Monday, December 27, 2010

Cell Phones cause accidents while driving!!!(Read if Bored)

Ok so we all hear all the time that if you are texting or on the phone you increase your chances of getting into a car accident... but what are some of the statistics for 2010?
America Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Over half of U.S. drivers report having used a cell phone while driving.

o 7 out of 10 admit to text messaging while driving.
o Young drivers were overwhelmingly more likely to text message, and somewhat more likely to talk on cell phones while driving than older drivers.
o Males with high education are more likely to talk while driving
o You are 3 times more likely to get into an accident if you are dialing a phone

You know I read these stats and I still think so what?? I can drive and text or talk on the phone. I can multitask because because I'm  But then I did some more research and I found out some more statistics that honestly has me doubting my skills.
Virginia Tech Driving Institute

o Dialing cell phone increases the risk of accident driving incidents by 2.8 times. Look at that, same as America Automobile Association findings.
o Text messaging while driving increases the risk of accidents by 23.2 times. 23 times

These stats are for 2010!! Because of these statistics some states are implementing laws against cell phone use while driving. (california) The truth be told everything that I've read, watched it really didn't make  me want to stop talking on the cell phone while driving. AHHAHAHAH But I will limit the texting though because overall I think that's the most dangerous of the two!! Anyways just something to think about.

The Black Spiderman
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David