Monday, July 2, 2007


Current mood: annoyed

Ok so it's a friday night and i'm chilling at home...yes chilling at home....didn't feel like going anywhere....body has been aching this week...been running around trying to get all this housing stuff taken care of! So much Bullshit to buying a house!!! Almost felt like saying "Fuck You" and just staying at my apartment!! But I know in the end it will be in my best interest....My mind is so confused about alot of much shit going through it...she fucked my world up....hooks up with random guys and thinks i betrayed her?? Hmmmm...ok! I still care about her....if it was anyone else they would probably have gotten cursed the Fuck out.....I feel as though these days I'm more tame than how I used to be....I used to not take shit from people...not like i do now but I'm alot nicer then how i used to be....I know who my true friends are and who are posers...Mikel you are a true friend and one day all your dreams will come true and you'll make YOURSELF proud!! Davis trust me you'll get everything you want and more....I guarantee that as long as I have breathe in my lungs my TRUE friends will succeed . Oh yeah Mickey quit trying to hook up with all my friends on myspace...that shits annoying! I don't don't give two shits about this girl because she's CRAZY and she keeps trying to hit on all my friends...hahahahhaa....kind of funny though because it's obvious but you ask her...she wants to get to know me through my friends??? OK???!!! HAHAHHAHAHAH.....People like that make me sick.....why can't they be real with what they are trying to pull!! If I was to hit on some one's friend I am pretty up front about it if asked.....that's being REAL!! or stupid...or wanting to get slapped...but hey I don't care...FUCK EM ALL!!!! Watch out for shifty the eyes and their's always in what they do and not what they SAY!! I'm not a fool and I hate when I'm played like one....anyways this is some Mumbo Jumbo crap expressed because it's 12:35 am.....yes it's 12:35 am and I'm about to watch some slasher movie and turn in and wake up and run and swim and get ready to watch Rampage beat Liddel's ass!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA

The Black Spiderman (Power to the people and all that jazz....)

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