Current mood:
amused my home girl Jessica... HAHHAHAHAHHA
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Omg people suck.
Current mood: annoyed
Wow. So I get an email from one of my friends' wives, all like "Stay away from my husband!" and whatnot. I'm like "WTF?" Apparently, she'd found some emails that he and I had written back and forth (which was most of our communication, since we rarely saw each other and never talked on the phone) that were a little flirty, because that's just the way our friendship was. We joked around. What gets me is, MOST of the emails weren't flirty, they were mean. He'd call me fat, I'd call him stupid, and whatnot. Or we'd be talking about how much work sucks or something he could do to tweak his webpage. And when they WERE flirty, they were peppered with "LOL" "hehe" and "omg i'm JUST JOKING." Like, he'd say something innuendo-ish, and I'd say "I'm rolling my eyes SO HARD at you right now." I even went through and looked at them, and there's no way a sane person could have thought there was anything ACTUALLY going on! God damn, women suck. So, ok, my friend's in trouble with his wife, which is too bad, but really NOT my problem, and I can't talk to him anymore, which is too bad, but it's not like we were ever really close, so that's no biggie, but what REALLY gets my goat is being accused of something I didn't do!!!! No fair trial or anything, she just sees something, assumes the worst and goes off on me, a perfect stranger, when I didn't DO anything!! She's like "What would your husband say?" I'm thinking "My husband wouldn't give a shit because he knows I love him and is SECURE in our marriage and knows the difference between a joke and reality!" So yeah, I emailed her back, saying basically, "You're a moron," but then I realized that, whether it was logical or not, the poor girl was hurting, so I sent another one saying "Sorry for all the shit you're going through" or something like that.
Anyway, another thing that really cheeses me is that I have a pretty good suspicion that I've been used. I know this man had some serious dislike toward his wife, and I remember a conversation we had about his uncle cheating on his wife or something, and I said "No one gets caught cheating unless they want to." My guess is that he took this and ran with the idea. He had told me before that his wife was an overly-jealous person, so it's not like he didn't know it. Yet he a) flirted with me via email and b) left those emails in a place where she obviously had access to it. In other words, the man was too chicken-shit to leave his wife and too caring to ACTUALLY cheat on her, so he did something to make HER leave HIM. What we in communications (hey, I minored in speech, I can say "we") call "raising the stakes" in a relationship--breaking up with someone by making it too difficult for them to stay with you. And used me as a tool to acheive that end. So now I get bullshit emails from the jilted wife. I'm pissed at him for putting me in the middle of something that I have no business being in the middle of because he's a coward. I was the one always telling him he needed to treat her BETTER! Blah. Men suck.
Response to it by crazy lady....
This is an email I got today regarding this blog. She specifically asked for me not to reply to her, so I won't. I'll reply here :-) My little interjections are set off by <>.
I am a close friend of Edward and Shana, and have been for quite some time and have spoken to both of them about this matter. I was a cheater and have been cheated on. I know both sides of the little game . AND THATS ALL THAT IT WAS, WAS A GAME . How dare you make this public to the world, when this is something that you had part in also <'scuse me? Did I let all my buddies read these "private" emails and have them go verbally assault other members of this "private" situation? No, I think that was someone ELSE that did that...AND I didn't mention any names, so all other parties (until miss amy pulled this shit) were protected>. I think your blog was childish and manipulative! You sound like someone who hasnt inquired much wisdom with age . I read the emails that went on between yall, as far as an insane reaction had that been my husband you spoke that way to, it would have been dealt with in a very fierce manner . I think Shana handled herself very well considering the circumstances.
As far as your concerned you sound like your a confused, manipulative, person who needs to let it go and think twice about entering into a "innocent" flirty manner . I am a mother of three who is happily married and never in my wildest dreams would even consider speaking to another man the way you did. In no way do I think that Edward is innocent in this matter. My husband also says that I am a jealous person which is fine, he does this without concern. I have a watchful eye out for women who portray themselves the way you do.
As for Shana and Edward they may have had minor problems in the past that apparently you were reading more into it, but as far as that is concerned that is none of your responsability . Obviously if he wanted a way out of his marriage when this surfaced he would have ended it instead of begging to keep his family together and begging his wife to forgive him.
When you grow up and realize the meaning of marriage you will understand what I am talking about. Obviously you wanted attention not from this subject (blog) and now your recieving it . Apparently you didnt make a very good impression on Edward or he would have pursued this incident further instead of ending it and ignoring you the way he did . Dont have an immature response for me to waste my time reading. Let this go before others become involved
Now, I didn't respond, per her wishes, but anyone wanna take bets as to whether amy "wastes her time" reading this? If so, let me know, I could use a few extra bucks. :-)
The Black Spiderman