Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who Sells more!!!!!!

Current mood: bouncy

Ok so again i find myself with some time since i've been up since 4:30 am.....i've been working my but off all morning and have decided on taking a break...so i was thinking....50 cents brought out this feud between him and Kanye to say that if Kanye sold more records when they both came out with their albums that he would retire from rapping??? HAHAHHAHAHA...But now since Kanye took the high road...well the quite role he's taking it back saying that they are both different rappers and that it doesn't matter.....hahahahahha....ok if you don't know much about the music industry this whole shit was just marketing...50 is a smart guy and he knows that conflict sells!!!! If there is some kind of drama behind something then people want to check it out even more....i mean you can only get shot a certain amount of times before people want something new......hahahahhahaa.....I mean if Jessica Alba came out with an album i wouldn't buy it but if there was a DvD extra in it that had her and jessica Beale making out...ok now you've peeked my interest....i'd invest in that....now if Bush came out with an album...Hell no would I buy it....but if it was bush banging Hillary....hmmmmmm...now again you've peeked my interest.....hey i'm a sick individual...hahahahaha....like i said give the folks something interesting so that they buy your shit......i'm a sick sick bastard......that's gross though....hush up....don't write that...ugo stop....oh stop it....hahahahaha...i'm not playing...Ugo...don't stop....faster,harder....deeper......give it to me baby......ok i'm done.....hey it's tuesday what do you want from me :P

The Black Spiderman (hahahhahahh)

Been Thinking!!!

Ok so i've been thinking...shit i have some time before i leave here since my mom is taking her sweet time.....when i die i want to be buried in the cheapest way possible.....yep....i was reading an article on the net about how much burial expenses are and that usually it's the ones left behind that have to pay....well you can't ask the dead guy to pay...so check it here's the plan......I'm going to own my house...some big mansion in the future....i want to be buried on my property!!! Seriously....somewhere in the backyard!!! I want to be dressed as comfortable possible....no suit!!!! Fuck that shit.....I hate seeing funerals of people who have passed and i think to myself they probably wouldn't have wanted to be dressed up like they were going to a wedding...they're dead!!! Put some flip flops, tang tops and maybe a ball cap on them.....I want to be buried in my gi or tang top and my Nike jogging pants!!! They have some sentimental meaning behind them...hahahahahhaa.....anyways this sounds over the top but i want people to party it up at my funeral...B.Y.O.B though hahahahahha...i expect my friends to come with what they want to eat and drink....yeah folks i'm not paying for your shit even when i'm gone...hahahahahaha....come to think about it i will make a video detailing what i want.....people never get things right....anyways it's time to get the fuck out of here.......

The Black Spiderman

Whatup Vick!!! You damn right you sorry....ahhahahaha ...sorry you got caught...

Felt Good!!!!!

Ok so awhile ago I had done a video titled "Suicide" in which i talk about a friend who had taken his life in early May...in this video I go on to talk about my last attempt and what lead me on that path and so on...well on youtube a guy that i had met awhile back was looking up phillipino martial arts and some how stumbled onto my page and watched the suicide video....turns out he was having those thoughts do to things not going right in his life....he told me that the video helped him ALOT and that it was like a breath of fresh air....that actually made me feel good because honestly when i made the video it was just my way to honor my friend and to reveal a different side of me that my true friends know of.....hey i can't help but be a clown sometimes because honestly it helps me deal or not deal with my issues.....everyone has issues and it's important to find a way to deal with it.....hopefully you can find positive ways of dealing....i have found one and that's martial arts and that's why i train so hard...because when i compete...win or lose i know that this is better then what i would be doing if i wasn't training 3 days a week......depression is and illness and honestly it bothers me when i hear shit like...snap out of it...it's not a big deal...but to that person who feels like that they haven't found a coping mechanism to deal with their pain....."Quit being a pussy"....well how do pussies behave?? I think that this is something serious that leads to a whole lot of greater problems that affetcs society these days....you feel bad about your life and without a solution to it you start taking it out on society...friends,family,co-workers etc.......till you end up dead or worse....murdering someone.....and the sorry thing is that if you have children then they observe this and the pattern can start all over again....damn didn't want to rant there....oh yeah i did...lol....anyways just something to think about around 6:37 am......who the hell is up at this time??

The Black Spiderman (I'm an indian outlaw....half cherokeen......ahahhaha)

P.s.--hahahaha...you thought i was going to talk about sex :P

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pisses me Off!!!!!!

Current mood: complacent

Ok so its friday...hell yeah...just woke up....yeah woke up in extreme pain.....i can't move neck down or to the right............gotta train today but don't think i'll be doing that...hahhahaha....man i've never had an injury with my neck this bad before......sucks but that's not what pisses me off...check it...I HATE PEOPLE WHO KEY CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine from my school Solis Martial arts got his badass 2007 or 2006 cherry red mustang keyed the night before...he didn't discover it till the morning!!!! Man is that some bullshit or what?????? I've never keyed anyones car because i would rather key them.....but that is some gay ass shit......You work hard for your possessions and to have some one who was probably a retard do something like that....Not cool...they need to strung up....hahahaaaha....yeah I said it...Strung up......Let me catch someone keying my car....but of course there's no way to catch the guy because like i said it's the pussy mans crime!!!! Anyways i was thinking about that and had to put it out there since i can't look down....so hopefully i'm typing the right shit!!! My ex left for college next year in nacadoches......hmmmm...gonna miss her....trippy we are still cool even with all the %$%^%%%*^^&^*&&*^ Censor ^%%^%%^%% we've put each other through......it's one of those Love hate relationships...ahahhahahaa....Anyways it's friday and today is my best friend Christians birthday!!!!!!!!!! Guys 28 years old.....so you know what that means....free food....his treat....hahahahhahahah...yeah that's how i roll...gotta drive to pearland later....my goal is to get the Range of motion up a little bit on my neck so that it won't be so hard driving....anyways it's UFC Weekend And Randy is gonna win...all those nonbelievers......hahahaha...FUCK YOU!!!! Time to party folks cause i'm in pain...gotta Love it!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman (To live is to suffer but to survive is to find meaning in that suffering!!!!!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Michael Vick!!!!!!

Current mood: busy


Alright so Michael Vick probably will be doing some time in prison.....hmmmm....He's a good guy....he didn't mean to do what he did.....poor guy....he is just misunderstood....he's a superb football player....pretty much brought more recognition to the NFL....FUCK HIM!!! Seriously I love football.....grew up playing it and of course i love madden football...don't play as much as i used to....man Vick??? Why??? You are making millions and you go and do something stupid like this.....leave the hood in the hood....shit dog...no pun intended....hanging dogs, slamming them on pavements,electricuting them, drowning...these are various ways they had dogs killed....murdered if they didn't perform.....there's a word for that.....socio-pathic behavior.....these are signs that some one has a god complex.....wants to feel like a man....I'm not gonna lie i'm more of a snake lover but i like dogs.....and probably in the future once finances get right will probably own one.....and i have alot of friends who own dogs and i see the way they baby their dogs......they treat them like a member of the family because in a way they are......i guess i'm not there.....but man i just don't understand what this guy was thinking??? And the funny thing is his boys showed their true colors....."yeah Vick did it all".....so that they could get a lesser sentence....."But he's owning up to his mistakes"....shut the fuck up....he HAS TO!!! That's the only way to hurry up and get this out of the news and for him to get a reduced sentence.....play football again...yeah your gonna be playing some football inside....man they love football players inside!!! Lets see how fast you can run around in there....it's hard to talk shit about him....because i can remember countless Madden games i've won because of his running and throwing.....and he made me like the falcons again since Prime time!!! Oh well you gotta look at his actions...doesn't matter who he is......famous or not....what he did.....just what he did.....

The BlacK Spiderman (Hey The remake of Halloween is coming...i'm gonna buy that dvd.....it's looks good...it better be better then the rest of these weak ass remakes!!)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Superbad and The Invasion!!!!!

Current mood: crazy
The Invasion

7.5 on a scale of 1-10...10 being the best movie ever....No such thing....anyways this movie was similar to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers...only without of the Body Snatchers in the title....they substituted The father Sutherland for a woman....the actress that was married to the nut job Tom Cruise....only at the end there's a happy ending....i guess....you know they need to just show her ass naked....might have done it for me...honestly icould pick this movie apart but i'd be wasting my time....if you like unrealistic shit go see this...don't eat anything while watching it though...something about this kinda grossed me out a little....this is the kind of movie that makes you want to snort coac and shit...Hey Lindsey where you at...hahahahhahahha

8.5 as far as comedy goes.....8.5 as a movie goes that should be seen in the theatres....man the fat kid and the dorky kid with the glasses were the funniest in this movie....man i wonder how old the fat guy is in real life....MAN THat Mother fucker Curses wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much!!! Seriously I got offended with all the use of pussy and cock and fuck this and that...shit....But for some sick reason I liked this movie...it gave a moral statement towards the end...guys should never take advantage of a drunk girl....unless they are drunk too! AHHAHAHAHHA....that was the message....oh and when nice girls get drunks they say some crazy sexual shit....and why do people pretend that they don't remember shit the next day when it's obvious that they do??? Anyways this was a good movie...the tall nerd guy punked out.....you should have worked that girl...PUNK!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman

P.s.-- you know there is something wrong with you when you sit around drawing PENises..seriously man draw penises going in vaginas that's normal......

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pissing me off!!!!!!!

Current mood: annoyed

Ok so i'm watching One life to live...yes it's a fucking soap opera...the only one that i watch...and here it goes again...the fucking news talking about the weather..."Oh it's raining"...."Oh it's raining hard"....SO WHAT!!!!! WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!!!!!!!! Damn it rains all the time...why the hell do they choose 1pm-2pm to talk about this shit....wait till after 2pm....use General Hospital's time....man it was just getting good too...Asa Buchanan is dead...at least i think the character is dead,.....but chances are the real guy died....but i won't know that because guess who's interrupting....yes you guessed it Eyewitness News...PUSSIES>>>>DAMN this is really urking me!!! Why can't they just wait till 5pm news...that's when most people watch that shit anyways....but nooooooooo they have to dedicate their time to pissing me off....you know what i'm gonna have to go down there and slap some people around!!!! DAMN SHUT UP PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Why can't somebody shut them up!!!!! They get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to interrup my show....why??? Why do they get paid so much for this shit./...i'm gonna egg their houses...seriously they make me sick...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........ok so i'm not feeling better.....sorry for interrupting your regularly scheduled program for ALL MY B.S. but i have nothing better to do than bore you with nonsense.....FUCK HEADS!!!! If i had one wish it would be for a lightning storm to crush down upon their station...these people are still rambling about nothing...NOTHING.....Absolutely NOTHING....NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THe BlacK Spiderman (This is the kind of stuff that causes strokes....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Thoughts!

Current mood: blah

I hate feeling this way.....it blows...i realized something i'm never going to be one of those chipper high strong kind of people...you know the type....cheerleader do gooder lets save the world type...can't stand them.....everyone has problems but the facts of the matter is that I DON't care!!! I don't even care about my own....I wish i could go back...back to the day.....feb. 22, 2000....do the job right.....hmmmmm....don't worry this isn't a suicide letter because that would really be crazy...there's no attention seeking here or any of that shit just my thoughts and rambles....not seeking any comfort or it will get better speeches....because we all know that it never gets better....you just deal....deal with everything because that's what society tells you to do....force yourself to be around fake people...to go to work to put food on the table...to drink,fuck,play...whatever till the day that you die....it's all just a routine....a routine...life....yeah....this is the mind of a pessimist ....seriously if i had a show i guarantee i could bring even the most cheerful person to tears....it's a talent....i guess you could say i was born with it....i'm really tired....sick of shit....but yet i keep going...WHY?? Who knows...i feel like that turtle who went against the rabbit....kept running a steady race.....you can't please everyone...so why please ANYONE??? Seriously i liked writing as a way to fuck with peoples head...it amused me......who knew some people actually thought the same.....DAMn!!! Can't piss people off if they agree or have similar things going on...DAMN!!! I've tried to be nice.....i really try.....but sometimes everyone that pisses me off I JUST WANT TO GO OFF ON THEM>>>>Tell them everything about themselves and believe this i'm really good at upsetting people...DAMN I'm good!!!! BUt why....why can't i go back.....with everything i know i could have had a better life.....much better......much better.........

The BlacK Spiderman (To live is to suffer.......

Monday, August 13, 2007


Current mood: bouncy

This contains mature subject manner and may not be suited for all people.....hahahhahaha....You know the video i did about my grass situation i really wasn't expecting that many fucking responses...DAMN so many people hate the H.O.A's...DAMN...I lost count at around 800...I can't reply to all of you but damn i've read some stories...I think only about 10 had anything good to say....the rest were natzi this natzi that...DAMN...HAHHAHAH...shit made me laugh....this one guy is going to a hearing because he had dug up his flower bed because it had so many weeds and put up pebbles so he was being fined because it wasn't uniformed with the other houses????!!! A guy wrote me about how he had been issued a warning for putting his trash can out in front of his garage....but in his defense the neighborhood was still being built in and there would be garbage all on his lawns from the workers and it made it easier for him to pick up.....I mean damn i could go on....my head hurts...what to do about this...honestly in the old days i would see this as something to fight....but i guess now that i'm an adult...at least i think i am....i guess i gotta conform.....but H.O.A.'s fuck them...you spend all this money on a house and most people bust their ass's off making rent only to have pussies and people with too much time telling you what to do on your own property??? And what's worse is you pay them for that....shit man i think if i'm paying them they should come over twice a month and cut and edge my lawn......damn with that much time...pull some weeds while your at it...fix my shit up bitch!!!! For real...tell me how to do it...fuck that show ME!!! HAHAHAHHAHA......$160 a year.....i mean cut the front yard at least....and if the property value goes down because of how my grass looks oh well...not selling it till i'm good and ready and trust me before i'd fix it up before then...You know what i did cut the grass..i borrowed my home girl's lawnmower and i cut the the front yard at 2:00 pm...yes it was hot....good exercise...that's what i kept telling myself as i pushed the stupid mower....i should go Dave Chappelle on their ass's..."Ha look there's some weed on your yard"....here's a fork dig it up.....punks....Oh well it's a monday.....hey if you have a youtube account click on the picture on my page that says the black spiderman and subscribe to my videos.....hell subscribe on here...SUBSCRIBE DAMN IT....HAHHAHAHHAA,......H.O.A.!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman (That made me laugh...HOA....HOA.....HOA......There's HOA's in this House!!!)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Rush Hour 3!!!!

Current mood: crazy

Is the Shitznit!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHA...Man this movie made me laugh....laughing wise gotta give it an 8.9....plot wise and overall 8.5 out of 10....hey I'm HARd on movies damn it....hahahaahha...Man when they fought the huge asian guy was funny as hell!!! HAHHAHAHAHHAA.....Honestly if it wasn't for Chris Tucker these movies wouldn't be funny as hell.....man his voice makes me laugh.....Oh and women don't shave your hair off....damn that's a turn OFF!!! Bald aren't attractive.....i don't give a fuck how fine you are!!!! (And she was fine) Anyways if you have nothing to do tonight go see this movie.....shit bootleg this movie...OOooops shouldn't have said that....naw go see it it was funny!
The BlacK Spiderman (September 15 at the Verizon my boy Sam "The Sultain of Pain" and Mikel Bronzoulis will be fighting so come out and show some LOVE!!!!!!!!!)

Good News!!!!

Ok so i was talking to my boy Mikel Bronzoulis yesterday...yes sirrrrrrr MMA fighter making his Professional debut September 15 at the Verizon....so you know folks you gotta come out and support "The Greek Freak"!!! Yeah that's his name wanna fight about it....hahahhahaha....yours truly will be there to walk him down and film his match so hey hey wish him luck!!!! Man it seems like only yesterday he had gotten the news that his dad had cancer.....and shortly there after passed away...man that was some bad times!!! But hey he's tough and is now on a better path and doing what he wants to do!! It goes to show that good people can sometimes overcome hard obstacles...well anyways get ready for some videos so you guys can get to know Mikel....he's one of my closest friends in the world......some of the things we've done should be in movies....hahahhahahahhaah....hold on i said hahahahahhaah.....Man my back doesn't hurt anymore....guess that's what a new bed does for you.....my brother Best had come into town this week with his family...that was fun...brought him to class with me on monday to train....hahahahah...felt good choking him out....Yeah buddy! But he's pretty strong he just needs to get back into it again......He's the one that hooked the new mattress up...Thanks man!!! We had to tie the mattress on top of my Corrolla to get it home.....tossed the old one in one of the other rooms....Ok so i'm extremely excited.....we will be selling T-Shirts for the event for Mike so anyone wanting some let me know...yeah and it's called selling....not handing out for free...remember "We be Poor".....hahahahaha...that just sounds cool...Rush Hour 3 in a few hours...this shit better be good.......HAHHAHAHAHA...So mark your fucking calenders....SEPTEMBER 15!!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Good kids executed at school

Current mood: blank


NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) -- They were on the cusp of adulthood: four friends who made music together and were preparing to return to the college where their friendship had blossomed.An apparent robbery attempt by several assailants made the four the latest victims in this city where the murder rate has risen 50 percent since 1998.
Police said three were forced to kneel against a wall and shot at close range; a fourth was wounded. Dashawn Harvey 20,Terrence Aeriel 18, and Lofemi Hightower 20....Kids not even involved in drugs,drinking etc...Natasha Aerial 19 shot in head and knife wounds to her face and ear but is listed in fair condition.

This is an article i was reading this morning..check the link up top and you can see the photos and read it...these guys had as it seemed a bright future...the young...didn't do drugs, drink and were focused on going to college....it's rare these days and they got executed for it.....in one of Tupac's songs he talks about this...The Good die young....it's true huh??!! I feel bad for the parents of these kids because i can put myself in their mind and imagine what is going through their heads....you want someone to blame, you want answers...NEED answers...wish you could go back in time and stop them from leaving the house......if only they would have known!!! And the pussies who killed them probably were hard up for money but chances are they did this as one of those thrill seeking highs......they get a rush out of jacking people to feed their sick twisted egos....when they get caught...because i guarantee they will...i mean they WILL...and eye for an eye....no mercy.....no praying for their souls......give the parents a gun and for the one girl who is still a live if she survives completely and is healthy enough....let her confront them.....knife and all....sounds like i'm an evil guy.....so!!! I wouldn't take anyones life.....unless it was to save mine or a person i cared about....self defense...not murder....they mutilated this girl.....she's tough...strong will to live.....wasn't her time......anyways read the article.....it's not the mayors fault...it's not anyones fault but the murderers!!!!

The Black Spiderman

P.s.- R.I.P --- Dashawn Harvey 20,Terrence Aeriel 18, and Lofemi Hightower 20

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

9.2 on a scale of 1-10...man this movie was high paced through out..didn't slow down once...kinda like 24.....I honestly think it was better then 1 and two....2 wasn't that good to me but man this shit was badass!!!! Alot of the mysteries and stuff of his name and age and where he was born and stuff were answered....Matt Damon plays this character fucking good....just stick to this role dog fuck Ocean's 13 and 11 and whatever stupid you guys wanna come up with....just play a stoic assasinn and you'll do good....you should have boned the girl though...i think there might be a 4th they kinda left it open a little between things with him and Julia Styles....she's not that attractive but hey a couple....ALOT of drinks huh???? Fuck it go see this movie or I'll beat you up...worth actually paying money for shit I did and I'm poor....hahahahaha....i could actually watch this movie again.....

The BlacK Spiderman

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Current mood: blah

Ok so i got sick of doing research to find a good LCD TV that was within my budget....so i said screw it and bought a 37 " from circuit city.....gotta go pick this thing up after work...i hope it fits in my car?? Anyways dilema....mom wants me to drive her to nacadoches on friday morning but i have plans.....i already know what it's for...drexlers punk ass....fuck that......why would i help this kid....fuck him.....seriously i'm tired of him being a spoiled brat so i'm just done with it....i'm in a state where you know what i find myself looking at certain peoples pages and it somewhat bothers me....jealousy...jealousy is a bad thing..i never used to be even slightly jealous until the ex....man i didn't used to be alot of things before her....you know i can attribute alot of my growth as far as in the aspect of relationships with women to her.....hmmmmm.....i was looking at old things i used to write about her...man i wrote about her alot......weird.....i was watching this thing on...well i forgot what channel but it was titled the millionaire inside....and they had three millionaires trying to tell the audience how to become rich and all that....and when it all was said and done.....same old bullshit i already know....here's and idea....you're rich...give me money and i'll be rich.....see there a solution that works......hahahhahahaa....you know what's funny to me sometimes are the conversations men have with women...a woman will ask a guy what he wants to do(as in going out or whatever)..but when it boils down to it the guy probably doesn't want to do shit but sit his ass on the couch and watch movies, shows or sports or maybe even have sex.....unless he's already had sex in which case it's sleep or what i just said.....hahhahahah.....the girl probably doesn't want to do shit either but would rather go do something so to say that they don''t do the same thing all the time.....you know if it wasn't for women men would never get out of the house unless there homeboys wanted to go pick up women in which case a just proved my point.......women can go out with each other just to have fun but men only want to go out in the hopes of finding women or the potential of getting laid....interesting and i thought up all this shit on my own......and COCK BLOCKERS STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!! Man am i a magnet for them or what......"Hey did you go to Texas Tech"? (only comes up to ask me that when they see me talking to a female)....this stupid guy did that to me on saturday at Sherlockes and i thought to myself why is this guy talking to me while i'm mid conversation with a girl??? And then he stood there like he was trying to protect the girl from me......hahahahhahahha....i never do that to people....i wonder why??? It's hump day...lets hump.....hahahhaaa

THe Black Spiderman (PUNK!!!!!!!)

Drama but not mine!!!!!

Current mood: amused

http://www.myspace.com/jessorm my home girl Jessica... HAHHAHAHAHHA

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Omg people suck.
Current mood: annoyed

Wow. So I get an email from one of my friends' wives, all like "Stay away from my husband!" and whatnot. I'm like "WTF?" Apparently, she'd found some emails that he and I had written back and forth (which was most of our communication, since we rarely saw each other and never talked on the phone) that were a little flirty, because that's just the way our friendship was. We joked around. What gets me is, MOST of the emails weren't flirty, they were mean. He'd call me fat, I'd call him stupid, and whatnot. Or we'd be talking about how much work sucks or something he could do to tweak his webpage. And when they WERE flirty, they were peppered with "LOL" "hehe" and "omg i'm JUST JOKING." Like, he'd say something innuendo-ish, and I'd say "I'm rolling my eyes SO HARD at you right now." I even went through and looked at them, and there's no way a sane person could have thought there was anything ACTUALLY going on! God damn, women suck. So, ok, my friend's in trouble with his wife, which is too bad, but really NOT my problem, and I can't talk to him anymore, which is too bad, but it's not like we were ever really close, so that's no biggie, but what REALLY gets my goat is being accused of something I didn't do!!!! No fair trial or anything, she just sees something, assumes the worst and goes off on me, a perfect stranger, when I didn't DO anything!! She's like "What would your husband say?" I'm thinking "My husband wouldn't give a shit because he knows I love him and is SECURE in our marriage and knows the difference between a joke and reality!" So yeah, I emailed her back, saying basically, "You're a moron," but then I realized that, whether it was logical or not, the poor girl was hurting, so I sent another one saying "Sorry for all the shit you're going through" or something like that.

Anyway, another thing that really cheeses me is that I have a pretty good suspicion that I've been used. I know this man had some serious dislike toward his wife, and I remember a conversation we had about his uncle cheating on his wife or something, and I said "No one gets caught cheating unless they want to." My guess is that he took this and ran with the idea. He had told me before that his wife was an overly-jealous person, so it's not like he didn't know it. Yet he a) flirted with me via email and b) left those emails in a place where she obviously had access to it. In other words, the man was too chicken-shit to leave his wife and too caring to ACTUALLY cheat on her, so he did something to make HER leave HIM. What we in communications (hey, I minored in speech, I can say "we") call "raising the stakes" in a relationship--breaking up with someone by making it too difficult for them to stay with you. And used me as a tool to acheive that end. So now I get bullshit emails from the jilted wife. I'm pissed at him for putting me in the middle of something that I have no business being in the middle of because he's a coward. I was the one always telling him he needed to treat her BETTER! Blah. Men suck.

Response to it by crazy lady....

This is an email I got today regarding this blog. She specifically asked for me not to reply to her, so I won't. I'll reply here :-) My little interjections are set off by <>.

I am a close friend of Edward and Shana, and have been for quite some time and have spoken to both of them about this matter. I was a cheater and have been cheated on. I know both sides of the little game . AND THATS ALL THAT IT WAS, WAS A GAME . How dare you make this public to the world, when this is something that you had part in also <'scuse me? Did I let all my buddies read these "private" emails and have them go verbally assault other members of this "private" situation? No, I think that was someone ELSE that did that...AND I didn't mention any names, so all other parties (until miss amy pulled this shit) were protected>. I think your blog was childish and manipulative! You sound like someone who hasnt inquired much wisdom with age . I read the emails that went on between yall, as far as an insane reaction had that been my husband you spoke that way to, it would have been dealt with in a very fierce manner . I think Shana handled herself very well considering the circumstances.
As far as your concerned you sound like your a confused, manipulative, person who needs to let it go and think twice about entering into a "innocent" flirty manner . I am a mother of three who is happily married and never in my wildest dreams would even consider speaking to another man the way you did. In no way do I think that Edward is innocent in this matter. My husband also says that I am a jealous person which is fine, he does this without concern. I have a watchful eye out for women who portray themselves the way you do.
As for Shana and Edward they may have had minor problems in the past that apparently you were reading more into it, but as far as that is concerned that is none of your responsability . Obviously if he wanted a way out of his marriage when this surfaced he would have ended it instead of begging to keep his family together and begging his wife to forgive him.
When you grow up and realize the meaning of marriage you will understand what I am talking about. Obviously you wanted attention not from this subject (blog) and now your recieving it . Apparently you didnt make a very good impression on Edward or he would have pursued this incident further instead of ending it and ignoring you the way he did . Dont have an immature response for me to waste my time reading. Let this go before others become involved

Now, I didn't respond, per her wishes, but anyone wanna take bets as to whether amy "wastes her time" reading this? If so, let me know, I could use a few extra bucks. :-)


The Black Spiderman