Monday, August 5, 2013

Everyone's a Critic

So I've been thinking about this and decided to rant a bit. You ever notice how everyone can give you advice about your love life? I've told people about what happened with me and my ex. She was a meth head, 2 kids by 2 different guys, lied alot, cheated..etc. Before I could even finish explain things I could feel their disapproving glances as to what was I should know better...but that's the thing I do know better! But when you have for someone it clouds your judgement. Emotions take the logic out of what you should do into where you can't see the right answers. I read a thousand status updates on FB about how both men and women didn't see this or that coming and I sit back and laugh because when you read everything they say about the guy or girl your just like are you stupid or something? Everyone when things are going bad list all the faults of people so it's no matter why an outside party who has No sympathy for them can say well "You should've seen this coming". Everyone knows what you should do when it comes to some one who is hurting you... Leave them! That simple...except for when it's happening to YOU! We're ALL Hippocrates! Me as well! It's hard this thing called love, emotions..etc. I'm gonna shy away from it for awhile because I can't allow myself to ever feel this intense pain again! I felt it with my other ex. too but I got over it. We actually have a decent friendship now. I've always got her back! Anyways this was a Rant... so anyone who wants to offer advice about my love life just remember when you were in the same situation and everyone who gave you advice but you still did what you did..... everyone has their own time and pace at which they Heal from pain. Just something to Think about.

The Black Spiderman
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