Ok so one of my biggest issues I have is when people tell me I'm so lucky to be genetically gifted. Man it's because you have great genes... or if they had more time they would be able to do the things that I do. First off what do I do? I hustle..I promote myself..I work out 8 times a week to stay in somewhat physical shape. Since I started competing over 2 years ago I come to the conclusion that most competitors (I said most..not all) train to look good or be fit. I've never worked out because I cared what I looked like..shit I know I'm not the hottest guy out there nor do I care to be. I've always worked out and trained because one I suffer from chronic depression...and I'm a very competitive guy. When I played ball in the Navy it was to have an upper edge that's why I lifted weights... after the military I just did it because I found it helped calm me down from going Postal on people. When someone pisses you off go work out! Then I started BJJ and I trained because once again i'm competitive and I have to be ready for my opponents so I trained my ASS off because losing sucks! So when I get people tell me I'm just lucky because I have this motivation and genetics blah blah blah...it annoys me because I work really hard to be where I'm at today...and it's still Nowhere near where I want to be. If you want something you have to work for it..quit hating on someone else who promotes themselves, is in the gym or mat putting in work. I can't stand judgmental, hating people. Quit making excuses to why you can't do something and being angry at someone else because they are trying to succeed. If you can't tell I'm pissed right now so I gotta vent...before you judge someone and make a stupid comment as to how hard someone works or they are just lucky or whatever try walking a mile in their shoes..shit I have a reconstructed left knee, broken fingers, toes, level 2 concussion, broken nose, eye socket, slipped disk in my lower back, cracked patella, dislocated right shoulder...every night I sleep on a heating pad...yet I workout 8 times a week, train bjj 3-4 times a week and other training, work and self promote on the net. Anyways I had to rant there for a minute..DAM that feels good! #theblackspiderman
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