The Blame Game
Story: 2 brothers grow up in a household with an alcoholic /drug addict mother and father. The first brother becomes a successful attorney never touching drugs and alcohol. When asked how he became so successful? He said both my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. I told myself I never wanted to be like them...I had No choice but to be Successful. The second brother ended up in prison..always addicted to drugs and alcohol. When he was asked why his life ended up that way? He said both my parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. I grew up like that, I had No Choice. 😀 Point're in control of your life. That includes your choices, actions, feelings etc. "You spoiled the movie for me and my family by posting a spoiler on your Facebook page. "😐 A person who accepts responsibility for their life would've stayed off of social media if they didn't want spoilers. Rational people and purpose driven people plan ahead for things and when bad things happen they don't blame others for their misery. You're in control of your emotions, decisions and actions. Free will right? I own my decisions and actions, I'm not perfect at all but I will never blame anyone for why my life is the way it is. Anyways short little rant. If you read this and it made sense then pat yourself on the back , you're a Rational person. 😀💯🙌 Keep pushing...FYI...If you don't like my posts, Purge yourself...your choice.😉
The Black Spiderman