Saturday, May 31, 2014


Crazy Guy Dancing on a Train Naked WTF???

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Be the Bigger Man

Be the Bigger Man

Ok so on Memorial day I went to Ihop because I had a craving for some crepes. As I pulled up there was a truck pulling out of a spot so I stopped and put my blinker on waiting for them to get out of the spot. Then a truck with two guys and a female come up and they stop and put their blinker on. Needless to say I was already there and had been waiting for about a 30 seconds. Due to the angle when the parked truck finally pulled out the truck in front took the spot. I found another spot, but I was heated!! I got into Ihop first and saw the people in the truck as they came into Ihop. I asked them if they saw that I had my blinker on....the driver said, "What you gonna move me?" I made a threatening comment and they made a threatening comment.... but the girlfriend had more sense then all of us. She dragged her man inside. I was still heated and if you know me you know I hate when I feel like I've been wronged... I stood over the two guys and said more threatening comments...but then I was called to my table. I haven't been that mad in a minute..I just kept thinking I could probably go to prison for all the things I wanted to do to these guys...over a Parking spot. I always preach to my friends to be the bigger person but when it's you..DAM!!! Well I calmed down and got up and went to their table and I apologized for my comments. At the end of the day I told them it's just a parking spot..No Big deal. I've got too much to lose and nothing to gain. I was the Bigger man that day...never let anyone make so mad that you do something STUPID!

The Black Spiderman

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Photoshoot: Jason Ellis

Photography from back in january in Cali. Got to shoot with Jason Ellis. IN 4 MORE DAYS I'm gonna begin my prep for Team Universe to try and get that procard. It just reminds of how far I've come.... "Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up." #theblackspiderman #teamrsp #teamblackout

Saturday, May 24, 2014


After hitting arms yesterday... I'm 224.6 lbs... normally I walk around at far the biggest I've ever been in my life. Can't wait to start hitting cardio and jujitsu...Been bulking putting on lean muscle for the past month. I'm strong as an ox right now...feeling good. Ready to start trimming the begins june 1st..great workout outs thanks to Regen, glutagen and fast fuel from rspnutrition.Team U lets go!!! #theblackspiderman #teamrsp #teamblackout

Monday, May 19, 2014

Inspirational Person: Alvis Solis

Inspirational Person: So for inspiration I think about where I've come over the past 9 1/2 years. I used to drink all the time and party all the time till I started doing Brazilian Jujitsu. I used to think I was a pretty tough guy till I started training at Solis Martial Arts and quickly realized that wasn't the case. Slowly but surely alot of my partying ways left me. Alvis Solis became my mentor and later a great friend who helped me fight my "Dark Passenger". People close to me know I battle chronic depression. It's just something I've come to understand about myself. But I've found my outlet and a second home where I can leave alot of my worries behind. As owner of the Best Technical BJJ schools in Houston...TEXAS... Alvis built his school starting off at a white belt level. That's hard to do but he had the mentality that "If you build it , they will come." That they did! If you're looking for a top line BJJ school to train at, a place where everyone welcomes you with open arms then Solis Martial Arts is the place. Through good times and Bad thanks for always pushing me Alvis! Oh yeah when you come "Leave the Ego at the Door". One of my favorite quotes, "Don't tell me and Disappointment me, but Show me." I wonder where I got that from?  #theblackspiderman #solismartialarts#inspirationalperson

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inspirational Person: Tiffany Smith

Inspirational Person: If you need inspiration for fitness, working out, or in dealing with everyday life's stressors look no further than Tiffany Smith. You'll find her grinding it out at Blast fitness 5-6 days a week...why? Because she loves staying active and healthy. Honestly she's helped me alot in when it comes to fitness and staying positive even when all I see are negatives. It's unreal to me sometimes how someone who deals with so much adversity in her life can still be cheerful, but she does it and with a smile. She has scoliosis pretty bad but can still out work most guys in the gym. I know a lot of people who COMPLAIN about things that are NOT that big of a deal but she is one that you will hardly ever hear complaints from. Tough female here....what more can be said..I'm glad to have you as a friend.:)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Inspirational Person: Mateo Aguirre "Auspicious Fitness"

Inspirational Person: Mateo Aguirre "Auspicious Fitness" owner/personal trainer and NPC Men's Physique competitor. If you're looking for inspiration and motivation look no further than this gentleman right here. My first show that I competed in was at the Branch Warren less than 2 years ago. I placed 2nd in Masters...beaten out only by Mateo. At the time I didn't know who he was but I soon discovered that he was a wise person when it came to proper nutrition and conditioning. If it wasn't for Mateo giving me advice and nutrition tips I probably wouldn't have started taking this industry seriously! He's a great motivator and when he tells you something it's to actually help you. He's a genuinely good guy. So if you're looking for a trainer, Fitness tips, inspiration contact him!