Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving is Coming!!!!
Current mood: exanimate
Alright so Thanksgiving is coming and as usual this is right about the time when i start thinking so with thinking alot comes alot of writing...who knows why they go hand in hand but they do...what's up with my life.....hmmmmm....not and the ex aren't speaking...she's a hippocrate....i had to delete 20 numbers from my cell on Saturday night...just one of those nights where i started going through my phone and realized some of these people were fake.....or just really not my why the fuck do i have their numbers??? Ok so on the internet people always email me....why do you have so many friends? Simple...i add anyone!!! I don't give a fuck who you are....if we talk or not talk...why do i do this because I DO PROMOTIONS!!! I have banners up on my page for a reason...i get what i'm trying to do for the future but that's my plan....everyone who uses their myspace page for marketing gets it....hahahaha..SUCKERS!!! I'm going to be bad from now on....i'm going to be more brutally honest...i'm tired of people trying to make me out to be someone that i'm not...i'm tired of giving people opportunities to hurt me or play mind games with me....from now on i'm going to stop thinking with my PENIS and start thinking with my 10 years i will never work again.....i will have a couple of will i do it...well you'll see when it's done...i'll write a book...hahahhahaah....The trials and tribulations of The Black Spiderman hahahahha.....w/e...if you're confident then you've got to be cocky.....well Fuck it then I am whatever you call me...Pussies!!! You wanna talk shit to me....go to my page and then email me with trash talk...Bring it on because I"m Not Scared!!! Nothing hurts me....not anymore...i enjoy pain...i am pain...."To live is to suffer but to survive is to find meaning in that suffering" mind rambles and rambles and I can't control it sometimes...I have to be strong and think that everything in the end will be all right because i have a plan...i never did before and i think that's why i was soooooooooo suicidal but now i have a plan....and No one will stop me from achieving it...I gave you a chance and you hurt me....I opened myself up and you hurt me.....ok my got close to the good side of me...Ugo.... Well Ugo will be taking a break for awhile......No more Fucking Nice guy....just the focused guy.....patience...just have patience....dam this had nothing to do with Thanksgiving.....oh well it's a Fucking Monday....i think I'm going to do some work...."Oh my Fucking God".......hahahhahahhahaa
The BlacK Spiderman
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Next Week!!!
Current mood: aggravated
Ok so next week is Halloween....but this saturday is when all the parties will be going on....get at me on saturday because it's on....i was thinking about this...the that's a significant day.....I love that day!!! It's equal to a holliday but it actually isn' mind is craving something but i don't know what? I never get writers block because there is always something on my mind...except for right now...i think it comes from suppressing some of what i want to write about because a certain someone might read it and take it the wrong way....don't you hate that shit!!!! Pisses me off when you can't write what you want because people will read it and get all hurt or worse think more about what you're writing then you are.....i'm sick of that crap...."I read your blog" what??!!! I don't care....I don't even remember half of what i write when i write it....and that's the truth.....but people think i live by this shit or something....Fuck Vin Diesel.....I realized I haven't said Fuck him in a while so Fuck Vin Diesel...while we're at it...Fuck Bush.....Fuck Rosie.....You know what Fuck the Pope too...Oh nooooo He said Fuck the Pope....You know what I'm just gonna start pissing people off...I've gotten way too nice....seriously I never used to be this nice with what I wrote....I just wrote from the Heart...hahhahaha...the Heart....hold on I gotta feel for it....Fuck the Texans....Fuck Chris Crocker....punk ass....naw I don't hate the guy...there's no one on earth I hate....maybe on Mars...I hate martians...Fuck them too.....hahahhahahha.....I saw this rabbit the other day and I thought to myself how can something soo cute taste soo good??!! Oh well i ad to put a couple of bullets into him...skinned him and added some garlic...let simmer and had some rabbit I'm full.....Yeah Folks see now I'm gonna have retards ask what this was all about...Fuck you too!!!!
THe Black Spiderman
I never understand my purpose in this world and now i's to....
30 Days of night!!!!!!
Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfetc such thing but I'd give this movie an 8.2...... I can honestly say this was the first Vampire movie I've ever seen that made me twitch a little....hahahhhaa......Lots of brutal killings....NICE!!!! If you've seen the previews there was no plot but honestly it didn't really need it....everyone pretty much died....ahhahaha..FANTASTIC!!! There was no deep lesson to learn only if you are hiding in the attic from Vampires and someone starts making noise....CHOP THERE HEADS OFF!!! I just didn't get one the hell did the little girl survive for 27 days by herself??? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!! Some one please tell know what that pisses me off....hahahhaaha.....anyways Guys take a girl to this....She'll be all over you!!! THe Black Spiderman |
The Mind of an Angry Person!!!!
Current mood: annoyed
Ok so this is the Mind of an Angry person.....this is not how i feel just shut up and read.....Ok so you want to know what the Fuck pisses me off Fucking retards that email me ask me not to write certain things...FUCK OFF!!! Don't my shit then.....Another thing that pisses me off is when girls try to get guys to say a compliment...."You don't think I'm pretty do you"..."I'm not as special as so and so"'s a fucking trap and that shit annoys me.....I hate when people ask you how it's going especially when it's been 2 days since they last talked to you...What the fuck do you think has happened in the last 2 days??? an earth quake....Don't ask me Stupid questions...and you know they don't give a Fuck about the answer....Another thing that urks me is when people tell you to calm down...FUCK YOU!!! I'll calm the fuck down when I want to!! If I'm pissed stay the fuck away and let me be pissed some people work shit out by being pissed you two faced piece of shit......Another thing that urks me is when some one says they want to do something then changes there mind at the last minute after you've made all the arrangements....Oh I'm tired....You should have thought about that before you made me make arrangements ass ho!!! Fuck!!!! I hate Pussies at fights who like to get all loud and shit...and i mean loud about stupid shit...If I was in there I'd kick his ass....Bitch look where you're're not PUSSY and if you were I know you would be getting your ass kicked!!! I hate swolle motherfuckers who really try and act swolle.....big muscle bound fucks.....and I hate people that ask me how they can get a six pack...dude i'm fucking skinny so my abs show like i have good genes in that area I fuck off....I hate when you are trying to be nice to some one and they look at you like you have an alterior motive.....Bitch i'm just trying to be nice because I FEEL LIKE IT!!!!! I hate SNOBBY ASS FUCKING PEOPLE who think they are better then everyone...I'll Slap the shit out of you!!!! I hate when RETARDS ASK YOU TO TONE DOWN YOUR LANGUAGE>>>>> FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU!!!!! I hate trying to be a nice guy even though it's eating at me to be a bad guy!!! I hate BumS!!!! People who don't want to work or are just lazy because they have all kinds of money.....I hate owing some one!!! And they always have to remind you of that....AWWWWWWWW That fucking pisses me off...I hate people who tell me my blogs amused them....FUCK YOU!!! I'm not a fucking clown Bitch....I'm not writing because i'm trying to entertain you...You dumb fuck....I don't give a shit if anyone reads this crap.....SERIOUSLY!!!! I hate people that like to pick on the weak...YOU ARE A PUSSY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAA
THe Black Spiderman (HAAAAAAAAAAA.....tHAT FELT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you gotta write stuff to clear your head....that's the mind of an angry person...peace)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Current mood: cheerful
Ok so I've been doing alot of soul searching...damn you would think I was Bipolar with all my various moods but I've realized that life moves way too slow....the good times were actually from 0 years old to 3 years's the break down....the past two days i've been helping to look after Caydon my she is a handful!!! She doesn't like sitting in a baby carrier for long and she has the most god awefull crying ever imaginable..... When i was younger I had to take care of my sisters and brother because my parents worked alot and stuff so changing diapers and making formula at age 11 wasn't a big deal...hey you grow up quick when you are broke....but when ever Drexler or Erica or even Holly cried it didn't phase me one bit....shit I would even get them to cry louder...logic behind it was that after crying their ass's off they would tire and fall asleep or just plain stop...shit not Caydon!!! What is wrong with this girl.......AHHHHHHHHH!!! She doesn't shut up for shit!!! I really tried my best to keep from picking her up when ever she cried but damn...she just screaches her ass off!!! The only good thing about her is that she can sleep the whole night away....lazy, sleep and shit is what she does.....same thing as my little brother Drexler...hahahahhahaha.....hahahhahahaa....hahahahaha......Anyways she's cute....punk ass....Makes me kinda want my own but Nope not yet...she eats TOOOOOOOO Much....almost like every 3-4 hours she has to have a bottle....the only way to shut her up some times..... Gotta get her in check cause i don't play can't let them think they run things...but she's sooooooo cute ahhahahahha....When you play music she shuts up...or if you drive her around she shuts up..other then that if she's laying on her stomache she cries....put her on her back and she falls asleep.....weird.....I'm gonna call her Maximum Carnage....hahahahahhaa
THe Black Spiderman
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wow it's finnally over...another boring ass day!!! Ok so this weekend including today I have to get continuing education credits so that i can retain my license as an Occupational therapy Assistant.....Today i learned some interesting things....I can't stay awake!!! HAHHAHAHA...Damn I hate when you really want to sleep but because you don't want to be disrespectful you have to fight the urge to sleep.....shit there was this guy in the 1-3 class that just had his head down.....snoring his ASS off!!!! Dude was slobbering everywhere!!! My weekend is SHOT!!! Couldn't even train tonight cause I'm just wayyyyyyy to drain from being up at 6.....shit sucks!!! Ok so next weekend Folks my boy Mikel Bronzoulis is making his Pro debut at the Toyota center...yep we have a whole night planned after his or lose!!! Limosine and afterparty!!! Man it's funny to think that only 5 years ago we would be getting Fucked up talking about all the shit we wanted to do...he would talk about fighting and i would talk about becoming rich....we'd be freestyling in Mikes apartment....two broke, drunk mother fuckers things are turning around for both of us...I got good news for myself...I came up with an invention 2 months ago and was able to talk to the head of one of the largest catalog companies for things of this nature...he gave me his cell and email address ahhahahaah...he told me all i need is a prototype made and call him and he'll set up the rest...if he likes it he'll manufacture it and sell it and i get royalties....JUST WHAT I WANT!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHHA....
The Black Spiderman
7 days!!!
October 15, 2007 - Monday
I can't believe I didn't listen to her...why didn't I listen?? I never thought things would turn out this way....wasting away on the ocean like this.....I truly did Love her!! I remember the long walks on the beach...holding her hand.....we were as one....She would always tell me that no matter what she would be there for me.....I stare into this mirror and I can't imagine my life without her....everyone else is dead only i alone survive....never mind how I got into this mess I have to survive...I just can't let go....too much has to be done....too much has to be said...if only I could go back....i would have said all the things i should have, done all the things i should have....but life is never that body is wasting away ...I'm sooo hungry!!! I can still see her days no food, no water and I can still see her face.....I want to give up but It's not my time....I still see her face...her ong auburn hair...those potty lips.....beautiful blue eyes.....that smile that lights up a room when it's shown.....I wonder what she's thinking.....i wonder what she's doing...i should have listened to her...she told me not to go on this trip but I told her I'd be back...only 2 days........only???!! My heads body's aching....I can smell her perfume...I love the scent...I always smell her hair....can't help always turned me on....her scent when she was next to me....when we would lay in's the little things you think of when you know you might die......God I wish I had listened....I wish I wish I wish......I just.....want things the way they were....7 days ago....hmmmmmm.....the tears start trickling down now...good thing no ones around to see this....didn't think i even had any fluid to produce......It's over and I'll never be able to tell her how much she meant to me.....Never....this is where I belong....a raft in the middle of the ocean.....this is how my heart feels....empty and alone.....should have listened but I didn't....and now i will die alone....... |
Halloween memories!!!
Current mood: creative
Alright so Halloween is coming up...don't know what I'm going to be...probably myself...that's a scary person there...let me tell you about him...since last October i've gone through alot of shit.... Friends passing, friends parents passing, fights with the ex, fights with some so called friends....Friendships friendships started....every year you have to take the time to think back on your past....that way you can see the improvements or non-improvements you've made....I love this time of the year...not because it's close to X-mas...because I can't stand X-mas!!! It's a fake year when everyone pretends to be nice or good.....then they go back to their real selves....anyways Mike's fighting this weekend and it's gonna be or lose He's one of my closest friends and with that comes a sense of loyalty...he's proven it time and time again that he's a good guy.....and good things hopefully will happen for him.....BOOO...did you get scared?? I bought a Jason Mask and that's what i'm going to start wearing whenever I do a video blog for the rest of the month...shit I'm wearing it as i type this up...hahahhaa...nope not really but why is it whenever I give people advice they want me to be's funny I always follow my gut!!! The gut always knows or at least is usually right and when i give someone i care about advise they just won't listen and then when what i said happens it's like Damn I knew it!!! But being right means that someone has suffered some kind of pain......I wrote a story yesterday and I start getting email and phone calls.."Are you alright?" What was that story about...why does anything have to be about anything....i have a wild imagination and I can't help when it just goes in auto mode....things pop out...doesn't relate to shit just STORIES!!!! But of course people always think things are about them...egocentric thinking...the same that of teenagers....the whole world revolves around you....I write for relaxing reasons and 95% of what i write is just for kicks or WHAT NOT...hahahaha..always wanted to say that....I've got a razor in my hand and i'm about to go vertical down my wrist.....OUCH...the blood trickles down...I slop it up like i'm eating biscuits and has a metalic taste...I love it....I'm now an eternal being...........ahahhahahah deuce
THE Black Spiderman
P.s.- Don't take things too literally.....just stories....nothing more....FUCK THE WORLD!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Wisconsin town in shock after off-duty deputy kills 6
Current mood: annoyed
CRANDON, Wisconsin (CNN) -- A small town in northern Wisconsin awoke to grief and questions Monday, a day after an off-duty sheriff's deputy shot and killed six people at an early-morning party. The shooter, 20, was reportedly killed by a police sniper after officers tracked him down Sunday afternoon.
Alright so this is the jiff of the story...This Sheriff deputy broke into a party on sunday...well more like a get together where his ex-girlfriend was and killed 6 people in there!!! Why you ask...well honestly no body knows but from what it looks like another senseless murder over a relationship gone bad!!! And the people who weren't even involved with this guy had to pay the price!! Luckily he was killed by a police sniper later on but you know what they shouldn't have done need to find out what actually was this fucks motive for doing what he did? What was running through his mind when he planned on this pointless killing? That's the only way of preventing future Sheriff's or people with some form of authority from going crazy like he did.....You can only hope that he had an agonising death though but that's not the case...quick and painless.....last thing he heard was he's just a memory....check out this show Dexter that comes on showtime on sundays....AWESOME SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes you into a mind of a serial that kills serial killers.....Here's a brain it right to take some one's life even if they were a ruthless, blood thirsty Killer themselves? And if not...WHY NOT?
THe Black Spiderman (Just something to think about)
My Weekend!!!
The Black Spiderman
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Current mood: bitchy
Alright so yesterday was a long ass day...had to drive around seeing patients...sucked balls!!! Anyways so when i finnally got into my own car it was 4:00pm after driving all over houston since 10 am!! Yeah i texted some people cause I was bored....but so on my way home i needed gas cause i was running on i pulled into this Chevron station and man it never fails..."Hey man can I get some change" (Guess he thought i had money since I stepped out of the Corrolla)....ahahhahahhaa....Anyways as usual i said hell NO!!! He looked at me all mean and stuff....Come on man you can't give me anything? Man it took every ounce of strength in me not to kick his teeth in....He actually started walking towards me and I had to stop what i was doing and ball my fist to get ready....In my head I could see myself grabbing him by the head and cleaning the pavement with his face....the guy was probably in his 30's but for a bum he had on pretty good clothes but yet wanted money from me.....I told him he needed to stay the fuck away from me cause I didn't have any money!! I hate Bums!!!! My parents came to America not really being able to speak the working 3 jobs and going to school while pregnant how many times....and my dad doing the my best friend and his family...same thing...and they've made it but without begging....Look i'm not trying to act superior to this guy but no matter how bad it got I would never beg someone for that shit Urks me.....the one time I did give money to someone i got jacked for an extra 76 cents!!! I still remember that day....can't remember his face though but man i wish i could!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I woke up!!!!
Current mood: anxious
I woke up this morning only to wish that i could go back to sleep and never wake up'm tired as hell!! been at work since 5:30 the sun is barely making it's way up....lazy ass!!! Where were you when i got up...could have used you as a fumbled about looking for my keys to open the door....Pussy.....hahahahhaha...anyways so Brittney Beers cause that's what her stomach looks like...j/k.....shit people say she got fat but i think she's never looked better!!! Man I know plenty of guys who would give it to her one more time.....get it...;)....naw but looks like she's losing her kids to Kevin Fed....while this bitch has been partying it up and stuff he's been laying low and cleaning up his act...i gotta give the guy props because it takes a real man to want to take care of his kids and be in their lives.....I was reading somewhere that Brittney in order to keep her kids( Hey i was bored and it was right sue me) Had somethings to do that was ordered by the judge.....well looks like she didn't do any of them...she even got caught on tape hitting a parked car? Now I'm not the best driver in the world but when you hit a parked car...yeah...that license needs to be taken quickly!!! I can't feel sorry for her....oh poor rich Brittney.....everyone has deserted her....when you have fakes around you you get fake results...I can't surround myself with people who i can't trust or who would turn on me if i pissed them off...can't surround myself with people who aren't dependable...because i'm trust worthy and dependable (if we are Friends)...well even if we're not i do my best to honor my word.....But hey Fuck her...her life doesn't mean shit to me....I won't lose sleep over it....
THe Black Spiderman (I can't sleep at night I toss and turn.....)
Monday, October 1, 2007
New Phone!!!!!!!
Current mood: bouncy
Ok so I just bought a new phone...had to...i had a motorola pebble....2 years and this shit starts fucking up....damn it sucks cause i had some VERy good video on there but no way of transferring them over.....:(.....DAMN!!! Oh well i'll just make some new ones ahahahahahhaa...i still have the old one....i can't sell it since...well the videos hahahahhaa.....and no they're porn or anything like that just people caught doing funny shit....hahahahhaha...that's why i keep going hahahahahaha...anyways i bought a motorola RIZR...not's better...well at least for what i need it to do....damn phones are evolving now...looks like that IPhOne is a bust...retards!! Good thing i didn't buy any stocks in that shit!!! People don't want outrageously crazy phones.....well at least normal people don''s funny how these phones come with Mp3 players and all this stuff that if you break it down you don't really much time do you spend listening to music on your phone?? Use your Ipod or Mp3 player....the batteries don't last long so what's the point of using the cell for music....damn i just lost my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....oh no wait...there it is....almost had a heart attack right there....anyways tonight Prison break and Heroes comes on.....those are the shows folks....can't be beat and when LOSt comes back don't call me on wednesdays because i'm not answering...just prewarning you!! Anyways Halloween is coming up....some people need to take their masks off from last year...Booo Yahhhhhhhh!!! HAHAAHAA.. I kill me.....but it's the best day in the world...well it's my favorite day....second is new years eve...guess why? But I have my costume all picked out...I'm gonna be Dirk Diggler.....hahahahaha
THe Black Spiderman
Current mood: bouncy
Alright so this weekend was a ex got her $1,500 dollar laptop stolen from her dorm room this weekend....Her roommate left the door leading to their bathroom unlocked as she left somewhere to do who knows what....but the thieves had to come through their neighbors room to get into their room....just the way the dorms are designed...they share the bathroom with two other of them was out of lets see who could have possibly taken her laptop...??? Yeah it has to be the stupid roommate from the adjacent room....oh my bad i didn't mention that both my ex's and her roommates laptops had gotten i had to sit back and bite my tongue because I hate thieves!!! MAn that is the have something you spent your hard earned dollars on stolen because someone else didn't have the consideration or respect to not take it....she was pissed..."I slit her throat"....hahahhahaha....not funny but...hahahahhaha.....Ok it's not worth going to prison over because you can always get it replaced.....but money is a big deal though....The worst thefts are the ones in which you know who the fuck it is....or could possibly be....these girls have been fighting since school started....the thief walks through their neighbors room and takes nothing but some how knows these girls aren't in?? Come on it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put this shit together....In the old days they used to chop the hands off of a thief that way the person was shown to be a thief and that was his or hers shame.....You know i think i could somewhat understanding stealing if your family was starving and you stole a loaf of bread from a rich family to feed your kids....i can see that...shit that's how alot martial arts were developed..."They have a rice patty and I don't"......"Time to go take it"....hahhahahahaha...I like that!!! Anyways watch Dexter on Shwotime on Sundays...awesome show about a serial Killer who kills serial idol!!!
The Black Spiderman (It's monday...the fun day....What's up Bay bayyyyyyyyyyy....hahahhaha)
I'm High on Life...looking at this dagger as i trip and hits me....I fall...I bleed...only helps to feed..the blood suckers known as Mother %$$%^ers ...thieves need to shunned and choked out like Shogun...ahhahahahhaha....
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The N. Word
The Black Spiderman (You gotta read between the lines to get what i'm words...are like a dagger with a jagged doesn't matter if you're black or a les)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The BlacK Spiderman(it's Fonky Tuesday)
Monday, September 24, 2007
My Weekend!!!
THe Black Spiderman
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ok so here's the this is not about sex but it is about a PUSSY ASS GUY!!!!!!! This guy kidnapped his own children from their mother...He was the father and to put it plainly...MURDERED THEM!!! He strangled them and cut them up.....and buried their remains in a wooded area close to their house.....He's been sitting in prison for the past 3 years on charges of child kidnapping but only confessed recently when they made threats about putting him in general population....he's been in solitary confinement this whole time....Fuck that shit i say put him in general population and blast this story throughout the prison.....FUCK HIM!!!!!!!! You don't deserve to fucking Breath after killing your kids you Faggot ass PUSSY!!! Man this really urks me that someone who calls himself a father can do that....what because you hate your wife??? What the fuck is wrong with you???!!! i'd fucking strangle this guy....beat him senseless and then get to cutting....yeah you don't deserve to be seen as a man when you do something a cowardly and weak as you ever seen Sin City....You need your manhood removed because you're not one.....YOU BITCH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......ANd what annoys me is that for three years the mom has been wondering where her children were in hopes that maybe they were just jidden from her....but to find this out...Castrate this Fuck...Fuck Prison he doesn't deserve that shit!!!!!! I feel really bad for the mom because that would be a horrible thing to live with.......FUCKING COWARD!!!!
The Black Spiderman
Had to get that off my chest or I would Have Exploded!!!!
This Weekend!!!!
THe Black Spiderman (Kid Rock vs Tommy Lee....."I fucked her first" you didn't......yes i did....No you didn't cause she wasn't a virgin when you first met her.....ahhahahahahhaa so who cares!!!)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Larry Craig
"But if there is a case of a radical discrepancy in how homosexual sex and heterosexual sex are treated by the media, it is Larry Craig vs. David Vitter." by Sandip Roy
Anyways I read this article as I've just been following the news behind The U.S. Senator Larry Craig who is deciding not to resign after being busted in a mens bathroom trying to solicit sex from an undercover's funny how most of the gay and lesbian community are happy about this...maybe cause this shows the guy was a hypocrite....he is one of those who is against gay opinion marry whoever you want!! Doesn't matter...race,sex...shit if you want to marry your pet hey more power to will, free choice as long as it doesn't harm anyone else in the process.....people now a days are too sensitive about things that don't matter and things that should aren't even given much thought to...bringing the troops back,support those that give their lives, helping the middle class(sorry i had to toss that in there),poor...homeless, proper medical treatment for people...fucking insurance companies make money and who the fuck suffers....yeah me...ooops us.....hahahahhaa...anyways so what if Senator Deutsche bag wants to tap his feet and creep his fingers on the underbelly of a stall......he didn't say how much? There is a difference though in society if a guy admits to prostitution with the opposite sex then with the same sex.....people view that as sick.....Look I'm not gay but i'm not a homophobe because it would be the same thing as being a took me 21 years to understand that.....But anyways fuck this guy cause he is a hypocrite and honestly i can't stand that shit....more power to you though if you can lie about it and feel good about...hey the public's stupid anyways....Fuck em!!! And here's just an advice....they have escort services for that kind of shit....keep your shit on the down low...bathroom??? That's sick in a sanitary manner.... you're in the bathroom and you want someone to touch your fingers!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
The Black Spiderman
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Relationship Thoughts!!!!!!!
Ok so to everyone in some sort of relationship...madd propps if it's working but this is just some ranting so if you get offended fuck you....Anyways relationships blow!!!!!! Seriously why do people even bother with this shit??? I don't understand it....get this i get this email from this girl i used to mess with back in 2002...we were pretty good friends too but then she got into a serious relationship and decided to cut things off with me....the story of my life...anyways some how she found me on myspace...go figure now she wants to hook up again...guess her and her BABy's Daddy aren't getting along anymore.....ok whatever......look girl FUCK YOU!!! I could be a bigger ass and say your name but I'm not....anyways she'll read this and hopefully won't email me anymore....but I'm so sick of best friend tells me that i'm a good person and the reason why i can't find true love is that i fall for women with issues and fucked up's like i'm falling for myself...kinda sick in a way if you think about it....i have the bullshit complex of trying to help people so i end up falling for these screwed up people! You know what I do believe in Love because i have falling in love so now i understand what the whole hoop la with it is but man it blows to think that someone can have so much influence in your life to where the thought of them banging some one else bothers you...i just can't allow that....i'm a freak and i enjoy sex!! Seriously i can admit that and I can't stand those people who pretend that they aren't...maybe they aren't with you because you're just not their type but they are.....You know what I know eventually i will be in another relationship i just need to stop falling for the wrong girls...that's just my best friend says that it's because i have a good heart....yeah right...ok i need to find out where it is and cut that shit the fuck out cause i hate feeling this way!!! I was soo much ahppier when i was in the navy and my only focus was going clubbing,getting fucked up and playing basketball...oh and seeing how many numbers and girls i could make out's the challenge of trying to get a girl in the club that was so when i go clubbing i don't have as much fun because i sit there and look at the people and think these people are retards....i know this girl not falling for that...etc......back in the day i would just grab a girl and pul her to the dance floor and do my thing....that's it...i had quick game....i wasn't good with words but i had i think too much and second guess myself even when i'm drunk....well maybe when i'm not soo drunk hahahaha......Oh well fuck it....FUCK relationships!!!!!!!!!!! Never matter how much in love i am.....what goes up must come always happens...the ones that act all happy all the time and are around each other 24/7 never here's a tip....have your own's for the'll enjoy each other more when you are together!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman
p.s--to you games playing ho's Fuck you!!!! (like I said I hate real with your shit!!!!)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Who Sells more!!!!!!
Current mood: bouncy
Ok so again i find myself with some time since i've been up since 4:30 am.....i've been working my but off all morning and have decided on taking a i was thinking....50 cents brought out this feud between him and Kanye to say that if Kanye sold more records when they both came out with their albums that he would retire from rapping??? HAHAHHAHAHA...But now since Kanye took the high road...well the quite role he's taking it back saying that they are both different rappers and that it doesn't matter.....hahahahahha....ok if you don't know much about the music industry this whole shit was just marketing...50 is a smart guy and he knows that conflict sells!!!! If there is some kind of drama behind something then people want to check it out even more....i mean you can only get shot a certain amount of times before people want something new......hahahahhahaa.....I mean if Jessica Alba came out with an album i wouldn't buy it but if there was a DvD extra in it that had her and jessica Beale making out...ok now you've peeked my interest....i'd invest in if Bush came out with an album...Hell no would I buy it....but if it was bush banging again you've peeked my interest.....hey i'm a sick i said give the folks something interesting so that they buy your shit......i'm a sick sick bastard......that's gross though....hush up....don't write that...ugo stop....oh stop it....hahahahaha...i'm not playing...Ugo...don't stop....faster,harder....deeper......give it to me baby......ok i'm done.....hey it's tuesday what do you want from me :P
The Black Spiderman (hahahhahahh)
Been Thinking!!!
The Black Spiderman
Whatup Vick!!! You damn right you sorry....ahhahahaha ...sorry you got caught...
Felt Good!!!!!
The Black Spiderman (I'm an indian outlaw....half cherokeen......ahahhaha) thought i was going to talk about sex :P
Friday, August 24, 2007
Pisses me Off!!!!!!
Ok so its friday...hell yeah...just woke up....yeah woke up in extreme pain.....i can't move neck down or to the right............gotta train today but don't think i'll be doing i've never had an injury with my neck this bad but that's not what pisses me off...check it...I HATE PEOPLE WHO KEY CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine from my school Solis Martial arts got his badass 2007 or 2006 cherry red mustang keyed the night before...he didn't discover it till the morning!!!! Man is that some bullshit or what?????? I've never keyed anyones car because i would rather key them.....but that is some gay ass shit......You work hard for your possessions and to have some one who was probably a retard do something like that....Not cool...they need to strung up....hahahaaaha....yeah I said it...Strung up......Let me catch someone keying my car....but of course there's no way to catch the guy because like i said it's the pussy mans crime!!!! Anyways i was thinking about that and had to put it out there since i can't look hopefully i'm typing the right shit!!! My ex left for college next year in nacadoches......hmmmm...gonna miss her....trippy we are still cool even with all the %$%^%%%*^^&^*&&*^ Censor ^%%^%%^%% we've put each other's one of those Love hate relationships...ahahhahahaa....Anyways it's friday and today is my best friend Christians birthday!!!!!!!!!! Guys 28 years you know what that food....his treat....hahahahhahahah...yeah that's how i roll...gotta drive to pearland goal is to get the Range of motion up a little bit on my neck so that it won't be so hard driving....anyways it's UFC Weekend And Randy is gonna win...all those nonbelievers......hahahaha...FUCK YOU!!!! Time to party folks cause i'm in pain...gotta Love it!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman (To live is to suffer but to survive is to find meaning in that suffering!!!!!)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Michael Vick!!!!!!
Current mood: busy
Alright so Michael Vick probably will be doing some time in prison.....hmmmm....He's a good guy....he didn't mean to do what he did.....poor guy....he is just misunderstood....he's a superb football player....pretty much brought more recognition to the NFL....FUCK HIM!!! Seriously I love football.....grew up playing it and of course i love madden football...don't play as much as i used Vick??? Why??? You are making millions and you go and do something stupid like this.....leave the hood in the hood....shit pun intended....hanging dogs, slamming them on pavements,electricuting them, drowning...these are various ways they had dogs killed....murdered if they didn't perform.....there's a word for that.....socio-pathic behavior.....these are signs that some one has a god complex.....wants to feel like a man....I'm not gonna lie i'm more of a snake lover but i like dogs.....and probably in the future once finances get right will probably own one.....and i have alot of friends who own dogs and i see the way they baby their dogs......they treat them like a member of the family because in a way they are......i guess i'm not there.....but man i just don't understand what this guy was thinking??? And the funny thing is his boys showed their true colors....."yeah Vick did it all" that they could get a lesser sentence....."But he's owning up to his mistakes"....shut the fuck up....he HAS TO!!! That's the only way to hurry up and get this out of the news and for him to get a reduced football again...yeah your gonna be playing some football they love football players inside!!! Lets see how fast you can run around in's hard to talk shit about him....because i can remember countless Madden games i've won because of his running and throwing.....and he made me like the falcons again since Prime time!!! Oh well you gotta look at his actions...doesn't matter who he is......famous or not....what he did.....just what he did.....
The BlacK Spiderman (Hey The remake of Halloween is coming...i'm gonna buy that's looks better be better then the rest of these weak ass remakes!!)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Superbad and The Invasion!!!!!
7.5 on a scale of 1-10...10 being the best movie ever....No such thing....anyways this movie was similar to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers...only without of the Body Snatchers in the title....they substituted The father Sutherland for a woman....the actress that was married to the nut job Tom Cruise....only at the end there's a happy ending....i know they need to just show her ass naked....might have done it for me...honestly icould pick this movie apart but i'd be wasting my time....if you like unrealistic shit go see this...don't eat anything while watching it though...something about this kinda grossed me out a little....this is the kind of movie that makes you want to snort coac and shit...Hey Lindsey where you at...hahahahhahahha
8.5 as far as comedy goes.....8.5 as a movie goes that should be seen in the the fat kid and the dorky kid with the glasses were the funniest in this i wonder how old the fat guy is in real life....MAN THat Mother fucker Curses wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much!!! Seriously I got offended with all the use of pussy and cock and fuck this and that...shit....But for some sick reason I liked this gave a moral statement towards the end...guys should never take advantage of a drunk girl....unless they are drunk too! AHHAHAHAHHA....that was the message....oh and when nice girls get drunks they say some crazy sexual shit....and why do people pretend that they don't remember shit the next day when it's obvious that they do??? Anyways this was a good movie...the tall nerd guy punked should have worked that girl...PUNK!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman
P.s.-- you know there is something wrong with you when you sit around drawing PENises..seriously man draw penises going in vaginas that's normal......
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Pissing me off!!!!!!!
Ok so i'm watching One life to live...yes it's a fucking soap opera...the only one that i watch...and here it goes again...the fucking news talking about the weather..."Oh it's raining"...."Oh it's raining hard"....SO WHAT!!!!! WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!!!!!!!! Damn it rains all the time...why the hell do they choose 1pm-2pm to talk about this shit....wait till after 2pm....use General Hospital's it was just getting good too...Asa Buchanan is least i think the character is dead,.....but chances are the real guy died....but i won't know that because guess who's interrupting....yes you guessed it Eyewitness News...PUSSIES>>>>DAMN this is really urking me!!! Why can't they just wait till 5pm news...that's when most people watch that shit anyways....but nooooooooo they have to dedicate their time to pissing me know what i'm gonna have to go down there and slap some people around!!!! DAMN SHUT UP PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Why can't somebody shut them up!!!!! They get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to interrup my show....why??? Why do they get paid so much for this shit./...i'm gonna egg their houses...seriously they make me sick...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........ok so i'm not feeling better.....sorry for interrupting your regularly scheduled program for ALL MY B.S. but i have nothing better to do than bore you with nonsense.....FUCK HEADS!!!! If i had one wish it would be for a lightning storm to crush down upon their station...these people are still rambling about nothing...NOTHING.....Absolutely NOTHING....NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THe BlacK Spiderman (This is the kind of stuff that causes strokes....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Thoughts!
Current mood: blah
I hate feeling this blows...i realized something i'm never going to be one of those chipper high strong kind of know the type....cheerleader do gooder lets save the world type...can't stand them.....everyone has problems but the facts of the matter is that I DON't care!!! I don't even care about my own....I wish i could go back...back to the day.....feb. 22, the job right.....hmmmmm....don't worry this isn't a suicide letter because that would really be crazy...there's no attention seeking here or any of that shit just my thoughts and rambles....not seeking any comfort or it will get better speeches....because we all know that it never gets just with everything because that's what society tells you to do....force yourself to be around fake go to work to put food on the drink,fuck,play...whatever till the day that you's all just a routine....a is the mind of a pessimist ....seriously if i had a show i guarantee i could bring even the most cheerful person to's a talent....i guess you could say i was born with it....i'm really tired....sick of shit....but yet i keep going...WHY?? Who knows...i feel like that turtle who went against the rabbit....kept running a steady can't please why please ANYONE??? Seriously i liked writing as a way to fuck with peoples amused me......who knew some people actually thought the same.....DAMn!!! Can't piss people off if they agree or have similar things going on...DAMN!!! I've tried to be nice.....i really try.....but sometimes everyone that pisses me off I JUST WANT TO GO OFF ON THEM>>>>Tell them everything about themselves and believe this i'm really good at upsetting people...DAMN I'm good!!!! BUt why....why can't i go back.....with everything i know i could have had a better life.....much better......much better.........
The BlacK Spiderman (To live is to suffer.......
Monday, August 13, 2007
Current mood: bouncy
This contains mature subject manner and may not be suited for all people.....hahahhahaha....You know the video i did about my grass situation i really wasn't expecting that many fucking responses...DAMN so many people hate the H.O.A's...DAMN...I lost count at around 800...I can't reply to all of you but damn i've read some stories...I think only about 10 had anything good to say....the rest were natzi this natzi that...DAMN...HAHHAHAH...shit made me laugh....this one guy is going to a hearing because he had dug up his flower bed because it had so many weeds and put up pebbles so he was being fined because it wasn't uniformed with the other houses????!!! A guy wrote me about how he had been issued a warning for putting his trash can out in front of his garage....but in his defense the neighborhood was still being built in and there would be garbage all on his lawns from the workers and it made it easier for him to pick up.....I mean damn i could go head hurts...what to do about this...honestly in the old days i would see this as something to fight....but i guess now that i'm an least i think i am....i guess i gotta conform.....but H.O.A.'s fuck spend all this money on a house and most people bust their ass's off making rent only to have pussies and people with too much time telling you what to do on your own property??? And what's worse is you pay them for that....shit man i think if i'm paying them they should come over twice a month and cut and edge my lawn......damn with that much time...pull some weeds while your at it...fix my shit up bitch!!!! For real...tell me how to do it...fuck that show ME!!! HAHAHAHHAHA......$160 a year.....i mean cut the front yard at least....and if the property value goes down because of how my grass looks oh well...not selling it till i'm good and ready and trust me before i'd fix it up before then...You know what i did cut the grass..i borrowed my home girl's lawnmower and i cut the the front yard at 2:00 pm...yes it was hot....good exercise...that's what i kept telling myself as i pushed the stupid mower....i should go Dave Chappelle on their ass's..."Ha look there's some weed on your yard"'s a fork dig it up.....punks....Oh well it's a monday.....hey if you have a youtube account click on the picture on my page that says the black spiderman and subscribe to my videos.....hell subscribe on here...SUBSCRIBE DAMN IT....HAHHAHAHHAA,......H.O.A.!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman (That made me laugh...HOA....HOA.....HOA......There's HOA's in this House!!!)
Friday, August 10, 2007
Rush Hour 3!!!!
Is the Shitznit!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHA...Man this movie made me laugh....laughing wise gotta give it an 8.9....plot wise and overall 8.5 out of 10....hey I'm HARd on movies damn it....hahahaahha...Man when they fought the huge asian guy was funny as hell!!! HAHHAHAHAHHAA.....Honestly if it wasn't for Chris Tucker these movies wouldn't be funny as his voice makes me laugh.....Oh and women don't shave your hair off....damn that's a turn OFF!!! Bald aren't attractive.....i don't give a fuck how fine you are!!!! (And she was fine) Anyways if you have nothing to do tonight go see this movie.....shit bootleg this movie...OOooops shouldn't have said that....naw go see it it was funny!
The BlacK Spiderman (September 15 at the Verizon my boy Sam "The Sultain of Pain" and Mikel Bronzoulis will be fighting so come out and show some LOVE!!!!!!!!!)
Good News!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Good kids executed at school
Current mood: blank
NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) -- They were on the cusp of adulthood: four friends who made music together and were preparing to return to the college where their friendship had blossomed.An apparent robbery attempt by several assailants made the four the latest victims in this city where the murder rate has risen 50 percent since 1998.
Police said three were forced to kneel against a wall and shot at close range; a fourth was wounded. Dashawn Harvey 20,Terrence Aeriel 18, and Lofemi Hightower 20....Kids not even involved in drugs,drinking etc...Natasha Aerial 19 shot in head and knife wounds to her face and ear but is listed in fair condition.
This is an article i was reading this morning..check the link up top and you can see the photos and read it...these guys had as it seemed a bright future...the young...didn't do drugs, drink and were focused on going to's rare these days and they got executed for one of Tupac's songs he talks about this...The Good die's true huh??!! I feel bad for the parents of these kids because i can put myself in their mind and imagine what is going through their want someone to blame, you want answers...NEED answers...wish you could go back in time and stop them from leaving the house......if only they would have known!!! And the pussies who killed them probably were hard up for money but chances are they did this as one of those thrill seeking highs......they get a rush out of jacking people to feed their sick twisted egos....when they get caught...because i guarantee they will...i mean they WILL...and eye for an praying for their souls......give the parents a gun and for the one girl who is still a live if she survives completely and is healthy enough....let her confront them.....knife and all....sounds like i'm an evil!!! I wouldn't take anyones life.....unless it was to save mine or a person i cared about....self defense...not murder....they mutilated this girl.....she's tough...strong will to live.....wasn't her time......anyways read the's not the mayors's not anyones fault but the murderers!!!!
The Black Spiderman
P.s.- R.I.P --- Dashawn Harvey 20,Terrence Aeriel 18, and Lofemi Hightower 20
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Bourne Ultimatum
The BlacK Spiderman
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Current mood: blah
Ok so i got sick of doing research to find a good LCD TV that was within my i said screw it and bought a 37 " from circuit city.....gotta go pick this thing up after work...i hope it fits in my car?? Anyways wants me to drive her to nacadoches on friday morning but i have plans.....i already know what it's for...drexlers punk ass....fuck that......why would i help this kid....fuck him.....seriously i'm tired of him being a spoiled brat so i'm just done with it....i'm in a state where you know what i find myself looking at certain peoples pages and it somewhat bothers me....jealousy...jealousy is a bad thing..i never used to be even slightly jealous until the i didn't used to be alot of things before know i can attribute alot of my growth as far as in the aspect of relationships with women to her.....hmmmmm.....i was looking at old things i used to write about i wrote about her alot......weird.....i was watching this thing on...well i forgot what channel but it was titled the millionaire inside....and they had three millionaires trying to tell the audience how to become rich and all that....and when it all was said and done.....same old bullshit i already's and're rich...give me money and i'll be rich.....see there a solution that know what's funny to me sometimes are the conversations men have with women...a woman will ask a guy what he wants to do(as in going out or whatever)..but when it boils down to it the guy probably doesn't want to do shit but sit his ass on the couch and watch movies, shows or sports or maybe even have sex.....unless he's already had sex in which case it's sleep or what i just said.....hahhahahah.....the girl probably doesn't want to do shit either but would rather go do something so to say that they don''t do the same thing all the know if it wasn't for women men would never get out of the house unless there homeboys wanted to go pick up women in which case a just proved my point.......women can go out with each other just to have fun but men only want to go out in the hopes of finding women or the potential of getting laid....interesting and i thought up all this shit on my own......and COCK BLOCKERS STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!! Man am i a magnet for them or what......"Hey did you go to Texas Tech"? (only comes up to ask me that when they see me talking to a female)....this stupid guy did that to me on saturday at Sherlockes and i thought to myself why is this guy talking to me while i'm mid conversation with a girl??? And then he stood there like he was trying to protect the girl from me......hahahahhahahha....i never do that to people....i wonder why??? It's hump day...lets hump.....hahahhaaa
THe Black Spiderman (PUNK!!!!!!!)
Drama but not mine!!!!!
Current mood: amused
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Omg people suck.
Current mood: annoyed
Wow. So I get an email from one of my friends' wives, all like "Stay away from my husband!" and whatnot. I'm like "WTF?" Apparently, she'd found some emails that he and I had written back and forth (which was most of our communication, since we rarely saw each other and never talked on the phone) that were a little flirty, because that's just the way our friendship was. We joked around. What gets me is, MOST of the emails weren't flirty, they were mean. He'd call me fat, I'd call him stupid, and whatnot. Or we'd be talking about how much work sucks or something he could do to tweak his webpage. And when they WERE flirty, they were peppered with "LOL" "hehe" and "omg i'm JUST JOKING." Like, he'd say something innuendo-ish, and I'd say "I'm rolling my eyes SO HARD at you right now." I even went through and looked at them, and there's no way a sane person could have thought there was anything ACTUALLY going on! God damn, women suck. So, ok, my friend's in trouble with his wife, which is too bad, but really NOT my problem, and I can't talk to him anymore, which is too bad, but it's not like we were ever really close, so that's no biggie, but what REALLY gets my goat is being accused of something I didn't do!!!! No fair trial or anything, she just sees something, assumes the worst and goes off on me, a perfect stranger, when I didn't DO anything!! She's like "What would your husband say?" I'm thinking "My husband wouldn't give a shit because he knows I love him and is SECURE in our marriage and knows the difference between a joke and reality!" So yeah, I emailed her back, saying basically, "You're a moron," but then I realized that, whether it was logical or not, the poor girl was hurting, so I sent another one saying "Sorry for all the shit you're going through" or something like that.
Anyway, another thing that really cheeses me is that I have a pretty good suspicion that I've been used. I know this man had some serious dislike toward his wife, and I remember a conversation we had about his uncle cheating on his wife or something, and I said "No one gets caught cheating unless they want to." My guess is that he took this and ran with the idea. He had told me before that his wife was an overly-jealous person, so it's not like he didn't know it. Yet he a) flirted with me via email and b) left those emails in a place where she obviously had access to it. In other words, the man was too chicken-shit to leave his wife and too caring to ACTUALLY cheat on her, so he did something to make HER leave HIM. What we in communications (hey, I minored in speech, I can say "we") call "raising the stakes" in a relationship--breaking up with someone by making it too difficult for them to stay with you. And used me as a tool to acheive that end. So now I get bullshit emails from the jilted wife. I'm pissed at him for putting me in the middle of something that I have no business being in the middle of because he's a coward. I was the one always telling him he needed to treat her BETTER! Blah. Men suck.
Response to it by crazy lady....
This is an email I got today regarding this blog. She specifically asked for me not to reply to her, so I won't. I'll reply here :-) My little interjections are set off by <>.
I am a close friend of Edward and Shana, and have been for quite some time and have spoken to both of them about this matter. I was a cheater and have been cheated on. I know both sides of the little game . AND THATS ALL THAT IT WAS, WAS A GAME . How dare you make this public to the world, when this is something that you had part in also <'scuse me? Did I let all my buddies read these "private" emails and have them go verbally assault other members of this "private" situation? No, I think that was someone ELSE that did that...AND I didn't mention any names, so all other parties (until miss amy pulled this shit) were protected>. I think your blog was childish and manipulative! You sound like someone who hasnt inquired much wisdom with age . I read the emails that went on between yall, as far as an insane reaction had that been my husband you spoke that way to, it would have been dealt with in a very fierce manner . I think Shana handled herself very well considering the circumstances.
As far as your concerned you sound like your a confused, manipulative, person who needs to let it go and think twice about entering into a "innocent" flirty manner . I am a mother of three who is happily married and never in my wildest dreams would even consider speaking to another man the way you did. In no way do I think that Edward is innocent in this matter. My husband also says that I am a jealous person which is fine, he does this without concern. I have a watchful eye out for women who portray themselves the way you do.
As for Shana and Edward they may have had minor problems in the past that apparently you were reading more into it, but as far as that is concerned that is none of your responsability . Obviously if he wanted a way out of his marriage when this surfaced he would have ended it instead of begging to keep his family together and begging his wife to forgive him.
When you grow up and realize the meaning of marriage you will understand what I am talking about. Obviously you wanted attention not from this subject (blog) and now your recieving it . Apparently you didnt make a very good impression on Edward or he would have pursued this incident further instead of ending it and ignoring you the way he did . Dont have an immature response for me to waste my time reading. Let this go before others become involved
Now, I didn't respond, per her wishes, but anyone wanna take bets as to whether amy "wastes her time" reading this? If so, let me know, I could use a few extra bucks. :-)
The Black Spiderman
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Current mood: amused
Alright so for the past 3 weeks i've been in a weird easily annoyed mood...yeah it's out of character but fuck here's an exercise that you can try to help alleviate some of that when ever you are in this mood....first go through on a sheet of paper and list everything and everyone you are annoyed with.....d,e,D,Chr,C,er,m,......second.....just let them know exactly what's on your mind...cursing is a must but if you are against this then find a different way....hahahhaha...Fuck it I'm not....Ok it's like this you are seriously pissing me off....i want to whoop your fucking ass cause you are a no piece of dung.....what is your problem you want you cake and frosting you think you own me or something but you don't...Fuck are soooo Fucking spoiled that there should be a new word invented to describe you.....what is your problem you have everything handed to you and you can't appreciate it...why do you think i hate being around you guys....because you put soo much pressure on me to be perfect....i hate being told what to when i feel like doing something i'm going to do it...start paying my bills and maybe i'll listen to you...nope scratch that i still won't listen to are so fucking worthless why were you even born and why did i have to know you......I HATE YOU!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Hate is such a strong word......nope it's not strong enough....I didn't write you back because i got busy doing something fuck off......nope i don't like you because you're not my fucking type...yes i do have a type so leave me the fuck alone....You talk to damn much...just shut the fuck up for once.....why can't you just mind your own damn spoiled little brat....ahhhhhhhh you make me sick....if you are sooo stressed out quit then.....don't stress me out with your that felt really....really's a therapeutic exercise that is probably best to do alone.....take your left index finger and shove it up your ass......with a broken glass.....and a jagged edge....
THe BlacK Spiderman
Remains of 4 babies found at scene of newborn's killing
Police with cadaver-sniffing dogs, shovels and a backhoe dug Monday outside the home of a woman charged with killing her baby boy, widening a grim search that has turned up four tiny sets of remains.
I saw this on the news last night as i was going to bed..stopped me in my tracks for a little bit.....Seems like a 37 year old lady...Christy Freeman had killed her new born child....then the investigators later discover that this wasn't the first time...apparently she had done this 3 other times before....well that they know of....this made me think of a lot of different things...first is the whole abortions issue...i personnally don't believe in abortion ....but there are certain instances when maybe it would be best.....if you were raped, or just can't really afford a child and yeah people say it was a mistake but when you have sex you take on that responsibility of knowing what you are doing so to say well we made a mistake just doesn't work...or well it shouldn't! There's condoms....pills...shots...combinations of all of these do that bitch really sickened me....i just want to punch her face!!! Stupid bitch!!! Man i hope people watch this in jail so that she gets what's coming to her .....just rambled but that really sickens niece is getting her can only laugh at shit like this or else it would eat you up so bad that it ould put you in a really negative state of mind...god knows i don't need that.....anyways read the article watch the little video and you make your own opinions cause this is mine and i stick to everything i say.....doesn't matter if you agree or disagree.......this is just another example of why mental health in america is a serious issue!!
The Black Spiderman (Clearly this lady needs help....2 to start out with and the other just for kicks.....)
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Simpsons!!!!!!
Current mood: calm
9 on a scale of 1-10....gotta admit it was funny...hahhahaa.....Anything with a pig is funny...hahahahahah...anyways the whole movie made me feel like i was in a hour and a half simpsons show...they didn't go really into any details when the other charachters....mainly just homer and bart.....anyways i would go see this movie if you like comedy...shit even if you don't i guarantee you'll laugh your ass off!!!!! Man if they ever make a family guy movie for the big screen....hahahhahaha.....
I know who killed me
Alright this was that Lindsey Lohan know i actually somewhat enjoyed it.....probably a 6 though for regular people and for people who like mysteries where someone dies or gets tortured a 7.2.....hahahhahaa....ok man this girl was stripping in the movie but yet no boobs were shown??? What??!!!! Come on why is it when big time celebrities strip there are no actual clothes coming off? That's not practical....i wanted to see breasts what's up Lindsey!!! You suck.....anyways they chopped off her right arm and right leg so that was cool....but yet she still walked like normal??? If I was to sit here and break this movie down you'd probably not want to go see it....boy friend tapping her even though she just got out of the hospital....but there is a twist though at the end but i figured the shit out all but one of them.....that was some sort of a good one....oh well....cable folks...basic cable is where you should watch this!
The Black Spiderman
Marvin Zindler Dies!!!!!!
Current mood: crushed
"Marvin Zindler, a Houston institution for more than three decades and a pioneer of consumer reporting, died Sunday at M.D. Anderson Hospital after a fight with cancer."
WHat can you say about this guy...HE WAS ONE OF THE GOOD ONES...i remember when we first came to this country my mom would always watch ABC news...never NBC or CBS.....boring shit...but she always watched it which of course meant i had to watch it...but had to admit watching his segments...SLIME in the ICE machine....hahahahaa...that made it interesting!!!! It always tripped me out when I'd see a restaurant that we went to alot in one of his reports.....Roaches here roaches there...but hey we still would go back cause hey we were poor and couldn't afford better.....But seriously this man was one of those guys who you could tell was real and stuff....never met him nor did I know him personnally but hey i think i'm a pretty good judge of character and that's what i'd like to think.....when someone would fuck you matter who it may soon as you got him involved it always made me laugh how all of a sudden they could do what prior they couldn't do??!!! HAHHAHHAHA...i guess when you put peoples businesses on blast they start cooperating!!! Oh well madd Propps.....85 man that's a long time!!!
The Black Spiderman (I'm seriously gonna miss those "Slime in the Ice machine reports!!!)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Lindsey Coacan!!!!!!!
THe Black Spiderman (I gotta go powder my nose.........hahahahahha....i said ahhahahahhaha)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Current mood: aggravated
Man i needed some yesterday...fucking little brother just pisses me off some you ask him to do one thing and because he's just a lazy ass punk he doesn't want to do it! Ok so i'm not going to get into it because well then i'd probably get irritated and sister erica has got the biggest mouth of anybody i know...never knows when to shut it!! She's lucky she is a female or else i would knock her blocks off...and my brother he's lucky that it's just not worth beating his ass or else i would have severely beat his ass.....this is just ramblings cause they both really pissed me off yesterday...kid doesn't listen and her dumb ass just wants to but into where it doesn't concern her....spoiled...just fucking spoiled and my parents are too old to actaully be affective in disciplining them.....yeah i spelled that wrong so what!!! Anyways they shouldn't need to be disciplined because like they clearely stated yesterday they are grown...yet everything is paid for for them by the folks.....they want to sit there and say that they are young and that their parents are supposed to do everything for them....funny shit cause i never thought that way at all....i always felt like you know what if i can do it by myself them why bother you about it....i guess that's an independent attitude for you.....i hate having to depend on people....there's the loner's like part of me wants to say the hell with them and ok then you want it that way then when the shit hits the fan don't come asking me for help because i'll turn my fucking back on you....the old me could do that easily.....couldn't stand any of them....maybe it's old age...all 29 years of it's maturity ...or i'm just so tired of all this freaking pressure to be the the one in charge of shit when things go wrong but when i try to help when things aren't that bad yet looked at as if what i say doesn't matter...You know what Fuck you Drexler!!!! Seriously hope this kid never says a word to me.....that's it i'm never speaking to either one of them again...they don't even exist!!!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman