Ok so I left on wednesday of last week and traveled to Tuscon Arizona to visit my cousin Best and his family. It was cool...nice and relaxing...we barbequed alot and watched some movies...I needed that!!! It's funny how soo many people call you when you're not able to do anything...lol...anyways so now i'm back to reality and reality bites!! Still got all the issues going on with my parents...Man when I was a teenager I probably wouldn't have even given a shit...yeah I know I wouldn't have because I would've had some life shattering thing going on in my own world to care....funny how that goes...who cares about Chelsea Clinton and her guy getting married...Fuck her....who cares about Lindsey and her being in Jail...I don't give a fuck about that shit!!! Fuck BP too!!! Sometimes I feel like just packing my stuff and leaving to somewhere...just the other day my ex texts me and tells me she might be moving to Canada...honestly I don't give a dam....I think she was wanting a response....I've got other things on my mind!! You know what's funny is that you never know what you have till it's gone...she knows that now...I found a new ab workout...normally I can do almost anything and my abs will be sore but not really that much but this new exercise killed me..so that means I need to do it more....a total body and extreme ab workout!! Some times I wish I had do overs...you so I can go back and change alot of my mistakes....but the thing with that is that those mistakes help teach me something...but I still wish I could do things over...would't have never broken up with shannon...she was cool...wish I was able to open myself up more...too little too late....Oh well I deserve alot of the crap that happens to me...No biggie I can take it....just hate when bad things happen to those that I care about....sad thing is I can understand my dad's point on somethings but how can he expect me to sit by and watch as he hurts my mom?? I mean shit I'd take a bat to anyones skull for hurting her...it's the truth....I have anger and sadness all rolled up into one...I don't really want to talk about it because I hate hearing what people have to say because it's the same shit...but I know the more I talk about it the more I can deal with it...I hardly ever use this site anymore.....FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!
HAHAHHAHAAHAHA..... It feels gRRRRRRRRRRRRRREATTTTTTTTTT to use that word!!!! Sometimes I love just screaming that word.....says everything I'm feeling without an explanation!! AHAHHAHAHAH
THe Black Spiderman
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