Thursday, December 29, 2011


Monday, December 26, 2011


2011 Thoughts!!!! (Read If Bored)

Ok so 2011 didn't start out good....not even ending good. It's funny every year I go into a new year being optimistic only to have it falter at the end. So I started out the year hating my dad..constantly fighting with him...looked like him and my mom were going to divorce...but then now I guess they worked things out. I think it has to do with me and my dad fighting....oh I trained hard for the pan ams only to lose my last match after I separated my bueno! Had a friend pass away from cancer....R.I.P. Turtle...He was a good guy!!! I finally let go of the ex...still care about her and always will but I'm over her...feels good. I got to visit my cousin Best and his family with my little brother Drexler...that was cool...I get along better with my sisters...All in all this year has sucked but the only good I can derive from it is that this was the first year I didn't truly feel hopeless....I had my depressed moments but I fought through them without trying anything...slight improvement from last year. We'll see if this new year is better...I've got a little crush on someone but probably won't's all futures bright.....I have somethings in the near future that hopefully will provide more income and get me to my goals faster. If someone's not interested in getting to know you move on because eventually you'll find the right person. Gonna do more fashion shows this year....had fun doing the baby bull campaign...met some interesting people and made some good friends! Anyways folks "To Live is to Suffer ,but to survive is to find the meaning in that suffering"   ..... just something to think about! Happy New Year 2012 baby!!!

The Black Spiderman

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Things!!!! (Read if Bored)

Ok so I have some new things I'm doing...just started a new business with Fortune High Tech Market (FHTM for short). The potential for growth is good and that's what makes me excited. Those that know me know about my past online businesses...Blog sites, dating sites...etc. I love finding ways and learning ways to make money. I guess I get that drive from my mom. In 7 years I will retire because I choose to and not because I can't work. Our economy is in a fucked up state right now. The more money you make , the more the government takes from you to pay for people who choose to be lazy! I can't stand that shit! I'm making more money now...with currency trading, investing and hopefully this business over the course of this next year takes off..but yet I have higher taxes. To me that's just not fair. I'm not gonna whine about it except for in this Those that want to make money I'll show you the way. Investing in mutual funds....FHTM...currency trading..etc. There's so many avenues out there but you gotta be willing to work for it! No one gives you anything in this world so you gotta go out there and get it. People that sit up there and piss off $20 -$100 a month on the lottery are just taxing themselves. If you can afford to spend $100-$200 a month on getting Fucked up then you can afford to invest. But alas people will never get it. I told some people that for $100 dollars a month they could have their own online business....most are like that's alot of money?? I guess I know how much it takes to run your own business being that my mom started her clothing shop with over head of $1,000 a month not to mention the total initial investment. But hey broke people listen to broke people, stupid people listen to stupid people, lazy..well you get it. You wanna be financially secure then listen to people who are. It's that simple. I'm not rich. But I will be financially secure in seven years! I could retire right now and be able to live comfortably taking care of myself only but that's not what I want. I want to be able to take care of myself and others so that drives me to make more money. Anyways I had to get some of that off my chest. Something upset me yesterday and I had to vent... I hate when you try and help someone....I mean you are being genuine about it and they don't understand that. Till you start succeeding then the hating starts up. I'm as real and true to what I say then you will ever find in this word. I say what I say with no regrets. I admit when I am wrong and apologize if need be. So how about them TEXANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The Black Spiderman

Follow me on Twitter!/theblackspiderm

