Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Mind of an Angry Person!!!!

Current mood: annoyed

Ok so this is the Mind of an Angry person.....this is not how i feel just shut up and read.....Ok so you want to know what the Fuck pisses me off Fucking retards that email me ask me not to write certain things...FUCK OFF!!! Don't my shit then.....Another thing that pisses me off is when girls try to get guys to say a compliment...."You don't think I'm pretty do you"..."I'm not as special as so and so"'s a fucking trap and that shit annoys me.....I hate when people ask you how it's going especially when it's been 2 days since they last talked to you...What the fuck do you think has happened in the last 2 days??? an earth quake....Don't ask me Stupid questions...and you know they don't give a Fuck about the answer....Another thing that urks me is when people tell you to calm down...FUCK YOU!!! I'll calm the fuck down when I want to!! If I'm pissed stay the fuck away and let me be pissed some people work shit out by being pissed you two faced piece of shit......Another thing that urks me is when some one says they want to do something then changes there mind at the last minute after you've made all the arrangements....Oh I'm tired....You should have thought about that before you made me make arrangements ass ho!!! Fuck!!!! I hate Pussies at fights who like to get all loud and shit...and i mean loud about stupid shit...If I was in there I'd kick his ass....Bitch look where you're're not PUSSY and if you were I know you would be getting your ass kicked!!! I hate swolle motherfuckers who really try and act swolle.....big muscle bound fucks.....and I hate people that ask me how they can get a six pack...dude i'm fucking skinny so my abs show like i have good genes in that area I fuck off....I hate when you are trying to be nice to some one and they look at you like you have an alterior motive.....Bitch i'm just trying to be nice because I FEEL LIKE IT!!!!! I hate SNOBBY ASS FUCKING PEOPLE who think they are better then everyone...I'll Slap the shit out of you!!!! I hate when RETARDS ASK YOU TO TONE DOWN YOUR LANGUAGE>>>>> FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU!!!!! I hate trying to be a nice guy even though it's eating at me to be a bad guy!!! I hate BumS!!!! People who don't want to work or are just lazy because they have all kinds of money.....I hate owing some one!!! And they always have to remind you of that....AWWWWWWWW That fucking pisses me off...I hate people who tell me my blogs amused them....FUCK YOU!!! I'm not a fucking clown Bitch....I'm not writing because i'm trying to entertain you...You dumb fuck....I don't give a shit if anyone reads this crap.....SERIOUSLY!!!! I hate people that like to pick on the weak...YOU ARE A PUSSY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAA

THe Black Spiderman (HAAAAAAAAAAA.....tHAT FELT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you gotta write stuff to clear your head....that's the mind of an angry person...peace)

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