Monday, November 1, 2010

True Friends vs. Fake Friends!!!!!(Read if Bored)

Prewarned this is a rant...meaning I'm just gonna talk about whatever even if it makes no sense...nonsense...AHHAHAAH... Ok so over the past couple of weeks I'm always thinking about who my real friends are and who my fake friends are...real meaning that regardless if I was dead broke or a psycho...would they be there for me? A real friend to me is one that you could tell your most horrible secret to and would just say man some times I think the same way....and they mean it! I've found that through out my short existance in this world (Lol) that I've met soo many people who say they are real and good and all this crap but when those moments come to back up what they say...yeah...fake! Now I don't claim to be anyone special....and when people try and tell me shit like that it urkes because it's just not true...I was told the other day that it was because of me that this person's  day got it's because of make things better because of how badly you want something! I spent sunday with Christian's family celebrating Ava's bday...that was fun for me...we went to Old Mcdonald's farm in humble.... simple and chill...what I like! I haven't drank in 4 weeks because I just don't want to...will I ever drink again..odds on it will happen but I'm slowing that party side of me down! Trying to focus on myself...I spend so much of my time helping other people that some times I need to be selfish...sometimes I sit back and I read all these posts on facebook...this person is in a relationship and it's complicated (Not a relationship...sorry)...but dam people get in and out of relationships like the wind!!! It's crazy to me....I don't want to be doing that shit...So many people's lives are fucked up and the truly funny thing about it is that we all think we are the only ones with problems!! If you read peoples posts you'll realize that the same thing that happened to you months or weeks or years before someone else is having that same issue...that's why all this social media crap makes soo much money...people want to know that they're not's that need to connect....yet we judge everyone...that's why fake people exist..racists...sexual orientation goes both ways now..I'm noticing that....I've got gay friends that get mad because I'm not "Open" to trying new things...that's cause I'm straight....funny...can't change who I am...then I get people all the time telling me why don't I fight....cause I don't want to....just cause I have a big dong doesn't mean I should do porn....but again they're not my true friends because my true friends already know what I want to do with my life and who I am...not judging me because of the way I look or all that crap....."Dam you're a big black guy"... No shit man....that's all I get...all day everyday....and then they draw whatever opinion they're going to based on their experience with big Black guys....AHHAHAHAHAHAHA...anyways just a rant...sometimes it feels good to rant...get stuff off your mind....well my boy Mike "The Greek" Bronzoulis fights this friday...he's gonna wreck shop....has heart and he's doing what he wants to do with his life so that makes it even better...November here we go!

The Black Spiderman
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