Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Current mood: blah

Ok so i got sick of doing research to find a good LCD TV that was within my i said screw it and bought a 37 " from circuit city.....gotta go pick this thing up after work...i hope it fits in my car?? Anyways wants me to drive her to nacadoches on friday morning but i have plans.....i already know what it's for...drexlers punk ass....fuck that......why would i help this kid....fuck him.....seriously i'm tired of him being a spoiled brat so i'm just done with it....i'm in a state where you know what i find myself looking at certain peoples pages and it somewhat bothers me....jealousy...jealousy is a bad thing..i never used to be even slightly jealous until the i didn't used to be alot of things before know i can attribute alot of my growth as far as in the aspect of relationships with women to her.....hmmmmm.....i was looking at old things i used to write about i wrote about her alot......weird.....i was watching this thing on...well i forgot what channel but it was titled the millionaire inside....and they had three millionaires trying to tell the audience how to become rich and all that....and when it all was said and done.....same old bullshit i already's and're rich...give me money and i'll be rich.....see there a solution that know what's funny to me sometimes are the conversations men have with women...a woman will ask a guy what he wants to do(as in going out or whatever)..but when it boils down to it the guy probably doesn't want to do shit but sit his ass on the couch and watch movies, shows or sports or maybe even have sex.....unless he's already had sex in which case it's sleep or what i just said.....hahhahahah.....the girl probably doesn't want to do shit either but would rather go do something so to say that they don''t do the same thing all the know if it wasn't for women men would never get out of the house unless there homeboys wanted to go pick up women in which case a just proved my point.......women can go out with each other just to have fun but men only want to go out in the hopes of finding women or the potential of getting laid....interesting and i thought up all this shit on my own......and COCK BLOCKERS STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!! Man am i a magnet for them or what......"Hey did you go to Texas Tech"? (only comes up to ask me that when they see me talking to a female)....this stupid guy did that to me on saturday at Sherlockes and i thought to myself why is this guy talking to me while i'm mid conversation with a girl??? And then he stood there like he was trying to protect the girl from me......hahahahhahahha....i never do that to people....i wonder why??? It's hump day...lets hump.....hahahhaaa

THe Black Spiderman (PUNK!!!!!!!)

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