Monday, November 28, 2011

Wes gets a hair Cut

Monday, November 21, 2011

People Take things Too Seriously!!!(Read if Bored)

Ok so I'm writing this blog just to get somethings off my chest...out of my head...People take things way too seriously! And the things they should take seriously they don' have a choice whether you have a FAcebook, Youtube, etc. have a choice about who you have on your friends list or what you subscribe too! That's how how Social Media works...those in marketing understand this concept and therefore find ways to drive viewers to their page to "Turn a Profit". I had posted this picture   to my Facebook page last week and man did I get alot of comments and emails. Honestly when I first saw the picture on this other guys page my first thoughts were that this shit was I posted it on my page to take a poll for my own info about who would think it was real and who would think it was fake. I got comments like "How can you be such a Horrible person and post such filth on your page? (Key word my page)....Then I got over 100 emails..and I'm not LYING....about how they had lost respect for me....I'm not the guy I Portray myself as on the Internet.....HAHAHAHAHHA..... I didn't even waist my time answering stupid questions like that til I got bored.....I like reading peoples comments on things because it gives me a better perspective on the masses thought process when it comes to things in the world. But lets not get it twisted at the end of the day I'm gonna post, write or record whatever the Fuck I's who I am...I speak my mind regardless of who approves.....and except whatever consequences come with those actions. Things I learned when I was in the Millitary. Honestly I didn't think the picture was that big a deal. Working in the E.R. I've seen alot worse....shit half the stuff I've seen in my life would freak the normal person out.But you just deal.....can't alow yourself to get rattled by things. The only thing that still haunts me to this day was when I had to try and save a 6 month old by doing CPR....while the mother is grabbing me and begging me to save her sons life....but it was to late and I knew it.....that still haunts me till this day.... sucks having a good memory some times. Anyways Here's a tip for anyone that subscribes to me..expect me to post Anything...except for nudity and images of children..not my thing...if it's your thing that's cool but it's just not mine....shit half the time I post things because I know it will piss someone off! HAHAHAHHAHA.. I'm sick like that I know...well have a Great thanksgiving and Hopefully the End of the world happens...but the logical people know it won't happen.

The Black Spiderman
p.s.-- I started a New Business check it out!   

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Liars!!!!!! (Read If Bored)

I get soo sick of people who try and lie to me. It's annoying especially when you know someone's lying. I used always call people out on their Bullshit because I just wanted them to know that I knew they were full of it! These people come in all shapes and colors..from family to friends to just random acquaintances. If something seems too good to be true then it probably is. My ex was a great liar, but I realize now that she got alot of her lying skills from the drugs. Anyone who uses has to be good at lying in order to scam and keep their addiction up. I get lied to on a daily basis from women giving me dumb excuses as to  why they can't hang out to people trying to sell me on the fact that they are some body important and can make me a star. Shit makes me laugh! Lets get this straight I'm a loner for a reason...I'm one of those people who can take care of themselves and if there's something I can't do...when forced to I can learn. I can cook, computer savy, medical skills, and versed in alot of different occupations. I'm what you call a chameleon. I can be whatever I need to be for whatever situation. There used to be a show back in the day "The Pretender" was this guy that could be whatever he, lawyer, teacher, mechanic etc. ... his I.Q. was off the charts. Now my I.Q. isn't like his but I think I fair pretty well....."The Sky is green"...duhhhhhhhhhhh....Politicians are the biggest liars. But in all actuality people don't want and can't handle the truth. Seriously lets say I wanted to go on a date with a girl and she asked me "So what do you want to do"? If I were to reply with "I just want you to come over, have sex till I'm satisfied then I want you to leave so I can get some sleep"... well I don't think that girl would be down for that. lol For women going out with a ask them as to why they would go out with a guy they would respond....well I want him to spend his money on me so I can feel good about myself....I'm not gonna have sex with him because I'm really not interested but I'll play with him for awhile because I like the attention. People don't want to hear that shit! The Truth hurts some I guess that's why we lie. I started off writting this blog because my mom pissed me off with some lies and now I don't even have a point to this rambling. All I know is that I need to start cutting some folks least those that I know to be LIARS!!

The Black Spiderman!/theblackspiderm