Saturday, August 18, 2007

Superbad and The Invasion!!!!!

Current mood: crazy
The Invasion

7.5 on a scale of 1-10...10 being the best movie ever....No such thing....anyways this movie was similar to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers...only without of the Body Snatchers in the title....they substituted The father Sutherland for a woman....the actress that was married to the nut job Tom Cruise....only at the end there's a happy ending....i know they need to just show her ass naked....might have done it for me...honestly icould pick this movie apart but i'd be wasting my time....if you like unrealistic shit go see this...don't eat anything while watching it though...something about this kinda grossed me out a little....this is the kind of movie that makes you want to snort coac and shit...Hey Lindsey where you at...hahahahhahahha

8.5 as far as comedy goes.....8.5 as a movie goes that should be seen in the the fat kid and the dorky kid with the glasses were the funniest in this i wonder how old the fat guy is in real life....MAN THat Mother fucker Curses wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much!!! Seriously I got offended with all the use of pussy and cock and fuck this and that...shit....But for some sick reason I liked this gave a moral statement towards the end...guys should never take advantage of a drunk girl....unless they are drunk too! AHHAHAHAHHA....that was the message....oh and when nice girls get drunks they say some crazy sexual shit....and why do people pretend that they don't remember shit the next day when it's obvious that they do??? Anyways this was a good movie...the tall nerd guy punked should have worked that girl...PUNK!!!!

The BlacK Spiderman

P.s.-- you know there is something wrong with you when you sit around drawing PENises..seriously man draw penises going in vaginas that's normal......

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