. There's days when I wake up and think to myself is all this worth it? I mean seriously? I have a bad knee, back ...hell I could go on but every day I wake up and go weight lift, then bjj training. Then I get people that want me to train them. They don't want to pay me just give them workouts, meal plan etc. FYI. .if someone gives you something for free odds on you won't do it...let alone the fact you're asking that person to devote some time to helping you...for free. My time is wouldn't go to a doctor and ask them for free treatment would you? Anyways when I get messages from someone telling me I motivated them to work out that day that's how I know I'm on the right path. Sorry for the rant but had therapy. Keep pushing and overcoming your Obstacles. #theblackspiderman#nslpro #bjjblackbelt 

Friday, June 3, 2016

4 year Transformation

Left is from July 2012 my first Men's physique competition, the Branch Warren (I placed 2nd in masters and open). Truth be told I didn't start actually prepping for competitions till my 12th show. The  Right is my 26th Men's physique competition and 1st pro show (I won). When people tell me things that I need to work on I listen but I know I have to remind myself that most of them don't know shit. I've come a long way with developing my physique. I went from walking around normally from 190- 195 lbs to 215 - 225 lbs. The reason my weight fluctuates so much is because of how I train. I do strength training and conditioning 8 times per week with BJJ 4 times per week. I wake up every morning with back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain etc. , but it's what I know and it's my routine. I have a life that allows me to be able to train this much. You can't let weak minded people diminish your accomplishments with their criticisms because they're not you. They haven't been through your pain. People only see results but never see the struggles it took to get there. I still have more to do in this life before it's all said and done..more pain..more struggles but I know it will all be worth it in the end. Message me for online training. I'm only excepting a few people at a only Serious people message me. Don't message me "What's up..How you doing"...only message if you want to work to accomplish your goals. Stay focused and keep pushing. Fuck the fakes and the Haters! They haven't been through what you've been through. #theblackspiderman #bjjblackbelt #nslpro

Sunday, May 15, 2016

First Pro Competition with Nspire Sports League

This was a stage shot from my first pro competition with the Nspire Sports League. At the end of the week you'll know where and when my next one will be. When I look at pictures from when I started till now I'm amazed. I've worked hard to get to this point in this Physique Aesthetic sport. Some people want to be big I just want to be Shredded. Anyways with Hardwork and perserverance anything can happen. Everyday I get someone who NEEDS to tear me down. Just makes me work harder. Haters will always try to tear you down, just remember that they are your NUMBER ONE FANS! :) #theblackspiderman #nslpro #bjjblackbelt

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Why the drama with the NPC and IFBB

Friday, April 1, 2016

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." 
The day I won my NSL procard. It took me competiting 25 Physique competitions to achieve this goal. I trained myself with the help of my boy War*fit and certain people along the way. The list is long but my first show I was guided by Valerie Smith who helped guide my through my first competition. Then it was off to the races. Every time I would fall short I would think about quiting ,but I never did. Hardwork and Perserverance is what it takes to accomplish anything you want in life. Haters along the way will try and bring you down or the Fake friends will try and keep you on their level, but you gotta keep pushing! May 7th will be my pro debut then as usual it's off to the races because I will be doing as many as possible. Just watch me!‪#‎theblackspiderman‬ ‪#‎nslpro‬ ‪#‎teamblackout‬

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

4 week Transformation!!!

4 week transformation : Ok so to the left is when I started prep (235.6 lbs), right is the morning of the show (210.2 lbs ) roughly. People never believe me when I say my prep is 4 weeks but it always has been since my 12th competition. I've put on more muscle do to the long lay over between shows so I wasn't able to reach my target weight like usual but that's ok. It earned me my ‪#‎Nsl‬ procard which I'm finding out has Value to it. I can't lie it's a little bit more overwhelming than I thought, but I was made for this. Years of struggling, depression, doubting myself and the military etc. has toughened me up. It's not easy but anyone can do this if it's what you Want. No EXCUSES...JUST Make a decision to Change and Do it! Pro debut May 7th in Irving Tx...Let's go! ‪#‎theblackspiderman‬ ‪#‎teamblackout‬

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Searching for the Meaning of Life!

Some days I just wanna give up. It’s hard staying motivated, believing that I will accomplish what I see in my head. I’m a negative person by nature so it takes everything in me to be positive. I see so many people who are full of shit everyday. Everybody always wants to blame someone else for why they can’t accomplish something. Why can’t people stop with the hate and criticism of others? I know it’s not reality for this world to be like that. There I go with the negativity or is it Reality? You know when I start prepping for a show I get an influx of “Can you tell me what I need to eat?” Like there is some magical food out there lol. I don’t write recipes…I’m not Betty Crocker. These are the thoughts that go through my head. Negative right? I guess I always think to myself cut out all the pizza, cakes, junk food, soda, etc. Eat more meals but smaller portions and workout. You will lose fat. It’s not complex but people want easy things to do..pills, or just for you to listen to How many fad diets they’ve tried and didn’t stick to because they really didn’t want to tone up. Honestly what’s the point of this rant? Nothing…just clearing my head. It always makes me wonder when someone talks to me in person and tells me they like my posts etc. But yet they never Like my posts. Get it? Usually it’s because they don’t want me or others to know they like my shit. Again that’s how my brain works. Anyways I’m drinking coffee because I’m waiting on next meal. Rant with NO purpose

Woman goes off on McDonald's! !