Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Text or Not To Text!!(Read If Bored)

Ok so we've gotten to the point in society where everyone text's....the mundane phone conversations that we used to have are gone now...only replaced by impersonal communications of texts!!! I kinda have mixed feelings about this...first I remember when i was in high school and having that 2 hour convo on the phone was like the best...I saw that person all day at school and couldn't wait to talk about what happened that day...WTF??? What did I have to talk about?? I mean honestly I get bored after 10 minutes on the phone if there isn't a point to be made...we going out...you need  something...half my day is spent re cupping from my stressful day!!! I'm either tired from work or from training!! (Training is the best) but either way i'm tired and all I want to do is relax and watch TV...but someone always wants to talk...HAHAHAHA... not that I mind when I'm in the mood to talk...that's where I rather text!! Short and to the point..except those days when it's a drawn out convo and I don't want to sit there and type all this shit!! And women are the worst...they type a hundred words a minute on these phones...you ask how was your day and you get a whole paragraph in 10 seconds....mine was good...that's it!! lol... But I gotta admit sometimes I do want a conversation...especially if I'm feeling that person and hardly ever see them...or if it's someone I need to catch up with! But now we've been conditioned to keep our conversations as brief as possible...get to the point...shit we even have abreviations for Abreviations....WTF...LOL....HAHAHAHAHA.....So what are you a texter or talker....?? I don't really care what you answer....but be brief lol....Anyways we are heading into a world where soon you won't have to leave your house for anything...get married on line...walk your....shit we'll probably have robots doing our everyday activities like in the Movie Surrogate with Bruce Willis...Not Far fetched either..>Watch Fools!!! Don't say I didn't warn you...who the Fuck is texting me now???!! HAHAHAHAHA

The Black Spiderman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I text when it's something small, but I call when i want to talk, talk, and Sometimes, just when I want to hear that person's Voice.