Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Peter Cantu..Poor Baby!!! (Read If Bored)

Ok so yesterday Peter Cantu was put to death...he didn't have any last words to the families of the two girls him and his gang friends raped and remorse for his actions...he died painlessly at the hands of the Texas Justice system that housed him for more then 17 years...he read while in prison...stayed in shape thanks to mine and your tax dollars....he was able to educate his mind while in prison...blogging and writting to the psycho's out there that love and worship people like him...funny!!! He couldn't even in his last minutes say sorry to the victims family...probably wouldn't have meant shit but it would've been something....Oh well Poor him....all those protestors opposed to the death penalty probably wheeped for his bitch ass yesterday....Poor Peter...what about the two teenage girls him and his friends or whatever raped, and murdered....I mean this guy stood on their necks to make sure they were dead???!!! Really!! Elizabeth Pena, 16, and her 14-year-old friend, Jennifer Ertman... they were made to suffer agonizing pain...raped....strangled with shoe laces and belts all because they wanted to make it home on time...then left like road kill to decompose in the blazing, humid Houston heat. Then these retards went back to Cantu's house and bragged about what they did....that's how they got caught....but yet this guy has the nerve to post a humanitarian type letter on the internet to ask people not to believe the Lies said about him ( ) ...on tax payer computers no doubt...WHAT THE FUCK!!!! That shit is crazy to me...I'm write this just to to say my piece...our society is nuts and the breast suckers who feel pitty for this guy are STUPID....and MORONIC....feel pity for THE FAMILies of the Victims...Fuck The rights of the perpetraitors....these guys I don't care how old they were should have been dealt the same punishments as that done to their victims....that's all I'm saying...and they should be made to feel every ounce of pain as they are put to death!!!! Burn in Hell Peter Cantu!!!! Fucker!!!

THE Black Spiderman

RIP- Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena June 24, 1993


dvsbeauty1 said...

I completely agree with you. I just read the book about the murders of Jennifer and Elizabeth. These guys who did this expressed not one bit of remorse for what they did.
I am for the death penalty. I feel if it was reinforced in our country, there would be less murders and acts of violence out there; it should make people think twice about doing harm to others. Now I can't say this applies to plain psychotic people out there, but for the others.
Speaking for myself, they deserved the death penalty. It sounds wrong for me to say, but it would be more "justifiable" if they were put to death the same way they murdered the two girls;gang-raped, sodomized, beaten, then strangled and kicked and stomped on to death. Those girls suffered--the convicted guys were put to death without "suffering" --lethal injection. wow. ( sarcasm )

The Black Spiderman said...

Glad you agree! and thanks for reading my blog!

Unknown said...

I knew Jenny, she was her parents only child...nothing makes up for that but closure helps you move on.

Unknown said...

I knew Jenny, she was her parents only child...nothing makes up for that but closure helps you move on.