Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Peter Cantu..Poor Baby!!! (Read If Bored)
Ok so yesterday Peter Cantu was put to death...he didn't have any last words to the families of the two girls him and his gang friends raped and remorse for his actions...he died painlessly at the hands of the Texas Justice system that housed him for more then 17 years...he read while in prison...stayed in shape thanks to mine and your tax dollars....he was able to educate his mind while in prison...blogging and writting to the psycho's out there that love and worship people like him...funny!!! He couldn't even in his last minutes say sorry to the victims family...probably wouldn't have meant shit but it would've been something....Oh well Poor him....all those protestors opposed to the death penalty probably wheeped for his bitch ass yesterday....Poor Peter...what about the two teenage girls him and his friends or whatever raped, and murdered....I mean this guy stood on their necks to make sure they were dead???!!! Really!! Elizabeth Pena, 16, and her 14-year-old friend, Jennifer Ertman... they were made to suffer agonizing pain...raped....strangled with shoe laces and belts all because they wanted to make it home on time...then left like road kill to decompose in the blazing, humid Houston heat. Then these retards went back to Cantu's house and bragged about what they did....that's how they got caught....but yet this guy has the nerve to post a humanitarian type letter on the internet to ask people not to believe the Lies said about him ( ) ...on tax payer computers no doubt...WHAT THE FUCK!!!! That shit is crazy to me...I'm write this just to to say my piece...our society is nuts and the breast suckers who feel pitty for this guy are STUPID....and MORONIC....feel pity for THE FAMILies of the Victims...Fuck The rights of the perpetraitors....these guys I don't care how old they were should have been dealt the same punishments as that done to their victims....that's all I'm saying...and they should be made to feel every ounce of pain as they are put to death!!!! Burn in Hell Peter Cantu!!!! Fucker!!!
THE Black Spiderman
RIP- Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena June 24, 1993
THE Black Spiderman
RIP- Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena June 24, 1993
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
To Text or Not To Text!!(Read If Bored)
Ok so we've gotten to the point in society where everyone text's....the mundane phone conversations that we used to have are gone now...only replaced by impersonal communications of texts!!! I kinda have mixed feelings about this...first I remember when i was in high school and having that 2 hour convo on the phone was like the best...I saw that person all day at school and couldn't wait to talk about what happened that day...WTF??? What did I have to talk about?? I mean honestly I get bored after 10 minutes on the phone if there isn't a point to be made...we going need something...half my day is spent re cupping from my stressful day!!! I'm either tired from work or from training!! (Training is the best) but either way i'm tired and all I want to do is relax and watch TV...but someone always wants to talk...HAHAHAHA... not that I mind when I'm in the mood to talk...that's where I rather text!! Short and to the point..except those days when it's a drawn out convo and I don't want to sit there and type all this shit!! And women are the worst...they type a hundred words a minute on these ask how was your day and you get a whole paragraph in 10 seconds....mine was good...that's it!! lol... But I gotta admit sometimes I do want a conversation...especially if I'm feeling that person and hardly ever see them...or if it's someone I need to catch up with! But now we've been conditioned to keep our conversations as brief as possible...get to the point...shit we even have abreviations for Abreviations....WTF...LOL....HAHAHAHAHA.....So what are you a texter or talker....?? I don't really care what you answer....but be brief lol....Anyways we are heading into a world where soon you won't have to leave your house for anything...get married on line...walk your....shit we'll probably have robots doing our everyday activities like in the Movie Surrogate with Bruce Willis...Not Far fetched either..>Watch Fools!!! Don't say I didn't warn you...who the Fuck is texting me now???!! HAHAHAHAHA
The Black Spiderman
The Black Spiderman
Back To being Me!!!!!!!! (Read If Bored)
You know I'm going back to being the old me...meaning the guy that really didn't give a fuck about what he posts on the net!! I mean honestly I've held back on alot of things that I write because people would read them and comment to me in person about it...making me feel bad...Fuck that shit!! Seriously I hate being censored!!! A writer cannot be censored because then his or her inspirations start getting styfulled....I used to blog alot on myspace before it got all big and it's pretty much a ghost land and Facebook has taking i really know if people read my stuff?? No not really but here's the thing....I don't care because it's not about getting's about me bloogging whatever the Fuck I want and speaking in a matter in which it CONVEys what I want...despite the Vulgarity and materials that I choose to use...HAHAHAHAHHA... I'm a clown and 80% of what I write If you were to ask me in person I couldn't tell you...always been like that I school when teachers would ask for a 1 page essay shit I would would write 3....mind just went...and thoughts would flow in and for some reason today is that day..I have soo much on my mind that it's racing...I'm in a semi-good-bad- I don't give a Fuck mood!! Feels euphoric!!! I love it!!! Maybe's it's the coffee I've been drinking this morning...DAm this shit is good!!! I should be a relationship counselor!!! There are soo many messed up relationships out there...people just staying together for their kids and just because they've gotten so comfortable...society mandates that we have this idealic union but the truth of the matter is that human beings weren't meant to be CONTENt!!! We thrive on having Chaos...that's why I truely don't give a fuck some times whether I live or die because in the end we all will die....Just a Theory...The Black Spiderman's Theory of Negativity!!! AHAHAHHAHA
The Black Spiderman
The Black Spiderman
The Truth!!!! (Read if Bored)
Alright I was thinking about this the other day...yeah go figure when do I not...Think?! Anyways I hate when people ask you for the truth but when you tell them they get upset??!! What the Fuck is up with that??? I tell the truth about 98.9% of the time...I think that's a high number since the average person probably tells the truth 67% of the time...that's my statistic and I reserve the right to change it as need be...HAHAHAHHAHA.... Why is as a society we always want others to be honest with us but we have such a hard time being honest with others?? If I'm interested in a girl and I ask for her number and I ask her if she would like to go out with's the truth... "No're not my type"!!! There that would save me all the trouble of typing in her number into my phone and wasting my time communicating with the girl only to have her not respond....That's annoying...yet women and men do this on a regular basis yet have the guts to get upset when it happens to them?? Why does he play these games....?? Because you've played those games....I'm not writting this because it was on my mind so I needed to get it out of that dark place lol....Women always want to know why men lie to's because women lie to them! My thing with liars are that they get what they deserve that's why I don't feel bad when I read stupid shit on facebook about some guy hurting a girl or a girl wondering why some guy she was crushing on did her's probably karma!!! I know because I've been an ass...shit back in the day I was that guy...but I gotta admitt I was pretty Dam honest....brutally honest to some I have more tact but still more honest then alot of people....and people who really know me know this! Anyways here's a tip Someone asks you for the truth...Tell the truth...How hard is that?? And if you ask for the ttruth take it and move on without going all psycho and stuff....that's pointless!!! The Truth shall set you free...and free and free and free...HAHHAHAHAHA
The Black Spiderman
p.s.- I'm running for go out there and vote for me....Yes cast your vote for the stupendous...artificially inseminated....never duplicated Tyrant of the Net...AHHAHAHAHAHAH
The Black Spiderman
p.s.- I'm running for go out there and vote for me....Yes cast your vote for the stupendous...artificially inseminated....never duplicated Tyrant of the Net...AHHAHAHAHAHAH
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World!!!!!
Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this movie a 7.2...and that's just because I think it was cheesy good....I think this movie has the makings of being one of those cult underground hit..... the weed fiends will make it so! I like the way the characters interacted in this movie....The Gay guy was probably the best character....that guy was funny....Man it too me back to the Nintendo days...ask kids now a days about nintendo they're like what is that?? When things were better!!! Anyways sneak into this point in spending money!!!
The Black Spiderman
The Expenables!!!
Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this movie an was good! Not much of a story but when you've got body parts being blown up...OH YEAH!!! The Best part I gotta say about this movie was the dialogue between characters....Arnold and Silvester...Jet Li and the guy from Rocky....etc.. These guys should be comedians...I was laughing throughout the movie!! This is a guys movie or at least a really tough girls movie....HAHAHHAHAHA... Better to see this in theatres...shit I'd even see it again!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thoughts!!!!! (Read If bored)
Ok so another weekend they just come and go just like weekend was interesting...I did a cool photoshoot...different from what I have been doing so it was a nice change....I'm probably getting sick as I write this....I miss the old days when I didn't have to worry about bills and why is it I'm sore all over when I barely train....I miss when the music they played had meaning behind them and actual lyrical value! My home boy told me the other day that this girl said I looked like I was full of myself because I post pics on the net with my shirt off and stuff...bitch doesn't even know me...but she could make that staement because I had to pose with my shirt off and look as if I was confident....funny how people can just generalize like that...but hey I can't hate the chick because I do the same thing some times...see a hot girl all posed can't help but wonder if she gives it up easily and stuff like that...the difference with that is I think guys get more interested and women get less interested....different motives though....I remember the first time I put a shirtless pic up was when me and erica had broken up...I always thought it was gay to have a pic of your shirt off so I never did it...but I put the picture up because she had said i looked fat in that views went up alot...well with the myspace account...I always thought I'd be dead by 18...21 max..surprise surprise I'm still around....I have to battle with my suicidal thoughts everyday...I have to put on a mask to and tell myself positive things just to make it through each and everyday...dealing with all the fakes...hurtful shit that I see and's hard keeping your sanity...I don't know how housewives with 3 or more children do it...staying at home then dealing with a husband that expects dinner and laundry etc.....I'd snapp probably....mad propps to the single mothers because you guys..girls are STRong....women in general are stronger then men....we have to put on the strength mask...but women just are....they usually are the ones that deal better...must be because they have a strong social know feelings are a bitch...I find myself having to fight them sometimes because getting hurt really sucks...but I don't want to be how I once was...empty...not able to feel....I look at people in their early 20's and they play the same games I did...I remember everything that I did back then...the people I dicked over...just for kicks I guess...didn't really think about it much I regret alot of it....but I guess that's what you have to do...karma does come really does....Oh well so the monday begins and another week of misery....HAHAHHAHAH...Oh my bad...just a habit...another week of fun.....YAY!!!!
THe Black Spiderman
THe Black Spiderman
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Breaking up with Britney Spears!!!! (Read If Bored)
Ok so I'm was tired of this bitch...yes I'm tired of her...sick of her nagging me all the time!! You never Loved me she would say to me...I couldn't believe she even had the nerve to say such shit to me...after all I was the one that helped her kick her drug addiction....when K fed left I was there to pick up a crumbled no one else...when her family deserted her I was one else...the media would always talk about her weight problem but I'm the one that loved her for her...Plumpness....I excepted her for who she was not...WHO SHE gave her everything and this is how she behaves...??? Come on Britney what's wrong with you? We celebrated our 3 month anniversary at the Palms resort...did I pay? Hell NO!!! She has money...fuck that shit...I gave her a tic tac....her breathe was kicking that day...anyways I digress.....I need to find a way to break up with her....How did Fred do it? Fred Who? Oh shit maybe I shouldn't or I'll go missing too? Maybe I can get her plane to crash on some deserted Island somewhere....maybe she'll stay LOST? With my luck she'd probably find her way back...and knowing that the plane crash couldn't have been an accident would seek her revenge upon me....dam what should i do I'm stuck having constant sex with this Nympho....the things she makes me do to her are well what can I say...Mind BLOWING...and Despicable Me I can only fantasize of her friends while we are making sweet Love? I'm writting this just to find a solution to my problem...How to Break up with Britney?? Maybe I could just wait her out...hmmmm...shit that never works...all those hollywood types always seem to live longer then normal...just ask Heathe....dam must be all the drugs..Lindsey will probably live to be an old woman at the ripe age of 31.....that's ancient!!! Oh no here she comes...her majesty bellows....must want me to massage her crusty ass toes....then pleasure her with some 2 1/2 hours of oral...dam the things I do!!! Oh well.....Maybe next week I'll dump this chica!!
THe Black Spiderman
THe Black Spiderman
Monday, August 9, 2010
Dam Mondays!!!!! (Read If Bored)
Ok so it's another monday..yay...that's sarcasm retard.....this weekend was cool....had a fun time training saturday from 9:30 am -12:30 when all the affiliates came down! That was cool!! Then I had to hurry back home shower and get dressed to go to my boy John's wedding! Had a great time then went to go eat some Pho!! Vietnamese noodle soup...gotta Love it...then off to the twin's house to watch the UFC fights...made some money..yeah!!! Great Saturday!! Now it's fucking Monday and I have all this work to fucking balls!! I'm refinancing my house...going from a 6% interest 30 year loan to a 4% 15 year loan...but I gotta put in $8,800 cause the loan only covers 97.5%...still shit I'll have my house paid off in 8 years!!! Rent it out and buy another house and rent that one out after 3 years of living parents seem to be trying to be civil but we'll see how long that lasts...talked to my mom last night and she was alot happier then she's been in months...I know it won't last...maybe that's the pessimist in me? Oh I'll broke for the next month so those that always want me to go out..Go fuck yourself cause I'm Broke...well after the 26th I will be..well at least for 4 or 5 a shoot on saturday...should be interesting..semi nude with a female model...I'll try and get through it as painless as possible lol....I can't help but think about what my first born will look like...why do I constantly think about this? Weird....Oh well we'll see.....emotionally I'm at a great place...over the ex and focused on alot of stuff lined up that I'm doing...and it feels good to see little things being chipped that I mean my goal at a time being met....the good friends that I do have I'm realizing are better then I thought! Chris,Saad, Mike,Ade,Davis,Alvis Roy, I can count them on 2 hands now...that's cool! I realize every day when I start my pitty shit that everyone has you wouldn't believe the ammount of people that I run, myspace..facebook...twitter...about their issues ...some how ran across my vids on youtube and said they felt the same way or have read something I've written and they felt the same way...crazy How people are soo different yet we all have basic similarities when it comes to lifes issues!! Anyways this was a monday rant before another busy week begins....To Live is to Suffer but to Survive is to find meaning in that suffering!
THe Black Spiderman
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Movie Review: StepUP 3D!!!!
Ok so it's 5 am on a saturday..moview review... So on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this movie a 7.2.... If it wasn't for some cheesey ass lines it would've been an gotta see this shit in theatres because the dance moves were tight...BUT 3D made the movie rank up there! I hated buying the stupid glasses...should've kept that shit since $3.50 every time you see a 3D movie is Crazy..stupid movie Fuckers and their rate hikes....steal some glasses from someone...but yeah it's worth seeing in the Theatres and actually paying money for....It was kinda a dumb story and some scenes didn't make sense if you break it down but the dancing made up for it!! The Robot guy was the best....I gotta learn that shit!!!!
The Black Spiderman
The Black Spiderman
I Own this World!!! AHHAHAHAHAHA
Monday, August 2, 2010
Thoughts!!!!! (Read If bored)
Ok so I left on wednesday of last week and traveled to Tuscon Arizona to visit my cousin Best and his family. It was cool...nice and relaxing...we barbequed alot and watched some movies...I needed that!!! It's funny how soo many people call you when you're not able to do so now i'm back to reality and reality bites!! Still got all the issues going on with my parents...Man when I was a teenager I probably wouldn't have even given a shit...yeah I know I wouldn't have because I would've had some life shattering thing going on in my own world to care....funny how that goes...who cares about Chelsea Clinton and her guy getting married...Fuck her....who cares about Lindsey and her being in Jail...I don't give a fuck about that shit!!! Fuck BP too!!! Sometimes I feel like just packing my stuff and leaving to somewhere...just the other day my ex texts me and tells me she might be moving to Canada...honestly I don't give a dam....I think she was wanting a response....I've got other things on my mind!! You know what's funny is that you never know what you have till it's gone...she knows that now...I found a new ab workout...normally I can do almost anything and my abs will be sore but not really that much but this new exercise killed that means I need to do it more....a total body and extreme ab workout!! Some times I wish I had do so I can go back and change alot of my mistakes....but the thing with that is that those mistakes help teach me something...but I still wish I could do things over...would't have never broken up with shannon...she was cool...wish I was able to open myself up more...too little too late....Oh well I deserve alot of the crap that happens to me...No biggie I can take it....just hate when bad things happen to those that I care about....sad thing is I can understand my dad's point on somethings but how can he expect me to sit by and watch as he hurts my mom?? I mean shit I'd take a bat to anyones skull for hurting's the truth....I have anger and sadness all rolled up into one...I don't really want to talk about it because I hate hearing what people have to say because it's the same shit...but I know the more I talk about it the more I can deal with it...I hardly ever use this site anymore.....FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!
HAHAHHAHAAHAHA..... It feels gRRRRRRRRRRRRRREATTTTTTTTTT to use that word!!!! Sometimes I love just screaming that word.....says everything I'm feeling without an explanation!! AHAHHAHAHAH
THe Black Spiderman
HAHAHHAHAAHAHA..... It feels gRRRRRRRRRRRRRREATTTTTTTTTT to use that word!!!! Sometimes I love just screaming that word.....says everything I'm feeling without an explanation!! AHAHHAHAHAH
THe Black Spiderman
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