Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie and we know there are no such things...I'd say a 7.5.... Davis gave it an 8....Let's see this movie was great in 3 D but I gotta admit I'm getting sick of paying an extra $3.50 for those stupid glasses and they want you to put them in a recycle bin at the end of the movies so they can reuse them...Fuck That shit!!! I tossed that shit in the trash..and will do so for all 3D movies..Fuckers!! Anyways this movie had some badass death scenes...but if you are squeemish don't see this movie because you could pass out! HAHAHAHAHAHH... I don't understand why the _____s didn't stop him sooner...you'll see...anyways go see this movie...was prettty entertaining at the beginning....but the way they left this movie there could be more????
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: http://bit.ly/9bdTvC
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Jack Ass Movie!!!!
Ok so on a scale of 1-10 10 being a perfect movie I gotta give this movie an 8..... It was good....If you used to watch Jack Ass then you would love this movie!!! Sickest shit...literally....I've ever seen!!! Some times I think how did this guy not die!!! Seriously some of the things they do are too crazy!! The Shot was disgusting...they scraped sweat off of this fat guy and Steve-O drank it...EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I think the sickest stunt was when they put Steve-O in a Port O Potty...Filled with Shit...then bungie launched him into the air...up and down....I thought I wouldn't be able to eat after that...but I did....so what does that say about me?? Anyways see this in 3 D...just don't eat...or eat afterwards....(Oh and I'm gonna try the Rocky!!)...AHAHHAHAHAH
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: http://bit.ly/9bdTvC
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: http://bit.ly/9bdTvC
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Making Changes!!!!!! (Read If Bored)
Ok I was gonna write about the miners who were trapped in the mine in Chile but then I just thought...I don't really care to...I mean it's great that they were rescued and all but that doesn't even pertain to anything in my life.....alot of people have thoughts but are either embarrassed or just have issues with others reading what they truly think about things...not I said the Spider because this world is too short to worry about how people view you..not that it doesn't bother me but rather I have way too much to do to care! I'm making changes in my life.... as of last Saturday I'm doing a total life cleanse... no alcohol for 3 months...gotta drink New Year's eve...sorry just got to...staying away from the party scene unless it's to network or meet other people doing the same things or have same ambitions as me....of course my real friends I'll be there for you guys and girls no matter what but I gotta stay focused!!! I find that the more I do the more I want to do....I was put on this earth to do great things...and that's not narcissism.... just how I feel...If I succeed then cool..if not then hopefully I inspire some one else....or they inspire someone else...the Tupac effect!! I started doing alot of reading on herbal medicines http://bit.ly/cRttiV ...I'm done taking prescription meds, antibiotics, sudafed..crap like that... started taking these probiotics http://bit.ly/9iGBLt Try those links and it will change your life showing you better ways to treat alot of your everyday illness and build your immune system etc.... next summer I'll put out my DVD to show folks also how to do day trading (Currency trading)... great way to make extra income.... anyways folks I'm making great connections... I probably will be doing a fashion show Nov. 13th so stay tuned for more info... "We make our own Luck"!!!
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: http://bit.ly/9bdTvC
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here: http://bit.ly/9bdTvC
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bullying Frenzee!!! (Read If Bored)
It’s estimated that nearly 30% or 5.7 million children are involved in bullying, as victims, perpetrators, or both. Studies have found that 15 to 25% of students in the U.S. are bullied, and 15 to 20% bully others. There was a recent incident last month in which a 13 year old Asher Brown shot himself in the head after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other students at Hamilton Middle School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District. He was “bullied to Death”… picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said. Supposedly he had complained to Hamilton middleschool personel but nothing was done. Now his parents want justice. I’ve read numerous articles and can see both sides on this…so here’s my opinion… It’s a tragedy that the young man had to end his life because he felt that tormented by these other children, but again what I can’t stand is when parents instead of looking at themselves to blame…look for others!! If you know your child is weaker then others then help him become stronger…martial arts, boxing, talk to him or her and do your best to help them get through the growing pains of life! But to blame someone else for him choosing to end his life and making them the enemy (School officials)..come on?!!! When I was growing I was bullied by these 5 girls…beat up almost every day… it’s funny now but they would make fun of me because I was nigerian…my name…I was a small kid till around summer of my junior year in highschool! I had a complex for the longest time when it came to women because of this…scared shitless of them…bullying exist because there are dominators and the dominated! It’s just reality….the only thing we can do is not look for people to blame but to help the bullied become stronger and arm them with the tools to withstand these attacks till well they grow out of it! I think it’s wrong for the parents to ask for people to be fired etc. because at the end of the day it was their child that commited suicide and they should bare that responsibility! Just to be honest though if I had a child and they came back beatup and feeling bad…I’d track the parents of the children responsible and whoop their ass’s…just saying….but hey I don’t give a fuck when It comes to protecting those I care about! Shit i’d probably whoop those kids ass’s too…especially if their parents weren’t doing it…anyways as long as there are human beings there will always be bullies!!!
The Black Spiderman
The Internet’s #1 AB’s program right here:
http://c09fdjrkpjqb2t9cseq 0l93q44.hop.clickbank.net/
The Black Spiderman
The Internet’s #1 AB’s program right here:
Monday, October 4, 2010
My Weekend!!!!(Read If Bored)
Ok so this weekend was pretty cool...chilled on friday because I had a busy day on saturday...went to Battle of H-town to support my teammates from Solis martial arts...great matches...even though we didn't win they were entertaining!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! Learned a new move from Jarrod and got a new shirt from Bully Dog!!! You want some great mma apparel get it from these guys http://www.bullydogfightwear.com/ ...the gear is DOPE!!! Then I had to hurry up and drive to Katy for Saad and Thuy's wedding...yeah!!! Gotta admit it was a good time... made me realize I have a great circle of friends and how we've all changed since highschool yet we all remain close...even Ade and Hua made an appearance...the reception was cool me and Vu had to make a toast as Co best men...dam I got all choked up...man I was soo nervous!!! Saad and Thuy are officially married..wow is all I can say....three wonderful children...I can't wait to have a child...that's the only thing that keeps me going. I had went 3 weeks without a drink but as per tradition I had to take a shot with the groom so Fuck it....one drink after another and the next day I'm recovering....stayed in on sunday and watched the Texans whoop up on the Raiders...HELL YEAH!!!! We're making the playoffs this year!!! Things are good right now..I have some up coming projects and might be signing with ____... can't say cause don't want to jinx shit...but making some good contacts and MAKING MONEY!!!! First million in 4 years...BET!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Halloween is coming and I'm gonna be???
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:
The Black Spiderman
The Internet's #1 AB's program right here:

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