Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Truth!!!! (Read if Bored)

Alright I was thinking about this the other day...yeah go figure when do I not...Think?! Anyways I hate when people ask you for the truth but when you tell them they get upset??!! What the Fuck is up with that??? I tell the truth about 98.9% of the time...I think that's a high number since the average person probably tells the truth 67% of the time...that's my statistic and I reserve the right to change it as need be...HAHAHAHHAHA.... Why is as a society we always want others to be honest with us but we have such a hard time being honest with others?? If I'm interested in a girl and I ask for her number and I ask her if she would like to go out with me...here's the truth... "No sorry...you're not my type"!!! There that would save me all the trouble of typing in her number into my phone and wasting my time communicating with the girl only to have her not respond....That's annoying...yet women and men do this on a regular basis yet have the guts to get upset when it happens to them?? Why does he play these games....?? Because you've played those games....I'm not writting this because it was on my mind so I needed to get it out of that dark place lol....Women always want to know why men lie to them....Funny..it's because women lie to them! My thing with liars are that they get what they deserve that's why I don't feel bad when I read stupid shit on facebook about some guy hurting a girl or a girl wondering why some guy she was crushing on did her wrong...it's probably karma!!! I know because I've been an ass...shit back in the day I was that guy...but I  gotta admitt I was pretty Dam honest....brutally honest to some degree...now I have more tact but still more honest then alot of people....and people who really know me know this! Anyways here's a tip Someone asks you for the truth...Tell the truth...How hard is that?? And if you ask for the ttruth take it and move on without going all psycho and stuff....that's pointless!!! The Truth shall set you free...and free and free and free...HAHHAHAHAHA

The Black Spiderman

p.s.- I'm running for president....so go out there and vote for me....Yes cast your vote for the stupendous...artificially inseminated....never duplicated Tyrant of the Net...AHHAHAHAHAHAH


Anonymous said...

Truth... I tell the truth... Even when people don't want to hear it... That is Why i have few friends i guess... I mean, you are my friend and you get it, but most people use me in that form. they know i will tell them whats up... "Do I look Fat in this Dress?" me: "It Doesn't look good on you"... I keep it nice, but I still stay honest...

Anonymous said...

Truth... I tell the truth... Even when people don't want to hear it... That is Why i have few friends i guess... I mean, you are my friend and you get it, but most people use me in that form. they know i will tell them whats up... "Do I look Fat in this Dress?" me: "It Doesn't look good on you"... I keep it nice, but I still stay honest...

The Black Spiderman said...

That's funny!