Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Next Week!!!
Current mood: aggravated
Ok so next week is Halloween....but this saturday is when all the parties will be going on....get at me on saturday because it's on....i was thinking about this...the that's a significant day.....I love that day!!! It's equal to a holliday but it actually isn' mind is craving something but i don't know what? I never get writers block because there is always something on my mind...except for right now...i think it comes from suppressing some of what i want to write about because a certain someone might read it and take it the wrong way....don't you hate that shit!!!! Pisses me off when you can't write what you want because people will read it and get all hurt or worse think more about what you're writing then you are.....i'm sick of that crap...."I read your blog" what??!!! I don't care....I don't even remember half of what i write when i write it....and that's the truth.....but people think i live by this shit or something....Fuck Vin Diesel.....I realized I haven't said Fuck him in a while so Fuck Vin Diesel...while we're at it...Fuck Bush.....Fuck Rosie.....You know what Fuck the Pope too...Oh nooooo He said Fuck the Pope....You know what I'm just gonna start pissing people off...I've gotten way too nice....seriously I never used to be this nice with what I wrote....I just wrote from the Heart...hahhahaha...the Heart....hold on I gotta feel for it....Fuck the Texans....Fuck Chris Crocker....punk ass....naw I don't hate the guy...there's no one on earth I hate....maybe on Mars...I hate martians...Fuck them too.....hahahhahahha.....I saw this rabbit the other day and I thought to myself how can something soo cute taste soo good??!! Oh well i ad to put a couple of bullets into him...skinned him and added some garlic...let simmer and had some rabbit I'm full.....Yeah Folks see now I'm gonna have retards ask what this was all about...Fuck you too!!!!
THe Black Spiderman
I never understand my purpose in this world and now i's to....
30 Days of night!!!!!!
Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfetc such thing but I'd give this movie an 8.2...... I can honestly say this was the first Vampire movie I've ever seen that made me twitch a little....hahahhhaa......Lots of brutal killings....NICE!!!! If you've seen the previews there was no plot but honestly it didn't really need it....everyone pretty much died....ahhahaha..FANTASTIC!!! There was no deep lesson to learn only if you are hiding in the attic from Vampires and someone starts making noise....CHOP THERE HEADS OFF!!! I just didn't get one the hell did the little girl survive for 27 days by herself??? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!! Some one please tell know what that pisses me off....hahahhaaha.....anyways Guys take a girl to this....She'll be all over you!!! THe Black Spiderman |
The Mind of an Angry Person!!!!
Current mood: annoyed
Ok so this is the Mind of an Angry person.....this is not how i feel just shut up and read.....Ok so you want to know what the Fuck pisses me off Fucking retards that email me ask me not to write certain things...FUCK OFF!!! Don't my shit then.....Another thing that pisses me off is when girls try to get guys to say a compliment...."You don't think I'm pretty do you"..."I'm not as special as so and so"'s a fucking trap and that shit annoys me.....I hate when people ask you how it's going especially when it's been 2 days since they last talked to you...What the fuck do you think has happened in the last 2 days??? an earth quake....Don't ask me Stupid questions...and you know they don't give a Fuck about the answer....Another thing that urks me is when people tell you to calm down...FUCK YOU!!! I'll calm the fuck down when I want to!! If I'm pissed stay the fuck away and let me be pissed some people work shit out by being pissed you two faced piece of shit......Another thing that urks me is when some one says they want to do something then changes there mind at the last minute after you've made all the arrangements....Oh I'm tired....You should have thought about that before you made me make arrangements ass ho!!! Fuck!!!! I hate Pussies at fights who like to get all loud and shit...and i mean loud about stupid shit...If I was in there I'd kick his ass....Bitch look where you're're not PUSSY and if you were I know you would be getting your ass kicked!!! I hate swolle motherfuckers who really try and act swolle.....big muscle bound fucks.....and I hate people that ask me how they can get a six pack...dude i'm fucking skinny so my abs show like i have good genes in that area I fuck off....I hate when you are trying to be nice to some one and they look at you like you have an alterior motive.....Bitch i'm just trying to be nice because I FEEL LIKE IT!!!!! I hate SNOBBY ASS FUCKING PEOPLE who think they are better then everyone...I'll Slap the shit out of you!!!! I hate when RETARDS ASK YOU TO TONE DOWN YOUR LANGUAGE>>>>> FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU!!!!! I hate trying to be a nice guy even though it's eating at me to be a bad guy!!! I hate BumS!!!! People who don't want to work or are just lazy because they have all kinds of money.....I hate owing some one!!! And they always have to remind you of that....AWWWWWWWW That fucking pisses me off...I hate people who tell me my blogs amused them....FUCK YOU!!! I'm not a fucking clown Bitch....I'm not writing because i'm trying to entertain you...You dumb fuck....I don't give a shit if anyone reads this crap.....SERIOUSLY!!!! I hate people that like to pick on the weak...YOU ARE A PUSSY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAA
THe Black Spiderman (HAAAAAAAAAAA.....tHAT FELT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you gotta write stuff to clear your head....that's the mind of an angry person...peace)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Current mood: cheerful
Ok so I've been doing alot of soul searching...damn you would think I was Bipolar with all my various moods but I've realized that life moves way too slow....the good times were actually from 0 years old to 3 years's the break down....the past two days i've been helping to look after Caydon my she is a handful!!! She doesn't like sitting in a baby carrier for long and she has the most god awefull crying ever imaginable..... When i was younger I had to take care of my sisters and brother because my parents worked alot and stuff so changing diapers and making formula at age 11 wasn't a big deal...hey you grow up quick when you are broke....but when ever Drexler or Erica or even Holly cried it didn't phase me one bit....shit I would even get them to cry louder...logic behind it was that after crying their ass's off they would tire and fall asleep or just plain stop...shit not Caydon!!! What is wrong with this girl.......AHHHHHHHHH!!! She doesn't shut up for shit!!! I really tried my best to keep from picking her up when ever she cried but damn...she just screaches her ass off!!! The only good thing about her is that she can sleep the whole night away....lazy, sleep and shit is what she does.....same thing as my little brother Drexler...hahahahhahaha.....hahahhahahaa....hahahahaha......Anyways she's cute....punk ass....Makes me kinda want my own but Nope not yet...she eats TOOOOOOOO Much....almost like every 3-4 hours she has to have a bottle....the only way to shut her up some times..... Gotta get her in check cause i don't play can't let them think they run things...but she's sooooooo cute ahhahahahha....When you play music she shuts up...or if you drive her around she shuts up..other then that if she's laying on her stomache she cries....put her on her back and she falls asleep.....weird.....I'm gonna call her Maximum Carnage....hahahahahhaa
THe Black Spiderman
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wow it's finnally over...another boring ass day!!! Ok so this weekend including today I have to get continuing education credits so that i can retain my license as an Occupational therapy Assistant.....Today i learned some interesting things....I can't stay awake!!! HAHHAHAHA...Damn I hate when you really want to sleep but because you don't want to be disrespectful you have to fight the urge to sleep.....shit there was this guy in the 1-3 class that just had his head down.....snoring his ASS off!!!! Dude was slobbering everywhere!!! My weekend is SHOT!!! Couldn't even train tonight cause I'm just wayyyyyyy to drain from being up at 6.....shit sucks!!! Ok so next weekend Folks my boy Mikel Bronzoulis is making his Pro debut at the Toyota center...yep we have a whole night planned after his or lose!!! Limosine and afterparty!!! Man it's funny to think that only 5 years ago we would be getting Fucked up talking about all the shit we wanted to do...he would talk about fighting and i would talk about becoming rich....we'd be freestyling in Mikes apartment....two broke, drunk mother fuckers things are turning around for both of us...I got good news for myself...I came up with an invention 2 months ago and was able to talk to the head of one of the largest catalog companies for things of this nature...he gave me his cell and email address ahhahahaah...he told me all i need is a prototype made and call him and he'll set up the rest...if he likes it he'll manufacture it and sell it and i get royalties....JUST WHAT I WANT!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHHA....
The Black Spiderman
7 days!!!
October 15, 2007 - Monday
I can't believe I didn't listen to her...why didn't I listen?? I never thought things would turn out this way....wasting away on the ocean like this.....I truly did Love her!! I remember the long walks on the beach...holding her hand.....we were as one....She would always tell me that no matter what she would be there for me.....I stare into this mirror and I can't imagine my life without her....everyone else is dead only i alone survive....never mind how I got into this mess I have to survive...I just can't let go....too much has to be done....too much has to be said...if only I could go back....i would have said all the things i should have, done all the things i should have....but life is never that body is wasting away ...I'm sooo hungry!!! I can still see her days no food, no water and I can still see her face.....I want to give up but It's not my time....I still see her face...her ong auburn hair...those potty lips.....beautiful blue eyes.....that smile that lights up a room when it's shown.....I wonder what she's thinking.....i wonder what she's doing...i should have listened to her...she told me not to go on this trip but I told her I'd be back...only 2 days........only???!! My heads body's aching....I can smell her perfume...I love the scent...I always smell her hair....can't help always turned me on....her scent when she was next to me....when we would lay in's the little things you think of when you know you might die......God I wish I had listened....I wish I wish I wish......I just.....want things the way they were....7 days ago....hmmmmmm.....the tears start trickling down now...good thing no ones around to see this....didn't think i even had any fluid to produce......It's over and I'll never be able to tell her how much she meant to me.....Never....this is where I belong....a raft in the middle of the ocean.....this is how my heart feels....empty and alone.....should have listened but I didn't....and now i will die alone....... |
Halloween memories!!!
Current mood: creative
Alright so Halloween is coming up...don't know what I'm going to be...probably myself...that's a scary person there...let me tell you about him...since last October i've gone through alot of shit.... Friends passing, friends parents passing, fights with the ex, fights with some so called friends....Friendships friendships started....every year you have to take the time to think back on your past....that way you can see the improvements or non-improvements you've made....I love this time of the year...not because it's close to X-mas...because I can't stand X-mas!!! It's a fake year when everyone pretends to be nice or good.....then they go back to their real selves....anyways Mike's fighting this weekend and it's gonna be or lose He's one of my closest friends and with that comes a sense of loyalty...he's proven it time and time again that he's a good guy.....and good things hopefully will happen for him.....BOOO...did you get scared?? I bought a Jason Mask and that's what i'm going to start wearing whenever I do a video blog for the rest of the month...shit I'm wearing it as i type this up...hahahhaa...nope not really but why is it whenever I give people advice they want me to be's funny I always follow my gut!!! The gut always knows or at least is usually right and when i give someone i care about advise they just won't listen and then when what i said happens it's like Damn I knew it!!! But being right means that someone has suffered some kind of pain......I wrote a story yesterday and I start getting email and phone calls.."Are you alright?" What was that story about...why does anything have to be about anything....i have a wild imagination and I can't help when it just goes in auto mode....things pop out...doesn't relate to shit just STORIES!!!! But of course people always think things are about them...egocentric thinking...the same that of teenagers....the whole world revolves around you....I write for relaxing reasons and 95% of what i write is just for kicks or WHAT NOT...hahahaha..always wanted to say that....I've got a razor in my hand and i'm about to go vertical down my wrist.....OUCH...the blood trickles down...I slop it up like i'm eating biscuits and has a metalic taste...I love it....I'm now an eternal being...........ahahhahahah deuce
THE Black Spiderman
P.s.- Don't take things too literally.....just stories....nothing more....FUCK THE WORLD!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Wisconsin town in shock after off-duty deputy kills 6
Current mood: annoyed
CRANDON, Wisconsin (CNN) -- A small town in northern Wisconsin awoke to grief and questions Monday, a day after an off-duty sheriff's deputy shot and killed six people at an early-morning party. The shooter, 20, was reportedly killed by a police sniper after officers tracked him down Sunday afternoon.
Alright so this is the jiff of the story...This Sheriff deputy broke into a party on sunday...well more like a get together where his ex-girlfriend was and killed 6 people in there!!! Why you ask...well honestly no body knows but from what it looks like another senseless murder over a relationship gone bad!!! And the people who weren't even involved with this guy had to pay the price!! Luckily he was killed by a police sniper later on but you know what they shouldn't have done need to find out what actually was this fucks motive for doing what he did? What was running through his mind when he planned on this pointless killing? That's the only way of preventing future Sheriff's or people with some form of authority from going crazy like he did.....You can only hope that he had an agonising death though but that's not the case...quick and painless.....last thing he heard was he's just a memory....check out this show Dexter that comes on showtime on sundays....AWESOME SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes you into a mind of a serial that kills serial killers.....Here's a brain it right to take some one's life even if they were a ruthless, blood thirsty Killer themselves? And if not...WHY NOT?
THe Black Spiderman (Just something to think about)
My Weekend!!!
The Black Spiderman
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Current mood: bitchy
Alright so yesterday was a long ass day...had to drive around seeing patients...sucked balls!!! Anyways so when i finnally got into my own car it was 4:00pm after driving all over houston since 10 am!! Yeah i texted some people cause I was bored....but so on my way home i needed gas cause i was running on i pulled into this Chevron station and man it never fails..."Hey man can I get some change" (Guess he thought i had money since I stepped out of the Corrolla)....ahahhahahhaa....Anyways as usual i said hell NO!!! He looked at me all mean and stuff....Come on man you can't give me anything? Man it took every ounce of strength in me not to kick his teeth in....He actually started walking towards me and I had to stop what i was doing and ball my fist to get ready....In my head I could see myself grabbing him by the head and cleaning the pavement with his face....the guy was probably in his 30's but for a bum he had on pretty good clothes but yet wanted money from me.....I told him he needed to stay the fuck away from me cause I didn't have any money!! I hate Bums!!!! My parents came to America not really being able to speak the working 3 jobs and going to school while pregnant how many times....and my dad doing the my best friend and his family...same thing...and they've made it but without begging....Look i'm not trying to act superior to this guy but no matter how bad it got I would never beg someone for that shit Urks me.....the one time I did give money to someone i got jacked for an extra 76 cents!!! I still remember that day....can't remember his face though but man i wish i could!!!!
The BlacK Spiderman
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I woke up!!!!
Current mood: anxious
I woke up this morning only to wish that i could go back to sleep and never wake up'm tired as hell!! been at work since 5:30 the sun is barely making it's way up....lazy ass!!! Where were you when i got up...could have used you as a fumbled about looking for my keys to open the door....Pussy.....hahahahhaha...anyways so Brittney Beers cause that's what her stomach looks like...j/k.....shit people say she got fat but i think she's never looked better!!! Man I know plenty of guys who would give it to her one more time.....get it...;)....naw but looks like she's losing her kids to Kevin Fed....while this bitch has been partying it up and stuff he's been laying low and cleaning up his act...i gotta give the guy props because it takes a real man to want to take care of his kids and be in their lives.....I was reading somewhere that Brittney in order to keep her kids( Hey i was bored and it was right sue me) Had somethings to do that was ordered by the judge.....well looks like she didn't do any of them...she even got caught on tape hitting a parked car? Now I'm not the best driver in the world but when you hit a parked car...yeah...that license needs to be taken quickly!!! I can't feel sorry for her....oh poor rich Brittney.....everyone has deserted her....when you have fakes around you you get fake results...I can't surround myself with people who i can't trust or who would turn on me if i pissed them off...can't surround myself with people who aren't dependable...because i'm trust worthy and dependable (if we are Friends)...well even if we're not i do my best to honor my word.....But hey Fuck her...her life doesn't mean shit to me....I won't lose sleep over it....
THe Black Spiderman (I can't sleep at night I toss and turn.....)
Monday, October 1, 2007
New Phone!!!!!!!
Current mood: bouncy
Ok so I just bought a new phone...had to...i had a motorola pebble....2 years and this shit starts fucking up....damn it sucks cause i had some VERy good video on there but no way of transferring them over.....:(.....DAMN!!! Oh well i'll just make some new ones ahahahahahhaa...i still have the old one....i can't sell it since...well the videos hahahahhaa.....and no they're porn or anything like that just people caught doing funny shit....hahahahhaha...that's why i keep going hahahahahaha...anyways i bought a motorola RIZR...not's better...well at least for what i need it to do....damn phones are evolving now...looks like that IPhOne is a bust...retards!! Good thing i didn't buy any stocks in that shit!!! People don't want outrageously crazy phones.....well at least normal people don''s funny how these phones come with Mp3 players and all this stuff that if you break it down you don't really much time do you spend listening to music on your phone?? Use your Ipod or Mp3 player....the batteries don't last long so what's the point of using the cell for music....damn i just lost my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....oh no wait...there it is....almost had a heart attack right there....anyways tonight Prison break and Heroes comes on.....those are the shows folks....can't be beat and when LOSt comes back don't call me on wednesdays because i'm not answering...just prewarning you!! Anyways Halloween is coming up....some people need to take their masks off from last year...Booo Yahhhhhhhh!!! HAHAAHAA.. I kill me.....but it's the best day in the world...well it's my favorite day....second is new years eve...guess why? But I have my costume all picked out...I'm gonna be Dirk Diggler.....hahahahaha
THe Black Spiderman
Current mood: bouncy
Alright so this weekend was a ex got her $1,500 dollar laptop stolen from her dorm room this weekend....Her roommate left the door leading to their bathroom unlocked as she left somewhere to do who knows what....but the thieves had to come through their neighbors room to get into their room....just the way the dorms are designed...they share the bathroom with two other of them was out of lets see who could have possibly taken her laptop...??? Yeah it has to be the stupid roommate from the adjacent room....oh my bad i didn't mention that both my ex's and her roommates laptops had gotten i had to sit back and bite my tongue because I hate thieves!!! MAn that is the have something you spent your hard earned dollars on stolen because someone else didn't have the consideration or respect to not take it....she was pissed..."I slit her throat"....hahahhahaha....not funny but...hahahahhaha.....Ok it's not worth going to prison over because you can always get it replaced.....but money is a big deal though....The worst thefts are the ones in which you know who the fuck it is....or could possibly be....these girls have been fighting since school started....the thief walks through their neighbors room and takes nothing but some how knows these girls aren't in?? Come on it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put this shit together....In the old days they used to chop the hands off of a thief that way the person was shown to be a thief and that was his or hers shame.....You know i think i could somewhat understanding stealing if your family was starving and you stole a loaf of bread from a rich family to feed your kids....i can see that...shit that's how alot martial arts were developed..."They have a rice patty and I don't"......"Time to go take it"....hahhahahahaha...I like that!!! Anyways watch Dexter on Shwotime on Sundays...awesome show about a serial Killer who kills serial idol!!!
The Black Spiderman (It's monday...the fun day....What's up Bay bayyyyyyyyyyy....hahahhaha)
I'm High on Life...looking at this dagger as i trip and hits me....I fall...I bleed...only helps to feed..the blood suckers known as Mother %$$%^ers ...thieves need to shunned and choked out like Shogun...ahhahahahhaha....